Health Sciences

Have all the colors of the rainbow on your plate

Cyprus International University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Academic Staff and President of the Cyprus Turkish Dietetic Association. Dr. Dietician Ayşe Okan, in a statement in relation to strengthening your body resistance against diseases while protecting your health, drew attention to the importance of having a colorful diet, using the expressions, “have all the colors of the rainbow on your plate”.

Stating that they divide foods into 6 colors for optimal health, Okan stated that they are grouped as white foods, red foods, blue / purple foods, yellow foods, orange foods, and green foods.

Advising that each color helps to increase the resistance against diseases by strengthening the immune system, Dr. Dietician Okan went on to say, “It also enables easier recovery against diseases”.
Adding that a colored diet has numerous benefits, Okan elaborated, "It prevents DNA damage, reduces stress in our body, delays aging, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, alleviates the course of diseases, protects eye health, ensures the balanced intake of vitamins and minerals, protects bone health and increases fertilization".

Ayşe Okan pointed out that in order to have a healthy body and a strong immune system, reducing the consumption of red meat, alcohol, salt and sugar is necessary, and stated that it is important to increase our food variety by consuming from each food group.

While Okan advised that the consumption of vegetables and fruits should be increased, she also stated that a minimum of 1.5-2L water should be consumed on a daily basis.

Adding that legumes and fish should be consumed 2-3 times a week, Okan also said "on the other hand, it is important to avoid fried food, sherbet desserts and cigarettes."


It is important to avoid shock and liquid diets during the pandemic period.

Dr. Dyt. Okan stated that during the pandemic period, shock and liquid diets that would shake the immune system should especially be avoided, and that during this process, low calorie intake and insufficient nutrition should be avoided.

Stating that it is necessary to be careful when taking medical nutritional treatment or individual nutritional recommendations, Okan drew attention to the importance of receiving these recommendations from dieticians registered to the Cyprus Turkish Dietetic Association.