Faculty of Education
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Üniversity of Marmara New Turkish Literatürere (PhD, 2011)
- EMU New Turkish Literatüre (Master, 2004)
- EMU Turkish Language and Literatüre (Undergraduate, 2002)
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- The Rebirth of the Wild Woman in Betül Tarıman’s Poetry - 2023
- The Woman and the Self in Jale Sancak's Novel Uyanan Güzel - 2022
- Taner Baybars Poem in the Context of Intercultural Literary Theory.Folklor/Edebiyat , 26 (104) , 859-882 . DOI: 10.22559/folklor.1403 - 2020
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, Anti War And Humanistic Approaches In Turkish Cypriot Novel, The Journal of International Social Research 11 (55) Şubat 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 55 February 2018. Issn: 1307-9581 http://dx.doi.org/10.17719/jisr.20185537180. - 2018
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, 'An Ecocritical Approach to Fikret Demirağ's Poetry', Folklor/Edebiyat, cilt:24, sayı:96, 2018/4, s.37-54. - 2018
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican " A Research Dual Opposites Structures On The Thief-Police Story Of Memduh Şevket Esendal", Asos Journal,2017, 5 (59), p. 115-125. - 2017
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican,” Realistic Novel Personalities And Characterisation In Ismail Bozkurt’s Novels, Folklor/Edebiyat Journal, 2016/3, 22(87), p.43-52. - 2016
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican. “Development Of The Turkish Cypriot Novel” Journal Of Cyprus Studies 26/27. (Edit. Michael J.K. Walsh.), Eastern Mediterranean University Press, Gazimağusa, 2004, p.99-115. - 2004
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Book Chapter - 2021
- Book Chapter - 2021
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, Kıbrıs Türk Romanı-Eserler Sözlüğü, CIU Publications, Lefkoşa, 2017. - 2017
- EAYLANÇ, Mihrican, Kıbrıs Türk Kültür ve Edebiyatı Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, Editor, 15.16 March 2014, Lefkoşa, TRNC. ditör - 2014
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican.'Cengiz Aytmatov'un Öykü ve Romanlarında Savaş ve Savaş Karşıtlığı' , Cengiz Aytmatov: Tematik İncelemeler, (Yazar-Editör Orhan Söylemez), Ankara: TC. Başbakanlık Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Yayınları, 2010, 396, s.49-71. - 2010
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican , ‘’ Araplara Satılan Kıbrıslı Kadınların Trajik Öyküsü: Zıggıye ve Kızı Şerâre ‘’ International Women Studies Congress March 08-09, 2021 ANKARA, - 2021
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler ve Eğitim Bilimleri Sempozyumu, "Kıbrıs Türk Kadın Şairlerinin Şiirlerinde Kadın ve Varoluş ", Elazığ, 10,11,2021. - 2021
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “Woman and Woman Representation in Literature”, In the Memory of Vedia Barut: in the 21st Century in the World and TRNC, in cooperation with Cyprus International University and Business Women Association, 25 April 2018. - 2018
- ÇETİNKAYA, Mihrican. "An Analysis on the Story of Tahir and Zühre",Yeniboğaziçi Halk Kültürü.Yay.Haz. Bozkurt İsmail ve Fedora Arnaut, Gazimağusa: Eastern Mediterranean Publishing, 2006, p.5-14. - 2006
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican (2020), "Being a Women Artists in the TRNC: Problems and Solutions", the World Women Conference-World Women's Congress, 7-8 March 2020 in Ankara, Turkey. - 2020
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, Poetry and Ecology: Basic Approaches and Their Traces in Fikret Demirağ Poetry, 3rd Fikret Demirağ Poetry Festival, European University of Lefke, 29 November 2019. - 2019
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, "A Socio-psychological Approach to Immigration to England on the Axis of the Turkish Cypriot Novel", IV. International Social Sciences Symposium, 27-29 October 2018, Antalya. - 2018
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “Anti-War And Humanistic Approaches In Turkish Cypriot Novel”, I. International Turkish World Social Sciences Symposium- Gotse Delçev University- Turkish World Institute, 10-14 May 2017, Antalya. - 2017
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, "East-West Contrast in Nâzım Hikmet's Literary Geography" XXVIII. International KIBATEK Literature Symposium -"The West in Eastern Literature, East in Western Literature" In Memory of Nâzım Hikmet, 20-25 June 2015. - 2015
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “The Modern View of Climbing the Mountain in the Turkish Cypriot Novel: Binbir Tepeler”, xxv. ” International KIBATEK Literature Symposium-Mountains in Literature, Alanya 30 October-3 November 2013. - 2013
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “Imaginary Transformations of Autumn in Contemporary Turkish Cypriot Poetry”, Proceedings of the Autumn International Symposium in Literature 16-20 November 2011 Alanya), Publishers Metin Turan, Kafiye Yinanç, Cyprus-Balkans-Eurasia Turkish Literature Institute (KIBATEK), Ankara 2012, p. 157-168. - 2012
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican. “15 July Coup in Cyprus and its Reflections on the Novel Kıbrıs Çarmıhtan İnerken”, 8th Cyprus Studies Congress, Gazimağusa. - 2012
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, "Re-reading the History of the Turkish Cypriots in the Light of the Memoir: How Our Roots Shook - Our Roots Are Being Removed One by One" xxııı. International KIBATEK Literature Symposium-Memoir Literature, İstanbul, 8-9 November 2012. - 2012
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican. 'Kıbrıs Türk Romanında Göç' Proceedings Of The Fifth International Congress On Cyprus Studies, ( 14-15 April 2005.),Volume I, Eastern Mediterranean University Pablication, Gazimağusa, 2005, s.289-307. - 2005
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican. "Time Fiction in Özden Selenge's Novels", XII. Language, Literature, Phraseology Symposium, Cilt I/Volume-1, Trakya University Publications, Edirne p.79-84.
