Faculty of Health Sciences
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences (PhD, 1994)
- Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences (Master, 1990)
- Hacettepe University School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation (Undergraduate, 1984)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Miçooğulları, M., Yüksel, İ., Angın, S. Efficacy of scapulothoracic exercises on proprioception and postural stability in cranio-cervico-mandibular malalignment: A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 37(4): 883-896, 2024 - 2024
- Miçooğulları, M., Yüksel, İ., Angın, S. Effect of pain on cranio-cervico-mandibular function and postural stability in people with temporomandibular joint disorders. Korean J Pain, 37(2): 164-177, 2024 - 2024
- Kırmızı, M., Salık Şengül, Y., Akcali, O., Angin, S. Effects of foot exercises and customized arch support insoles on foot posture, plantar force distribution, and balance in people with flexible flatfoot: A randomized controlled trial. Gait & Posture, 113, 106-114, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.202 - 2024
- Yalcinkaya Colak, G., Kirmizi M., Salik Sengul, Y., Orhan Kalemci, O., Salih Angin, S. Comparison of trunk muscle endurance between women with and without chronic neck pain, Pain Management Nursing, sep. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmn.2024.08.002 - 2024
- Kirmizi, M., Salik, Y., Angin, S. Investigation of balance performance under different sensory and dual-task conditions in patients with chronic neck pain. Musculoskelet Sci Pract, 56: 102449, 2022 - 2022
- Kırmızı, M., Salık Şengül, Y., Angin, S. The effects of calf muscles fatigue on dynamic plantar pressure distribution in normal foot posture and flexible flatfoot: A case-control study. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 35(3):649-657; 2022. - 2022
- Kırmızı, M., Salık Şengül, Y., Yalcinkaya, G., Angin, S. Are Static Foot Posture Measures Related to Static and Dynamic Plantar Pressure Parameters? J Am Podiatr Med Assoc, 112(6):20-129, 2022 - 2022
- Kırmızı, M., Çakıroğlu, M.A., Salık Şengül, Y., Angin, S. Investigation of the Relationships Among Clinical Measures of Foot Posture in Individuals with and Without Pronated Foot - 2021
- Kirmizi, M., Cakiroglu, MA., Angin, S. Reliability of Different Clinical Techniques for Assessing Foot Posture, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2020.02.002, August 2020. - 2020
- Kirmizi, M., Salik, Y., Angin, S. The effects of gait speed on plantar pressure variables in individuals with normal foot posture and flatfoot, Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics, DOI: 10.37190/ABB-01652- 2020-02, July 2020. - 2020
- Kirmizi, M., Simsek, IE., Elvan, A., Akcali, O., Angin, S. Investigation of the effects of flat cushioning insole on gait parameters in individuals with chronic neck pain. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 21(2):135- 141, 2019 - 2019
- Kirmizi M, Simsek IE, Elvan A, Akcali O, Angin S. Gait speed and gait asymmetry in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 41:23-7, 2019 - 2019
- Elvan A, Simsek IE, Cakiroglu MA, Angin S. Association of quadriceps angle with plantar pressure distribution, navicular height and calcaneotibial angle. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 53(2):145-9, 2019 - 2019
- Simsek IE, Elvan A, Selmani M, Cakiroglu MA, Kirmizi M, Bayraktar BA, Angin S. Generalized hypermobility syndrome (GHS) alters dynamic plantar pressure characteristics. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 32(2):321-7, 2019 - 2019
- Akçay, B., Elvan, A., Selmani, M., Çakıroğlu, M.A., Satoğlu, S., Akçalı, Ö., Angin, S., Şimşek, IE. Effects of Schroth exercises combined with orthotic treatment on balance control in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation; 5(3):125-134, 2018 - 2018
- Ozmanevra, R., Angin, S., Günal, H.I., Elvan, A. Effect of Different Insole Materials on Kinetic and KinematicVariables of the Walking Gait in Healthy People. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc, 108(5): 390-396, 2018 - 2018
- Angin S, Mickle KJ, Nester CJ. Contributions of foot muscles and plantar fascia morphology to foot posture, Gait & Posture, 61:238–242, 2018 - 2018
