Legal Loopholes Should be Eliminated to Prevent Violence in Sports
Cyprus International University Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Rona drew attention to the increasing violence in sports competitions in the TRNC and emphasized the need for a comprehensive legal regulation in this area.
Evaluating the current situation in the TRNC, Rona said, "Incidents of violence in sports competitions are increasing in the TRNC, but there is no comprehensive law that directly addresses this issue. Existing laws are not a deterrent because they do not specifically focus on violent incidents in sports."
Rona stated that the reasons for the violent incidents include "the provocative effect of the media, the provocative attitudes of sports managers and the pressure on referees" and added that "factors such as unemployment, economic difficulties and social stress can lead individuals to exhibit aggressive behavior at sports events".
Referring to the solutions proposed, Rona said, "In order to prevent violence in sports, sanctions such as heavy fines, bans from watching and imprisonment should be imposed on those who cause trouble on the field or on the benches in the seating area."
Drawing attention to the importance of a new law, Rona said, "A law to prevent violence in sports in the TRNC will support both the security of the individual and the development of sports. By eliminating existing legal gaps, rapid and effective interventions will be made in cases of violence, and the spirit of friendship and sportsmanship at the core of sports will be preserved."