
More than 1,8 billion people across the world do not have adequate housing

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture (FADA) Academic Staff Assoc. Prof. Dr. Devrim Yücel Besim, stating that for architecture, the most important and broadest subject is “housing”, Besim went on to state, “Although in terms of an architectural program it is very complex, and in terms of the area it is not very large, a house is beyond a place to put our heads in. The 'home', which has changed shape since the existence of man but has constantly developed, is more than a physical space, it is the place where we feel the best, it’s our home”.

Yücel Besim reminded that the 4th October World Architecture Day has been celebrated since 1985, and continued “The 2021 theme, which focuses on 'housing, public spaces, and their relationship with climate change, and was determined by the International Union of Architects (UIA), first deals with the ‘housing problem’".

Reminding that the UIA has stated that “Across the world, more than 1,8 billion people do not have adequate housing”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel Besim expressed that by 2030, 40 percent of the world's population will need "access to adequate housing", which is a prerequisite for access to employment, education, health, and social services.

Drawing attention to the fact that along with numerical inadequacy, which is a priority today, there has been a change in the quality of life and there is also a necessity or housing designs that are respectful to the environment, Yücel Besim continued, “Housing designs are being reconsidered, especially due to our homes being turned into workspaces during and after the pandemic”.

Explaining that housing design has always held a deep space within the education of space design, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel Besim stated, “Housing Design is emphasized not only during studio design courses but also in theoretical courses and during other activities”.

Stating that as CIU FADA celebrate 7th October World Habitat Day, Yücel Besim expressed his hope for the increase of housing and residential environments to be developed in Cyprus, with an attitude of equality of their use, and in accordance to universal design rules.