
The increasing importance of organizational transformation and communication during Coronavirus

Academic staff, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şirin Atakan-Duman from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Cyprus International University stated that the structuring of businesses and ways of doing business changed all over the world because of the COVID-19 outbreak. She continued: “During this process, businesses are in a serious transformation in terms of managing their relations with their stakeholders. So under the environmental pressure caused by this transformation, the companies that manage the adaptation process the best will survive”.

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Duman mentioned that establishing strong relationships with stakeholders has great importance in the success and survival of businesses, however, in this process, the face-to-face communication with the stakeholders has largely disappeared or have been seriously haltered because they have been reduced to a minimum to maintain a social distance.

It was emphasized that the relations of businesses with the stakeholders are important and effective communication has great importance in maintaining relations with stakeholders without any damage.

For the companies to maintain strong relations with their stakeholders, it is important to transfer the knowledge that the priority of the enterprise is to protect the health of its stakeholders; to take measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to announce them through any social media platform without prioritizing the financial losses of the business.

Also, explaining that it is important for business providers to inform the stakeholders that their priority is partners’ health, Duman said, “during this period, it is known that all businesses will be adversely affected financially, but with the measures taken promptly; companies that can establish long-term strong relationships will be able to survive from these difficult days”.