
CIU Academician, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Baktır said, “The prevention of fire is easier and cheaper than fighting fires”

Cyprus International University (CIU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Dean, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Baktır, stated that areas that are covered by forests are an important natural resource that organizes the flora and fauna, areas climate, and the water regime, protects the soil, supports the biodiversity, and are directly and indirectly important natural resources that support a country’s economy, and went on to say, “While the value of our forests are increasing more due to the continually warming of our world at a global rate, the possibility of our forest burning and disappearing is also increasing.

Reminding that the dominant plant of the Cyprus forests; the red pines, are extremely sensitive to fires, Baktır continued, "Due to both the high resin it contains and the dry, fire sensitive leaf -cover that is formed by the substrate, the red pine is a tree species with a high risk of burning”.

Stating that there is also a density of shrubs in the form of maquis, that are characterized as

intermediate combustible material in the forest area, and a dense tall dried herbaceous layer, Baktır advised, “The severity increases even more when you add the northern winds, which occur in the summer season and reach 40-60 km per hour, and low humidity to the issue”.

Pointing out that in the face of increasingly severe global warming conditions, forest fires cannot be prevented from breaking out and spreading, Baktır noted that this situation will lead to the formation of sandstorms in the future. Expressing that it is easier and cheaper to prevent fires instead of fighting fires, Baktır made some suggestions.

Suggesting that a "martial law" arrangement should be made to prevent fires in the summer months, Baktır went on to state, "Within the framework of the Green Martial Law, throughout the fire season, human and vehicle traffic upon the roads that are entering and leaving the forests, should be put under strict control."

Noting that citizens living in settlements in close proximity to forests should be informed by using visual education technologies, Baktır also suggested that compulsory environmental education in relation to the importance and protection of the environment be provided, beginning from primary school.

Emphasizing the importance of developing an infrastructure in fighting forest fires, Baktır continued, "In particular, a firefighting fleet of helicopters, more frequently dispersed water tanks across the field, a lot of firefighting stations, and firefighting teams, should be established."

Baktır also went on to note that the team with the firefighting duty, should be chosen from people who know the region and have experience of working in the difficult conditions of nature, and that these people should also periodically undergo fire training.

Drawing attention to the fact that some of the forest fires are caused by power line faults that passthrough forests, Baktır noted that it is for this reason that energy lines should be arranged in a way that minimizes or eliminates the risk of forest fires.

Baktır stated, "The relevant ministry should regularly clean the forest substrate that increases the hazard of fire, and the surrounding area of all kinds of transportation networks, every year prior to the fire season (between February and June depending on the regions).

Drawing attention to the importance of including species that catch fire slower and also burn more slowly in afforestation, Baktır advised, “In habitats that are suitable for each tree species, whether in rows, strips, or clusters, walnut, plane tree, bay, mulberry, stone pine, carob, oak, sandalwood, frankincense, cypress, olive, false acacia tree species, should be planted”.

Stating that the residential areas within the forest should be removed from the forests as much as possible, Baktır said, “While doing this, in the forest areas adjacent to the village borders and in the expropriated areas, afforestation should be made with walnut, plane tree, bay, mulberry, peanut pine, carob, sandalwood, frankincense, cypress, olive and false acacia trees, which have various economic values ​​for the local people”.

Stating that legal measures should be taken to prevent stubble burning, which is one of the main causes of forest fires on the island, Baktır concluded, "The plowing of stubble in the forest and its edges should be made compulsory, as soon as the crop is cut, when the soil is in shade".