Assoc. Prof. Dr. HASAN SAMANİ
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Hacettepe University HISTORY (PhD, 2006)
- Hacettepe University HISTORY (Master, 1997)
- METU HISTORY (Undergraduate, 1994)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- The Beginning of Modern Municipal Councils in Cyprus During the Tanzimat (Ottoman Reform) Period) - 2018
- The Police (Zaptiyeh) Establishment in Cyprus During the Tanzimat (Ottoman Reform) period - 2017
- a) Ali Efdal Özkul-Hasan Samani (2020), “Diseases, Doctors and Patient- Doctor Relationships in Ottoman Cyprus as Revealed in Sharia Court Records”, BELLETEN, 84 (299), pp.262-296 (AHCI).
- c) Hasan Samani (2018). “The Primary Schools (Sibyans) in Ottoman Cyprus During the Tanzimat Reform Era (1839-1878)”, Quality and Quantity, 52,Pp. 205-214.(SSCI)
- d) Belkıs Ayhan Tarhan, Meltem Onurkan Samani, Hasan Samani. (2018). “Modernization, Nationalization, Globalization: Turkish Higher Education and Academics with a Perspective on the Problem of Identity", Quality and Quantity, 52. (SSCI)
- Hasan Samani (2017). “Tanzimat Döneminde Kıbrıs Ticareti”, Journal of History Culture and Art Research 6(4), 790-814.(ESCI)
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- g) Christine Counsell, Rachel Foster, Maria Georgiou, Maria Mavrada, Meltem Onurkan Samani, Hasan Samani, Mary Partridge (2012). “Bridging the Divide With a Question and a Kaleidoscope: Designing an Enquiry in a Challenging Setting”, Teaching History, no. 149 (December), Pp. 50-59.(ESCI) - 2012
Books and books chapters published nationally
- From a empire to Republic: The Foundation of Modern Turkey. Principles of Atatürk and Turkish Revolution - 2008
Written national books or sections in books
- “Social, Cultural and Religious Aspects of Ottoman Cyprus: The Nicosia Mevlevi Tekke”, pp. 417-426, The Northern Face of Cyprus. New Studies in Cypriot Archeology and Art History, Ed. Latife Summerer, Hazar Kaba, ege yayınları, İstanbul, 2016.
- c) Hasan Samani, Maria Mavrada, Meltem Onurkan Samani, Maria Georgiou, Ottoman Period in Cyprus: Learning to Investigate Change, Continuity and Diversity, AHDR Publications (copyright: UNDP-Act 2011, ISBN: 978-9963-703-07-4), Nicosia, Cyprus. (Published in English, Turkish and Greek), 2011.