Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Ankara Psychology (PhD, 2006)
- ODTÜ Psychology (Master, 2002)
- Hacettepe Psychology (Undergraduate, 1999)
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Özen,G.., & Curun, F. Relationship between Relationship Satisfaction and Attributional Styles: The Mediating Role of Positive and Negative Affect. Kıbrıs Türk Psikiyatri ve Psikoloji Dergisi, 4(1), 65-74. (ESCI, Scopus ve diğerleri) - 2022
- . Erol, P.A., Curun, F. (2021). ositive-Negative Affect as Mediator Between Gender Role and Relationship SatisfactionP., Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry & Psychology, 3(1): 13-21. (ESCI, Web of Science, Scopus ve diğerleri) - 2021
- Curun, F., Tangör, B. B., & Kaya, E. Ç. (2020).Psikoloji Çalışmaları, 40(2), 599Positive/negative affect and unique personality: The mediating role of emotion regulation difficulties.-623.( ESCI and others) - 2020
- . Curun, F &. Orçun-Yüksel, D., (2018). The Relationship between Parental Attitudes and Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem. Kalem Uluslararası Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 579-603 (Ulakbim ve diğerleri) - 2018
- Curun, F., Taysi, E., & Orcan, F. (2017). Ambivalent sexism as a mediator for sex role orientation and gender stereotypes in romantic relationships: A study in Turkey. Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships, 11(1), 55-69.(Scopus and others) - 2017
- Tangör-Beydoğan, B. , & Curun, F. (2016). Individual differences as predictors of psychological well-being: Authenticity, Self-Esteem, and Trait Anxiety.Özgünlük, Benlik Saygısı ve Sürekli kaygı. Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 5(4), 1-13 - 2016
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Ebru Taysi, Ferzan Curun & Fatih Orcan (2015) Hope, Anger, and Depression as Mediators for Forgiveness and Social Behavior in Turkish Children, The Journal of Psychology, 149:4, 378-393, DOI: 10.1080/00223980.2014.881313 - 2015
- TUBİTAK 1501 MORPA, Yıldız Technical University- "In Distance Education Deep Learning-Based Attention Tracking Software to Increase Productivity "Development" continues.(Psychology part of the project
- TÜBİTAK 1001 Project. Researcher. Experiencing poverty: poverty, deprivation and social exclusion through the eyes of children