Assoc. Prof. Dr. BUKET ERKAL
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Hacettepe Universty Clinical Psychology (PhD, 1984)
- Hacettepe Universty Clinical Psychology (Master, 1973)
- Hacettepe Universty Psychology (Undergraduate, 1969)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1996). Cognitive processes in depression: A review according to Beck Model, Doctoral dissertation (Tegin B. Thesis, Hacettepe University). SSCI Social Sciences Citation Index. Number 1B. - 1996
Articles published in National journals
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1990). Investigation of assertiveness behaviors and tendencies of university students in terms of gender and faculty variables. H.Ü. Journal of Psychology, 25, 23-33. - 1990
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1990). The relationship between university students' depressive symptoms and their level of assertiveness. H.Ü. Journal of Psychology, 1-2,51-65. - 1990
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1988). Community psychology and social mental health trend. Journal of Psychology, 22, 13-19. - 1988
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1987). Cognitive processes in depression: A review according to the Beck model. Journal of Psychology, IV. National Psychology Congress Special Issue, 21, 116-124. - 1987
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1986). Psychotherapy as a learning process. Journal of Psychology, 20, 66-73. - 1986
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1984). The factors that prepare the psychoanalytic theory. Tomorrow Magazine, 32, 8-9. - 1984
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1979). Phobic reaction treatment with systematic desensitization, one of the behavioral therapy techniques. Journal of Psychology, 5, 22-27. - 1979
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1979). Psychology and methodology. Journal of Psychology, 7, 22-24. - 1979
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1978). Systematic desensitization from behavioral therapy techniques. Journal of Psychology, 4, 22-25. - 1978
- Tegin (Berkal), B. (1978). Diagnosis and classification problem in psychology. Journal of Psychology. 3, 17-21. - 1978
Other Publications
- Eclectic and Integrative Approaches in Psychotherapy: Historical Development and Present. - 1990
Thesis Supervision
Doctorate Thesis Supervised
- Gülol, Ç. (2005). Group practice and effectiveness of structured gestalt contact styles with a focus on personal development. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara. - 2005
Master Thesis Supervised
- Altaylı, Z.B. (1999). Interpersonal schema differences between social phobic and non-phobic individuals. Unpublished master's thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara. - 1999
- Düzen, N.E. (1996). The roles of automatic and controlled attention components in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Unpublished master's thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara. - 1996
- Şahin, A. (1996). Investigation of the relationships between neuropsychological tests and intelligence tests in a group of university students. Unpublished master's thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara. - 1996
- Gulec, N. (1994). Defense mechanisms and psychological diagnosis relationship. Unpublished master's thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara. - 1994
- Yılmaz (Erseven), N. (1993). Stress levels, psychology and coping with stress in university students. - 1993
Research Areas
- 1989-1991 / 1991-1994 / 1994-1997 / 1997-2000 / 2000-2003 at H.Ü. Conducting the Head of the Department of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Department of Psychology with renewed appointments.
- Preparing and implementing the established clinical psychology education and training programs of the department of clinical psychology of the aforementioned department by providing inter-university interaction including internship and internship.
- Academic and administrative supervision and regulation of activities related to clinical practice to be carried out in KPUAL.
- Consultancy and education to take clinical interviews to a higher level in line with the technical and the principles on which they are based.
- Counseling to thesis advisors in clinical formation and selection of thesis topics in the execution of master theses.