
CIU students were informed in relation to the necessary immigration transactions

The International Center and the Student Development and Counseling Center (SDCC), both within the remit of the Cyprus International University (CIU), held a seminar in cooperation with the Police Headquarters Migration Department, for newly registering students and existing students, to inform them on immigration transactions.

During the first section of the informative seminar that was delivered by the Police Headquarters Immigration Department Chief Inspector Oral Ordu, the students were informed in relation to the rules, procedures, and penalties that are currently in force in Northern Cyprus.

Drawing attention to the fact that the applications in question are made online, Chief Inspector Ordu also explained how to use the online system.

Pointing to the decisions taken by the Council of Ministers during the pandemic period, Chief Inspector Ordu referred to the student criteria’s, and practices in completing their immigration procedures upon their arrival, after arrival and any outstanding from the past.

Stating that if any permit application is made after the said deadline, the student may face a late application penalty, Ordu gave information about the deadlines required for the proceedings.

Explaining that should a permit application be made after the said deadline, the student may face a penalty for being late, Chief Inspector Ordu gave information about the deadlines required for the proceedings.

Stating that in some cases, some students were not able to register or did not complete their registration, however, were still able to remain on the island, Ordu also gave advise in relation to what transactions could be done in such cases.

During the informative seminar, Ordu additionally gave information in relation to whether students with a student status could work or not work, and what they would need to do in the event their families would like to come to the island.

Answering the student’s questions during the second section of the seminar, Ordu answered questions in relation to student fines, outstanding immigration transactions from last year, required documents upon entry to the island, and procedures in relation to immediate family coming to the island.

The informative seminar that was provided in both the English and Turkish languages, came to an end by also being translated into Arabic and French.