Vocational School
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
U.N. Sustaınable Development Goals
- Eastern Mediterranean University Architecture (Master, 2007)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Architecture (Undergraduate, 2002)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Taluğ, M., Kurt, S., “Discussing the Production of Tourist Spaces as the Tool of Capitalist Production Relations: The Case of Kyrenia”, METU JFA, (41:1), 173-201, 2024 - 2024
- Kiessel, M., Saymanlıer, A.M., Taluğ, M., “The Harbour at Aphendirika During the Early Byzantine Period and the Maritime Activity on the North-Eastern Coast of Cyprus”, OLBA, 32 .(XXXIII), 143-171, 2024. - 2024
Articles published in National journals
- Edgü, E., Taluğ, M., Özgece, N. (2015). 'Divided shopping: A syntactic Approach to Consumer Behaviour'. ITU AZ, vol.12 no.3 - 2015
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Aktaç, T., Özgece, N., Taluğ, M., Hoşkara, E., Sevinç, H., Şengezer, O., Özsoy, E., Ersever, A., 'Meslek Pratiği Ve Mesleğe Kabul Süreci', Mimarlık,Meslek Pratiği ve Denetimi, III. Mimarlık ve Eğitim Kurultayı ' Mimarlık Eğitim ve Meslek Alanında Bütünleşme ve Dayanışma, 31 Ocak 2014, Lefkoşa. - 2014
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Yıldız, D., Özgece, N., Taluğ, M., 'Regeneration of a Traditional Residential Area: Samanbahçe Social Housing in the Walled City of Nicosia', 9-11 Temmuz 2009, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi,Trabzon-Türkiye. - 2009
- Geçitkale Cumhuriyet Lisesi Restoration Project Proposali, 2013
- Geçitkale Cumhuriyet Lisesi: Cafeteria Project Proposal (design and drawings), 2013
- A House Project for Mustafa Özmen ve Şerife Günsel, Küçükkaymaklı, 2009.
- CIU Campus Entrance and landscape design, 2008.
- A House Project for Salih Özyıldırım, Taşkent, 2008.
- A House Project for Şenil Hubeyli, Lefke, 2007.
- A House Project for Mehmet Ali Tayfunsel, Taşkent, 2006.
- A House Project for Zehra-Salih Serçelik, Metehan, 2005.
- A House Project for Yıldıray Sedefi, Taskent, 2004.
- A House Project for Vusay Estate Agent, Karmi, 2004.
- Atölye Çalışmaları:
- 'The Famagusta Walled City Conservation Summer Research Project', organised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Randall Mason (University of Pennsylvania) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Ege Uluca Tümer (İstanbul Kültür University), supported by the World Monuments Fund (Institutional Collaboration: Cyprus International University, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimağusa Municipality), 5-13 July 2012.
- 'Film Aralığı in Architecture, Details in the Living City Nicosia', organised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aytanga Dener and hosted by Cyprus International University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, December 2009.
- 'Vertical Structure ' Workshop: Nicosia Kyrenia Gate', organised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aytanga Dener and hosted by Cyprus International
- 'Biodiesel Workshop', organised by Asst.Prof.Dr.Ertan Akün, Asst.Prof.Dr. Cemil Atakara and hosted by Cyprus International University, Faculty of Fine Arts/ Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture/Industrial Engineering, 15-17 May 2012.
- Organisation Comitee Duties:
- 'Kerpic '08: Learning from earthen architecture in climate-change', organised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bilge Işık and hosted by Cyprus International University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture,4-5 September 2008. (Member of the organizing committee: Secretariat).
- 'KKTC Kurucu Cumhurbaşkanı Rauf Raif Denktaş Anıt Mezarı ve Müzesi Uluslararası Proje Yarışması' Raportörlüğü, Eylül-Aralık 2012, Lefkoşa (Taluğ, M., Uluçay, P., Yücesoy, Ö ve Uluçay, B ile birlikte )
- 'A Swiss in the Mediterranean - The Cyprus Talks on Le Corbusier' organised by Prof.Dr.Atilla Yücel and hosted by Cyprus International University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, 10-13 December 2014. (Member of organizing committee: Secretariat)
Research Areas
- Spatial sociology