Vocational School
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Cyprus International University Architecture (PhD, 2018)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Architecture (Master, 2009)
- European University of Lefke Architecture (Undergraduate, 2007)
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Kiessel, M., Saymanlier, A. M., & Mesda, Y. (2019). Rural Vernacular Architecture and Ancient Settlements: The Case of Aphendrika in the Karpas Peninsula of Cyprus. ISBS 2019 - 4th International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (pp. 369-383). Dallas: Intech Open. - 2019
- M. Kiessel, Saymanlier, A., M., Mesda, Y., “Aphendrika in the Karpas peninsula of Cyprus. Rural vernacular architecture and ancient settlement. International Conference on Vernacular Architecture as frame of life in historic and ancient communities. 2019 Berlin - 2019
- M. Kiessel, Saymanlier, A., M., Mesda, Y., “Aphendrika in the Karpas peninsula of Cyprus. Rural vernacular architecture and ancient settlement. International Conference on Vernacular Architecture as frame of life in historic and ancient communities. 2019 Berlin - 2019
- Kiessel, M., Saymanlier, A. M., & Mesda, Y. (2019). Rural Vernacular Architecture and Ancient Settlements: The Case of Aphendrika in the Karpas Peninsula of Cyprus. ISBS 2019 - 4th International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (pp. 369-383). Dallas: Intech Open. - 2019
- Saymanlier, A., M., Ulbar, U., Cazacova, L., 'Creativity, Play and Design', Proceedings of Mediterranean Conference for Academic Disciplines, (ISSN 1943-6114), University of Malta's Gozo Campus, Gozo, Malta, February, 2010 - 2010
- Saymanlier, A., M., Ulbar, U., Cazacova, L., & Cazacova, N., 'Analysis of Passive Solar Performance of Traditional Buildings in Cyprus (Lefke)', Proceedings of ICCAE-8, 8th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, The Egyptian Ministry of Defense, 22 May 2010, Cairo, Egypt. - 2010
- Cazacova, L., Ulbar, U., Cazacova, N., & Saymanlier, A., M., 'The Cultural Heritage Issues in Developing Countries', Proceedings of HERITAGE 2010, 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, GLISD, 22 June 2010, Evora, Portugal. - 2010
- Cazacova L., Erdelhun A., Saymanlier A., Cazacova N., Ulbar U., 'Social and Spatial Aspects of Housing Development Affecting Urban Quality of Life-the case of Famagusta', Procedings of ICURPT 2010: International Conference on Urban, Regional Planning and Transformation, (ISSN: 2070-3740 & ISSN: 2070-3724 reviewed and indexed by SCIRUS, Google Scholar, Engineering Index (Compendex), EBSCO, GALE, DOAJ, INTUTE, Scientific Commons and Electronic Journals Library) 28 June, 2010, Paris, France. - 2010
- Ulbar, U., Cazacova, L., Saymanlier, A., M., & Cazacova, N., 'Branding Lefke', Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Architecture & Urban Development, CSAAR, CIB, IISBE, UNER, 12 July 2010, Amman, Jordan. - 2010
- Saymanlier, A.,M., Cazacova, L., Ulbar, U., Cazacova, N., Ozdeniz, M., 'Relation Between Spaces and Climate in Vernacular Cypriot Architecture', Proceedings of ISVS 5 CONFERENCE, 30, July 2010, Sri Lanka. - 2010
- Cazacova L., Saymanlier A., Caganaga V., Ulbar U., 'Abandoned Methods of Passive Solar Design in Traditional Cypriot Architecture', Proceedings of 37th World Congress in Housing: Design, Technology, Refurbishment and Management of Buildings, 26 October, 2010, Santander, Spain. - 2010
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Saymanlier, A.M., Kurt, S. & Ayiran, N., The Place Attachment Experience Regarding the Disabled People: The Typology of Coffee Shops.Qual Quant (2018) 52: 2577. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-017-0678-1 - 2018
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Saymanlier, A.M., Kurt, S. & Ayiran, N. The place attachment experience regarding the disabled people: The Typology of Coffee Shops, Qual Quant (2018) 52: 2577. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-017-0678-1 - 2018
- Paper presentation - ECOSUD IV, 4th International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, Sienai Italy, 'Towards a Sustainable Development Strategy for Büyükkonuk (Komi Kebir) Village, North Cyprus'. - 2003
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Climatic Aspects of Spaces: The Case of Cypriot Vernacular Architecture - 2011
- Saymanlier, A., M., 'The Role of Graphic Design in Architectural Configuration to Create Institutional Identity' BUHU 2005, 5th International Postgraduate Research Conference in Built and Environment ,The University of Salford, UK, - 2005
Articles published in National journals
- Saymanlier, A., M., Ulbar, U., Cazacova, L., 'Creativity, Play and Design', International Journal of Art and Sciences, (ISSN 1944-6934), February, 2010. - 2010
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Saymanlier A., M., Cazacova, L., Caganaga, V., Ulbar, U., From Traditional Cypriot House to an Energy Efficient House, Presentation of the article on EPA Energy Efficient Building Conference, Nicosia, North Cyprus, January 2010 - 2010
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis Supervised
- The Effect Of Physical Environment On Child-Friendly Hospitals: Case Study Of Pediatric Cancer Department? Of Al Hussein Cancer Center In Jordan
- Impact of Corporate Identity on Interior Design in Commercial Spaces The Case of Bank Offices in Northern Cyprus
- Spatial Analysis Of The Spaces Of Individuals With Down Syndrome The Case Of Down Cafe Nicosia
- Lambousa projesi
- Aphendrika
- Revitalization of Milos
Research Areas
- Architecture
- Interior Architecture
- Place Attachment
- Branding
- Brand Space