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Karadağ, M., Aylanç, Mihrican (2020). Carob and Usage Areas in Cyprus Turkish Folk Culture, Milli Folklor Journal, Year 32, 16 (126), p.233-248. - 2020
Other Publications
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “A Monument for Women: Veba Sürunu (Plague Column) and Praise for Awakened Feeling with Feminine-Tongued Tales”, Bakırdan, Issue 3, 2019-2020. - 2020
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “Poet with a Fistful of Ashes: Feriha Altıok and Towards her Eylül”, Yenidüzen-Gaile, 7 October 2019. - 2019
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, Index of Folklor/Edebiyat Journal 1994-2019 (1-100. Volumes), (Pub. Pre.Nagihan Akkaşoğlu, Aylin Çelik), Ankara, 2019. - 2019
- - 2019
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “Call for an Ecological Society: Fikret Demirağ's Poetry”, Yenidüzen-Gaile, 3 September 2018. - 2018
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “A Tragic Case in Nafia Akdeniz’s Poetry: Father”, Yenidüzen-Gaile, 31 July 2017. - 2017
- - 2016
- - 2016
- - 2016
- - 2016
- - 2016
- - 2016
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, “Sources of the Turkish Cypriot Novel: History-Culture-Identity”, Evrensel Kültür, Issue 288, İstanbul, December 2015. - 2015
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican. “Modernist Perspectives in Özden Selenge's Novel Bir Kalp Çizildi”, Turnalar, 2014, p.53. - 2014
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican. “Navigating the Existential Sources of Void: On Mehmet Kansu and His Storybook Named Boşluk,”, Turnalar, 2014, p.57. - 2014
- • AYLANÇ, Mihrican, Bakırdan, Cyprus International University Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Annual Literature-Culture-Art e-Journal, Editor.
Books and books chapters published nationally
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican, Kardağ, Metin, “West Dichotomy In The Context Of The Father And Son Metaphor In Orhan Pamuk's Kırmızı Saclı Kadın Novel”, Ali Berat Alptekin Armağan Yayını,Kömen Publishing, 2019. - 2019
Articles published in National journals
- AYLANÇ, Mihrican. “Problems That Prospective Turkish Teacher Face in Application of Special Teaching Methods Course: Example of Informative and Educative Texts”, Selcuk University Institute of Turkish Studies Journal of Turkish Studies, 2012, 31, p. 333-351. - 2012
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis Supervised
- - 2019
- GÜNDÜZ, Ö.Mine (2017) Nâzım Hikmet'in Tiyatrolarında Sosyal Meseleler, UKÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü. - 2017
- Tuğba GÜLER (2016), Mustafa İzzet Adiloğlu'nun Şiir Dünyası, UKÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü. - 2016
- Ali ÇİFTÇİ (2016), Ali Nesim'in Öykülerinde Yapı ve İzlek, UKÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü. - 2016
- Hamide YILMAZ (2016), Özden Selenge'nin Romanlarında Kadın, UKÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü. - 2016
- SÖNMEZGÜL, Halil İbrahim(2016) Süreyya Evren'in Romanlarında Postmodernizm, UKÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü. - 2016
- İlyas CEYLAN (2015), M. Oğuz Yorgancıoğlu'nun 'Kıbrıs Türk Folkloru Duydum-Gördüm-Yazdım' ve 'Beşikten...Mezara Eğitim' Adlı Eserlerinde Kadın ve Çocuk Eğitimi, UKÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü. - 2015
- Gülizar, DEMİRTAŞ (2015), Özker Yaşın'ın Şiirlerinde Savaş, UKÜ Lisansüstü Eğitim-Öğretim ve Araştırma Enstitüsü. - 2015
- TRNC Studies Project: Witnesses of the Transformation from Göçmenköy to Göçmenşehir: Migrant Women-An Analysis of Socio-Cultural Change
- KKTC Cumhurbaşkanı Rauf Raif Denktaş'a Yazılan Mektupların Milli Arşivde Elektronik Ortama Aktarılarak İncelenmesi, Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğretmenliği Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Lisans Bitirme Projesi.
Research Areas
- New Turkish Literature, Migration Literature, Turkish Cypriot Literature, Women Studies, Ecocritisizm.