Asst. Prof. Dr. SEVİLAY ÖREN
Vocational School
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Cyprus International University Communication and Media Studies (PhD, 2015)
- Gazi University Radio, Television and Cinema (Master, 2005)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Radio, Television and Film Studies (Undergraduate, 2001)
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Ören, S., Seçim, H. (2022). Siyasal İletişimde Sosyal Medyanın Yeni Kullanım Alanları ve Biçimleri: Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti (KKTC) 2020 Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimi Örneği. İ. Karlı, Z. B., Dondurucu, T. Yazıcı, ed., Dijitalleşen Dünyada Siyasal İletişim. Türkiye: Literatürk Academia - 2022
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Arslan, S. (2018). Effects of Social Media Usage on Academic Performance of undergrad Students. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 63, 329-345. - 2018
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Arslan, S. Website and twitter usage in public relations activities of public institutions: The case of TRNC Presidency. 2nd International Scientific Researches Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences (IBAD'2017), 20-23.09.2017. Istanbul, Turkey. - 2017
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Arslan, S. ve Seçim, H., 2015. The importance of social media in TRNC within the context political information, two-way political communication and democracy. Journal of Turkish World Studies. 15/1 Yaz-Summer 2015, 145-162. - 2015
- Arslan S., ve Seçim H., 2015. The importance of facebook as a political communication tool to influence voting decisions: The case of TRNC 2013 Early Parliamentary Elections. Folklor ve Edebiyat, 2015/4. - 2015
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis Supervised
- An Analysis of Digital News Coverage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria - 2023
- Rabia Çakmak, COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Sosyal Medya Kullanım Alışkanlıkları ve Motivasyonları - 2023
- The Use of Social Media for Campaign Messages on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - 2023
- The Use of Social Media by the Nigeran Government as a Public Relation Tool During the COVID-19 Pandemic - 2023
- Yeni Medyanın Siyasal İletişim Aracı Olarak Kullanımı ve Seçmen Tercihleri Üzerindeki Etkileri: 2020 KKTC Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimleri Örneği - 2022
- Beliefs, Attitudes and Behaviours of Young Consumers Toward Social Media Advertising - 2022
- Sosyal Medyanın İç Mekan Tasarım Sürecinde Tüketicilerin Tercihleri ve Satın Alma Davranışları Üzerindeki Etkileri - 2022
- Effect Of Social Media On Political Campaign And Political Participation During The Elections In Nigeria - 2022
- Digital Identity and SelfPresentation in Everyday Life on Instagram - 2021
- Social Media Usage And Motivations Of University Students : An Analysis in the Framework of Uses And Gratifications Approach - 2021
- Media Ownership and News Coverage: The Case of 2019 General Election in Nigeria, CIU Institute of Graduate Studies and Research, Communication and Media Studies, 2020. - 2020
- The Effects of Social Media Advertisement on Attitude Towards Brand - 2020
- The Use of Social Media in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs): The Evidence from North Nicosia, Cyprus, Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus International University, 2019. - 2019
- The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Interpersonal Communication and Self Disclosure, Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus International University, 2019. - 2019
- The Role and Importance of ICT Usage in Intra-Organizational Communication, Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus International University, 2018. - 2018
- Social Media Use of Municipalities as a Public Relations Tool: A Research on TRNC Municipalities, Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus International University, 2018. - 2018
- The Role and Importance of Product Packaging on undergrad Students Purchasing Decision, Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus International University, 2018. - 2018
- The Effects of Social Media Advertising on Buying Behavior of University Students, Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus International University, 2017. - 2017
Doctorate Thesis Supervised
- The Role of Public Relations, Social Responsibility and Customer Relationship Management on Customers’ Trust in Palestine Telecommunications Company Paltel - 2023
Research Areas
- Political Communication
- New Media
- Digital Media and Communication
Administrative Duties
- The Head of Vocational School, Radio and Television Programming Department (2012-ONGOING)
- İletişim Fakültesi Fakülte Kurulu Üyesi (2020-ONGOING)
- SET Komite Üyesi (2021-ONGOING)
- Head of Radio, Television and Cinema Department (2021-2023)