- Keleş, E., Şimşek, İ.E., Selmani, M., Tarsuslu Şimşek, T., Angin, S., Yakut, Y. Intertester and intratester reliability in measurement of joint range of motion using two smart phones. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation; 3(1):21-29, - 2018
- Elvan A, Selmani M, Kara B, Angin S, et al. Effects of textured insoles on static balance tests inpatients with multiple sclerosis, Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation. 4(3):111-117, 2017 - 2016
- Mickle KJ, Angin S, Crofts G, Nester CJ. Effects of Age on Strength and Morphology of Toe Flexor Muscles. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 46(12): 1065-1070, 2016 - 2016
- Demirbüken İ, Özyürek S, Angın S. The immediate effect of patellar tendon strap on weight-bearing asymmetry during squatting in patients with unilateral knee osteoarthritis: A pilot study. Prosthet Orthot Int., 40(6):682-688, 2016 - 2016
- Soysal Tomruk, M., Gürpınar, B., Özyürek, S., Karadibak, S. Çakır, Ö., Angin, S. Relationship between physical activity and perceived stress in physiotherapists. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation; 3(1):15- 20, 2016. - 2016
- Subaşı, S.S., Çeliker Tosun, Ö., Angin, S. Muscle Ultrasound imaging in Physiotherapy Turkiye Klinikleri J Physiother Rehabil-Special Topics; 1(1):43-53, 2015 - 2015
- Angin, S., Crofts, G., Mickle, K.J., Nester, C.J. Ultrasound evaluation of foot muscles and plantar fascia in pes planus, Gait and Posture, 40(1):48-52, 2014, - 2014
- Crofts G, Angın S, Mickle K.J., Hill S, Nester C.J. Reliability of ultrasound for measurement of selected foot structures, Gait and Posture, 39(1):35-39, 2014 - 2014
- Angin S, Karadibak D, Yavuzşen T, Demirbüken I. Unilateral upper extremity lymphedema deteriorates the postural stability in breast cancer survivors, Contemp Oncol (Pozn);18(4):279-84, 2014 - 2014
- Özyürek S, Demirbüken I, Angın S. Altered movement strategies in sit-tostand task in persons with transtibial amputation, Prosthetics and Orthotics, International, 38(4):303-9, 2014 - 2014
- Balcı B, Akdal G, Yaka E, Angın S. Vestibular rehabilitation in acute central vestibulopathy: A randomized controlled trial, Journal of Vestibular Research, 23:259-67, 2013 - 2013
- Mickle KJ, Angin S, Crofts G, Steele JR. Effects of age on strength of the toe flexor muscles, Footwear Science, 5(Supp 1):57-58, 2013 - 2013
- Salih Angın, Nursen İlçin, Sevgi Sevi Yeşilyaprak, I. Engin Şimşek. Prediction of postural sway velocity by foot posture index, foot size and plantar pressure values in unilateral stance, Joint diseases and related surgery, 24(3):144-148, 2013 - 2013
- Bakırhan S, Angın S, Karatosun VA, Ünver B, Günal İH. Physical performance parameters during standing up in patients with unilateral and bilateral total knee arthroplasty, Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 46(5):367-72, 2012 - 2012
- Akdal G, Dönmez Balcı B, Angın S, Öztürk V, G. Michael Halmagyi. A longitudinal study of balance in migraineurs, Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 12(1):27-32, 2012 - 2012
- Mutlu EK, Demirbüken I, Angın S, Özdinçler AR. Evaluation of static and dynamic postural balance in rheumatoid arthritis, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 41(Supp-126): 55, 2012 - 2012
- Mutlu EK, Demirbüken I, Angın S, Özdinçler AR. The effect of metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis on static and dynamic balance in rheumatoid arthritis patients, The Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 41(Supp 126): 54-55, 2012 - 2012
- Şengül Y, Algun Z, Özer E, Angın S, Arda M. Health locus of control beliefs and postural control in chronic low back pain patients, Journal of Neurological Sciences[Turkish], 28(2):222-35, 2011 - 2011
- Balcı B, Angın S, Yener G. The relationship between physical performance, cognition and depression in alzheimer type of dementia, Neurological Sciences and Neurophysiology, 28(1):51- 57, 2011 - 2011
- Savelberg HH, Ilgin D, Angin S, Willems PJ, Schaper NC, Meijer K. Prolonged activity of knee extensors and dorsal flexors is associated with adaptations in gait in diabetes and diabeticpolyneuropathy. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 25(5):468-75, 2010 - 2010
