Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- METU Philosophy (PhD, 2016)
- METU Philosophy (Master, 2010)
- Bilkent University Molecular Biology and Genetics (Undergraduate, 2006)
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Gökhan Akbay, “Gene Centrism, Causal Specificity and Missing Heritability,” Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 77, no. 4 (2021): 1455–78 [Scopus] - 2022
- Akbay, G., 2010. Evolvability of Consciousness. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. 66:4.,881-896. http://www.publicacoesfacfil.pt/product.php?id_product=255. - 2010
Articles published in National journals
- Akbay, G. (2020). Ernst Mach: Sensory monism and materialism. Madde, Diyalektik ve Toplum. 3:4. s.310-317 - 2020
- AKBAY, G . (2019).Peer Disagreements in Science: William Castle and Richard Goldschmidt against Orthodox Mendelians. Dört Öge , (16) , 17-47 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/dortoge/issue/52314/638715 - 2019
- Akbay, G. 2018. Defending Dialectics in Biology: Levins and Lewontin. Madde, Diyalektik ve Toplum. 1:2. s. 120-134 - 2018
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Akbay, G., 2016. Gene centrism and genetic determinism: selfish gene and modern genetics. in Akış, I., Altınışık N. E. (Eds). Evrimin Işığında. İstanbul: Yazılama. 79-105. - 2016
- Akbay, G., 2016. The spirit of modern synthesis: genetic reductionism. in Akış, I., Altınışık N. E. (Eds). Evrimin Işığında. İstanbul: Yazılama. - 2016
- Akbay G.,2014. Jacques Monod: Lysenko affair, dialectical materialism and the relation between politics and science. Dizdar, A. (Ed.). Marksizm Bilime Yabancı mı?: Bilim Üzerine Marksist Tartışmalar. İstanbul: Yazılama. 88-115. - 2014
- Akbay, G.,2010, Teleosemantic approach and the meaning of complex concepts. Kibar, S. Bayram , S. A., Sol, A. (Eds). Anlam Kavramı Üzerine Yeni Denemeler, İstanbul: Legal Yayınları, 415-424 - 2010
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Akbay G., 2011. Function, Natural Selection and Information. in Pereira, A., L., Pita, J., R., Fonseca, R., F.,(Eds.). Darwin, Evolutionists, Evolutionisms. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. 101-105 - 2011
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Sol, A., Akbay, G., 2009. Memory, Personal Identity, and Moral Responsibility, Analecta Husserliana, 101(1),167-179. - 2009
Other Publications
- Akbay, G., 2007. Evolution of consciousness. JMO Haber Bülteni, 2007/2. 44-48 - 2007
Research Areas
- Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Mind