Asst. Prof. Dr. AYŞE SEYER
Faculty of Medicine
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Near East University Medical and Clinical Microbiology (PhD, 2015)
- Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences Medical and Clinical Microbiology (Master, 2009)
- Ankara University Biology (Undergraduate, 2007)
Books and books chapters published internationally
- - 2020
- - 2020
- - 2019
- - 2019
- - 2017
- - 2016
- - 2016
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- - 2011
- - 2010
- - 2010
- - 2010
Articles published in National journals
- - 2011
- Seyer A., Yaman M., Khalil I., Biter G., Yalçın B., Kalkancı A., Kustimur S. The Evaluation of the Morphology of Candida Species on Different Agar Plates. Türk Mikrobiyol Cem Derg 39 (3-4): 69-72, 2009. ISSN: 0258-2171.
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- - 2010
- - 2010
- - 2009
- - 2008
- A Fouad, A Kalkanci, A Seyer, M Dizbay, O Tunccan, K Hizel, K Caglar. Development and the evaluation of a real-time PCR assay for molecular diagnosis of polymicrobial sepsis: P1803. Clinical Microbiology & Infection 16
- A Seyer, A Kalkanci, A Fouad, S Kustimur. Detection of siderophore production of Aspergillus and Candida species: P257, Mycoses 52, 105-106
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Seyer A., Şanlıdağ T. Solar ultraviolet radiation sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2. The LANCET Microbe, 2020. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S2666-5247(20)30013-6
- Tasneem S., Seyer Cagatan A., Avci M.Z., Basustaoglu A.C. Job Satisfaction of Health Service Providers Working in a Public Tertiary Care Hospital of Pakistan. The Open Public Health Journal, 2018
- Seyer A, Karasartova D, Ruh E, Güreser AS, Turgal E, Imir T, Ozkan AT. Epidemiology and Prevalence of Blastocystis spp. in North Cyprus. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2017
- Seyer A., Karasartova D., Ruh E., Güreser A.S., İmir T., Taylan- Özkan A. Is ‘dried stool spots on filter paper method (DSSFP)’ more sensitive and effective for detecting Blastocystis spp. and their subtypes by PCR and sequencing? Parasitology Research, 2016.
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis Supervised
- Asiye Yücel, Ayşe Seyer. KKTC’de Bir Devlet - 2019
- Morountodun Olasehinde-Williams, Ayşe Seyer. Service Quality Perception of Obstetric Patients in Nigeria.(2017)
- Tuğba Büşra Özkan, Ayşe Seyer. Sağlık Alanında Eğitim Alan Stajyer Öğrencilerin Hasta Güvenliği Kültürü Algı Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi (2018)
- Syed Zeeshan Haider, Ayşe Seyer. Affordability of Health Insurance in Pakistan (2018)
- Assel Zharrassova, Ayşe Seyer. Awareness, Attitude and Knowledge Towards Tick Borne Encephalitis in Endemic Areas of Kazakhstan and Health Care Practices (2019)
- Melvine Kangong Berinyuy, Ayşe Seyer. Community Pharmacists’ Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Effectiveness of Healthcare Policies Towards Dispensing of Antibiotics Without Prescription (TRNC Case)
- Khadijah Muhammed, Ayşe Seyer. Emerging Disease Management in Nigeria (2019)
- . Dalya Mohammad Ismail, Co-advisor; Ayşe Seyer. Preventive Vaccination Knowledge and Attitude Among İmmigrant Population in United Arab Emirates. (Ocak 2020)
- Blastocystis in One Health (COST Association) International Project- Second Proposal
- The Louse Infestations of Adults and Children in TRNC (TRNC- TR- Israel Collaboration)
- Hitit University Scientific Research Project. Molecular Detection of Blastocystis spp and subtypes in TRNC
- TUBITAK 7th Frame Project (International) Investigation of disinfectants effect on mutant Candida sp and various clinical samples
- FEMS Fellowship Award: LAMMB University di Siena- Bacteriology Department, Italy- 2009 (2009)
Research Areas
- Medical and Molecular Microbiology
- Medical Parasitology
- Emerging Infectious Diseases
- Vector borne diseases
- Virology
- Blastocytis spp
Administrative Duties
- CIU Faculty of Medicine Vice Dean (2019-2023)
- Rector's Coordinator (2023-ONGOING)