- Bakırhan S, Angın S, Karatosun V, Ünver B, Günal İ. A comparison of static and dynamic balance in patients with unilateral and bilateral total knee arthroplasty, J Dis Relat Surg, 20(2): 93-101, 2009 - 2009
- Bakırhan S, Angın S, Karatosun V, Ünver B, Günal I. Weight bearing capability of the patients with bilateral and unilateral total knee arthroplasty in different squat positions, Physiotherapy – Rehabilitation [Turkish], 20(2): 89-93, 2009 - 2009
- Akdal G, Balcı B, Öztürk V, Angın S. Is balance normal in migraneurs without history of vertigo? Headache, 49: 419-25, 2009 - 2009
- Angin S, Karatosun V, Unver B, Gunal I. Gait assessment in patients with thrust plate prosthesis and intramedullary stemmed prosthesis implanted to each hip, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 127(2): 91- 96, 2007 - 2007
- Unver B, Sampiyon O, Karatosun V, Gunal I, Angin S. Postoperative immobilisation orthosis (PIO) for surgically corrected hallux valgus, Prosthet Orthot Int, 28(3): 278- 80, 2004 - 2004
- Unver B, Karatosun V, Gunal I, Angin S. Comparison of two different rehabilitation programmes for thrust plate prosthesis: a randomized controlled study, Clin Rehabil, 18(1): 84-91, 2004 - 2004
- Angın S, Unver B, Karatosun V, Çiftçi İ. Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) Orthosis. A new approach to prevent ankle equinus during tibial lengthening, Prosthet Orthot Int, 27: 238-41, 2003 - 2003
- Angın S, Livanelioğlu A, Şener G. Effect of inhibitor orthosis on gait parameters in children with spastic diplegic form of cerebral palsy, Physiotherapy – Rehabilitation [Turkish], 7(6): 73-80, 1994 - 1994
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Elvan, A., Selmani, M., Çakıroğlu, M.A., Angin, S., Şimşek, E. The Effects of Vision on Stair Descent: Kinetic and Kinematic Analysis. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, 7(2):573-78, 2023Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, 7(2):573-78, 2023. - 2023
- Kanlı, K., Yerlikaya, T., Angin, S. The Relationship Between Grip Strength and Reaction Time in Different Age Groups. Cyprus J Med Sci., 8(5): 360-364, 2023 - 2023
- Dönmez B, Angin S, Kutluk K. The Impressive Factors on Functional Recovery of The Upper Extremity in Hemiplegic Patients, Journal of N6urological Sciences [Turkish], 24(3): 226-33, 2007 - 2007
Written national books or sections in books
- Miçooğulları, M., Angın, S. Biomechanics of the Knee Extensor Mechanism. Türkiye Klinikleri; Ankara, p.8-13, 2022 - 2023
Articles published in National journals
- Pekesen Kurtca M, Angin S. The relationship between spas-ticity, mobility and activity level in adults with cerebral palsy. Pam Med J. 2020; 13: 635-644 - 2020
- Kirmizi, M., Simsek, IE., Elvan, A., Akcali, O., Angin, S. Investigating spatiotemporal gait parameters and gait stability in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation; 6(3):149-155, 2019 - 2019
- Kutlay E, Demirbüken İ, Özyürek S, Angın S. Regional distribution of sports injuries in rhythmic gymnasts, J. Sports Med. [Turkish], 43(4): 121-27, 2008 - 2008
- Kutlay E, Demirbüken İ, Angın S. Investigation of Balance control in modern and Latin dancers Turkish J. Sports Med, 41(2): 53-60, 2006 - 2006
- Angın S, Algun C. Range of Motion of the Hip joint in unilateral above knee amputees, Arthroplasty - Arthroscopic Surg, 6(10): 60-63, 1995 - 1995
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Angin, S., Şimşek, İ.E. Comparative Kinesiology of the Human Body, Normal and Pathological Conditions, Elsevier, 2020 - 2020
- Angin, S., Demirbüken, İ. Kinesiology of the Ankle and Foot Complex; in Comparative Kinesiology of the Human Body Normal and Pathological Conditions (Angin,S., Şimşek, I.E., Eds.) Chapter 23, Elsevier 2020 - 2020
- Akalan, N. E., Angin, S. Kinesiology of Human Gait; in Comparative Kinesiology of the Human Body Normal and Pathological Conditions (Angin,S., Şimşek, I.E., Eds.) Chapter 29, Elsevier 2020 - 2020
Thesis Supervision
Doctorate Thesis Supervised
- Effects of foot exercise and insole on medial longitudinal arch height in pes planus foot. Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TR April 2022 - 2022
- Gender specific strategies for adaptation of leg stiffness in demanding hopping conditions, Maastricht University (co- supervisor: Hans Savelberg), Maastricht, NL, July 2010. - 2010
