
CIU signs Data analytics agreement with TELSIM

A comprehensive data analytics agreement was signed between Telsim and Cyprus International University in order to increase the competencies of students and academicians and to develop new products jointly.
Among the attendees at the ceremony were Telsim General manager Sefer Tüz, CIU Rector Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri, President of Board of Trustees Mete Boyacı, Vice-rector Prof. Dr. Gürkan Doğan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erkay Özgür, Deputy General Manager Responsible for Vodafone Business Unit Sevim Beşok Esendağlı, Deputy General Manager Responsible for Telsim Technology Togan Çakmak, Secretary General Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asil Azimli, Dean of Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Serkan Abbasoğlu, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Application Center Director  Prof. Dr. Erbuğ Çelebi and Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erayman.  

Sefer Tüz: “ Signing this agreement protocol with you signifies a very valuable cooperation between CIU and TELSIM.”
Telsim General Manager Sefer Tüz stated that, as Telsim, they always work toward achieving innovative targets on the island.
Tüz said, “As part of the Vodafone company, which has the experience and infrastructure in most countries in the world, we always think of the best for the TRNC and make our plans accordingly and aim for targets at the highest level. We have introduced great innovations to the island in terms of technology and we will continue to do so.” 
Stating that the signed protocol is a very valuable cooperation for them, Tüz said that it is an initiative that will encourage not only academic achievements but also industrial collaborations.
Tüz said, “Innovations and technological transformations brought about by the digital age have made access to information and data use more critical than ever. In this context, as Vodafone, we are very pleased to share our knowledge regarding data analysis and technology with Cyprus International University.” 

Halil Nadiri: “As Cyprus International University, we attach great importance to university-industry cooperation, and we would be pleased if our graduates find job opportunities in international institutions such as Vodafone and benefit from internship opportunities during their education.” 
Rector of Cyprus International University Prof. Dr. Halil Nadiri stated that the cooperation protocol is important for the development of university and industry collaboration. 
Rector Nadiri emphasized that it is important for qualified academics and researchers of Cyprus International University to share their knowledge with the sector through such collaborations, and for students to have the opportunity to improve themselves with practical applications as well as theoretical knowledge by taking part in real applications during their education. 
Prof. Dr. Nadiri emphasized that the connections that students have the chance to establish with the business world during their education will create an important opportunity for them after graduation and the business world in terms of employment, and he added that the opportunity to work in an international company like Vodafone is important. 
Nadiri also said, “We would be pleased if graduates of Cyprus International University can work in your institution and benefit from internship opportunities in your institution during their education.” 
To conclude, Rector Nadiri stated that it’s their aim for CIU's academics, researchers and students to have a good and productive collaboration with Vodafone.

Sevim Beşok Esendağlı: “We set out on a path in line with the demand from CIU and we are starting to work together to train successful young people in the field of technology to our country.”
Sevim Beşok Esendağlı, Deputy General Manager in Charge of Vodafone Business Unit, said that they work with many institutions and organizations across the TRNC and added that they support the companies they work with in digitalization their products and help widen their visions so that they can keep up with the present day and age.
Esendağlı said, “We set out on a path in line with the demand from CIU and we are starting to work together to train successful young people in the field of technology to our country.” said.

Togan Çakmak: “Thanks to this collaboration, students will be ready to join the business world and be well-equipped individuals when they graduate.”
Togan Çakmak, Telsim Deputy General Manager Responsible for Technology and IT, stated that thanks to this cooperation, academicians and students will have the opportunity to put their theoretical knowledge into practice by working on real data sets offered by Vodafone.
Çakmak said, “Thanks to the signed protocol, students will be able to join the business world as ready and equipped individuals when they graduate. Big data analysis plays an important role in making strategic decisions and developing innovative solutions in today's competitive and fast-changing world.” said.

Erbuğ Çelebi: “We will work on creating data and extracting insights from the data by processing your data.”
Artificial Intelligence Application and Research Center Director Prof. Dr. Erbuğ Çelebi stated that they created and developed their knowledge by conducting scientific studies on artificial intelligence within the university.
Çelebi said, “We set out to use our knowledge with a distinguished company in our country, and you, as Telsim, welcomed this idea. Regarding the technical details, we discussed with Mr. Togan what data we could work on, what we could add to the protection of personal data and how we would organize it. In this context, we will process your data and work on creating data and extracting insights from the data that will benefit you.”