Faculty of Engineering

Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Duration 4 Years
biyomedikal mühendisliği lisans CIU-biyomedikal-muhendisligi-programi-3 insaat-muhendisligi-doktora

About the Department

Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering is one of the most important among all engineering disciplines, due to the use of fossil fuels as an energy source, its effect on the economic balance, and the estimated depletion of the reservoirs. Exploring new reservoirs, operating them economically, and transporting the produced petroleum to the point of use with concern for the environment is therefore extremely important for the future of mankind. We aim to be members of the petroleum industry and contribute to both the production and measures to protect the environment (in addition to the exploration, operation, and transportation sides of the trade).

Education Opportunities

The program is designed to prepare graduates to be proficient in mathematics, probability and statistics, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, and thermodynamics. The field-specific topics for petroleum engineering include: design and analysis of well systems, drilling and completing wells, evaluation of subsurface geological formations using geoscientific and engineering methods, design and analysis of systems for producing, injecting and handling fluids, application of reservoir engineering principles for optimizing resource development and management, the use of project economics, and resource evaluation methods for design and decision-making. The content is completed with a graduation project experience that prepares students for engineering practices, incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints.

The students greatly benefit from technical visits, summer training, and seminars given by professional engineers and administrators of petrol companies. Career days organized by the university enable students to better understand the petroleum and natural gas sector.


Career Areas

Graduates of this program can easily find job opportunities in local or international firms dealing with petroleum and/or natural gas. The position can be in petroleum exploration, drilling, production, transportation, equipment development and maintenance, or in the refining and development of petroleum products for specific practices. Petroleum and natural gas engineers can work as engineers in exploration and drilling, in production areas, in a refinery as engineers, or as administrators. Petroleum and natural gas engineers can also work as energy engineers focusing on the efficient utilization of petroleum products in all relevant fields.


Faculty of Engineering
Science and Technology Center, ST 226
Tel: +90 392 671 1111 Extension: 2401
Faculty E-mail: secretary-fe@ciu.edu.tr
Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Hakan ÖZYURTKAN
Head of Department: E-mail: hozyurtkan@ciu.edu.tr