- Comparison the physical performance, static-dynamic balance of patients who have undergone unilateral and bilateral total knee arthroplasty, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TR, August, 2007 - 2007
- Alteration in lower extremity muscular activation and joint angle patterns during gait in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without polyneuropathy, Maastricht University (co- supervisor: Hans Savelberg), Maastricht, NL, July 2007. - 2007
- Comparison of two different rehabilitation programme for thrust plate prosthesis, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TR, June 2002. - 2002
Master Thesis Supervised
- Investigating the effects of shock absorbing insole on gait variables in individuals with chronic neck pain, Dokuz Eylul University, izmir, 2017 - 2017
- Investigation of the effect of activities during the day on foot posture and plantar pressure, Dokuz Eylul University, izmir, 2014 - 2014
- Effect of ankle dorsi-plantar flexor muscle strength ratio on balance and plantar pressure distribution, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, 2013 - 2013
- The effect of noise on manual dexterity, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, 2011 - 2011
- The relationship between spasticity, mobility and activity level in adults with cerebral palsy, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, 2011 - 2011
- Work related musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic awareness in physical therapists, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, October 2010 - 2010
- The effects of combined physiotherapy-spa treatment on symptoms, spinal mobility and functions in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, July 2010 - 2010
- Assessment of the sit-to-stand activity in below knee amputees, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, July 2009 - 2009
- The influence of reduced vision and reduced plantar sensation, and simulated muscle weakness on plantar pressure distribution, Maastricht University, (cosupervisor: Hans Savelberg), Maastricht, November 2007 - 2007
- Effect of shoe with different heel height on dynamic and static balance, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, June 2005 - 2005
- Effective factors on upper extremity recovery in stroke, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TR, June 2003 - 2003
- Determination of the risk factors in non-specific low back pain, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TR, June 2002 - 2002
- Evaluation of efficiency of respiratory physiotherapy after upper abdominal surgery Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TR, June 2001 - 2001
- Erasmus+ KA2 – Innovation project: FUTURE FEET: Digital learning environment for foot health education and training. (University of Malaga, Spain; Artevelde Hogecshool, Belgium; University of Salford, UK; DokuzEylül University, Turkey)
- Development of sickbed component with 3D knitted fabric controlling pressure and micro-environment, Turkısh Science and Technology Institution (TUBITAK) Code: 1511.
- Design of a computer based and portable dynamic balance platform,Turkısh Science and Technology Institution (TUBITAK) Code: 1005.
- The effect of pressure relieving insoles on plantar foot structures, plantar pressure and sensorial condition in diabetic foot, University Of Salford, Manchester, UK. Funded by Turkısh Science and TechnologyInstitution (TUBITAK) Code: 2219
- Comparison of effects of different insole materials on kinemetic and kinetic characteristics of gait Dokuz Eylul University, Scientific ResearchFunding Department.
- Establishing the Quality Management System in Dokuz Eylul University, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation (ISOKAR, UKAS) 2009-2010
- Effect of pregnancy on foot mechanics in pregnent women, Dokuz Eylul University, Scientific Research Funding Department
- Technological development in prosthetics - orthotics and their application based on biomechanical principles. Funded by Turkish State Planning Department
Research Areas
- Kinesiology and Biomechanics,
- Prosthetics and Orthotics
- Musculoskeletal ultrasound
- Foot and ankle deformities