Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Gazi University Architecture (PhD, 1992)
- METU Architecture (Master, 1987)
- METU Architecture (Undergraduate, 1984)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Rifaioğlu, M.N., Hurol, Y., Şahali, Ö. “Traditional Know-how for Earthquake Resistance: The Logical Framework of Coffered Wall and Ceiling Systems in Historical Antakya Houses” International Journal of Architectural Heritage. Accepted for publication. - 2024
- Ermiyagil, S., Hurol, Y., (2021) “Ethics and Architectural Drawings: A Framework for Discussion” Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. April 2021. 46(4) pp.609-631. - 2021
- Hurol, Y., Salama, A., (2020) “Editorial: Category: Built Environment- On Open House International, Open Building Approach and Nicholas Wilkinson” Open House International. 45(4) pp.343-371. DOI: 10.1108/OHI-12-2020-105. - 2020
- Hurol, Y., (2020) “On ontological Approaches to Academic Research in Architecture” Open House International. 45(1&2). DOI 10-1108/OHI-04-2020-0001. pp.69-85. - 2020
- Salama, A.; Hurol, Y., (2020) “Polyphonic Narratives for Built Environment Research” Open House International. 45(1&2). pp.3-22. DOI 10-1108/OHI-05-2020-0026 - 2020
- Hurol, Y., Salama, A., (2019) “Editorial.” Open House International. 44(4). - 2019
- Vehbi, B.O.; Yuceer, H.; Hurol, Y., (2019) “New Uses for Traditional Buildings: The Olive Oil Mills of the Karpas Peninsula, Cyprus” Historic Environment – Policy and Practice. 10(1). pp: 58-82. - 2019
- Hurol,Y., (2018) “Editorial.” Open House International. 43(4). - 2018
- Hurol,Y., (2018) “Editorial.” Open House International. 43(3). - 2018
- Hurol,Y., (2018) “Editorial.” Open House International. 43(2). - 2018
- Yuceer, H., Oktay, B., Hurol, Y., (2018) “The Conservation of Traditional Olive Oil Mills in Cyprus” Journal of Architectural Conservation. 24(2) pp: 105-133. - 2018
- Hurol,Y., (2017) “Obituary- Nicholas Wilkinson: An Architect, An Academic, An Editor.” Open House International. 42(4). - 2017
- Hurol,Y., (2017) “Editorial.” Open House International. 42(2). - 2017
- Hurol,Y., (2017) “Editorial.” Open House International. 42(4). - 2017
- Vehbi, B.O., Yuceer, H., Hurol, Y., (2016) “Rural carob warehouses in Cyprus: an assessment of architectural and structural characteristics.” Journal of Architectural Conservation. 22(1) pp.18-47. - 2016
- Hurol, Y., (2014) “Reconsidering Ethics in the Tectonics of Architecture through the Tectonics of Bodies in Love.” METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture. Vol:31. No:2. pp.25-41. - 2014
- Hurol, Y., Yüceer, H., Basarır, H., (2014) “Ethical Guidelines for Structural Interventions to Small Scale Historic Stone Masonry Buildings.” Science and Engineering Ethics. December 2015, Volume 21, Issue 6, pp 1447-1468. DOI 10.1007/s11948-014-9622-0 - 2014
- Hurol, Y., Yuceer, H., Şahali, O., (2014) “Building Code Challenging the Ethics behind Adobe Architecture in North Cyprus” Science and Engineering Ethics. Vol:21. No:2. pp.381-399. DOI 10.1007/s11948-014-9533-0 - 2014
- Hurol, Y., (2013) “Book review: Climate Change Ethics- Navigating the Perfect Moral Storm” Open House International. 38(1). p.64. - 2013
- Hurol, Y., (2013) “Ethical Considerations for Designing Buildings with Reinforced Concrete Frame Systems in Earthquake Zones” Science and Engineering Ethics. Vol:20. No:2. pp.597-612. DOI 10.1007/s11948-013-9453-4. - 2013
- Hurol, Y., (2013) “On Ethics and the Earthquake Resistant Interior Design of Buildings.” Science and Engineering Ethics. Vol:20. No:1. pp.171-181. DOI 10.1007/s11948-012-9424-1. - 2013
- Hurol, Y., (2011) “Book review: The Placemaker`s Guide to Building Community”. Open House International. 36(1). p.103. - 2011
- Hurol, Y., (2010) “Book review: The Whole Building Handbook, How to Design Healthy, Efficient and Sustainable Buildings.” Open House International. 35(4). p.88. - 2010
- Hurol, Y., (2010) “Book review: Designing High-Density Cities for Social and Environmental Sustainability.” Open House International. 35(4). p.86. - 2010
- Hurol, Y., (2010) “Book review: Planet of Slums.” Open House International. 35(4). p.85. - 2010
- Hurol, Y., (2010) “Housing and Environmental Conditions in Post-Communist Countries.” Open House International. 35(1). pp.83-85. - 2010
- Hurol, Y., (2009) “Can Architecture be Barbaric?” Science and Engineering Ethics. 15(2). pp.233-258. - 2009
- Hurol, Y., (2008) “Beyond Shelter.” Open House International. 33(2). pp.93-4. - 2008
- Hurol, Y., (2007) “The Architecture of Happiness.” Open House International. 32(1). p.89. 9. - 2007
- Atakara, C., Hurol, Y., (2007) “Ontology of Contemporary Construction.” METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture. 24(1). pp.1-15. - 2007
- Hurol, Y., (2006) “Book review: Managing Urban Disasters.” Open House International. 31(4). pp.100-101. - 2006
- Hurol, Y., (2006) “Book review: Time Based Architecture.” Open House International. 31(2). pp.82-83. - 2006
- Hurol, Y., (2005) “Book review: Home-house Project.” Open House International. 30(4). pp.107-108. - 2005
- Hurol,Y., Wilkinson, N., (2005) “A Critique of Earthquake Policies of Northern Cyprus.” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering-Structure and Buildings. 158(6) pp.355-369. - 2005
- Hurol,Y., (2004) “Book review: The Colonizer and the Colonized.” Open House International. 29(2). p.93. - 2004
- Hurol,Y., (2004) “Book review: Re:Architecture, Themes & Variations.” Open House International. 29(1). p.107. - 2004
- Hurol,Y., (2004) “Intellectual Friendship in Architectural Design Education.” Journal of Aesthetic Education. 38(3). pp.72-90. - 2004
- Hurol,Y., (2003) “Book review: Houser; The Life and Work of Catherine Bauer.” Open House International. 28(4). p.93. - 2003
- Hurol,Y., (2002) “Book review: Healty, Sociology, Women and Urbanization.” Kadın/Woman 2000. 3(2). p.125. - 2002
- Hurol,Y. (1999) “Brawing the Street, The Anthropology of Homelessness.” Open House International. 24(3) pp.48-49. - 1999
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Saifi, Yara; Yuceer, Hulya; Hurol, Yonca, (2022) “For Whom the Bell Tolls? Towards a Flexible Concept of Authenticity for Religious Heritage Buildings in Political Conflict Zones- Case of North Cyprus” Heritage & Society. 15(1) pp: 1-19. - 2022
- Saifi, Yara; Yuceer, Hulya; Hurol, Yonca, (2021) “Revisiting the Conditions of Authenticity for Built Heritage in Areas of Conflict” Heritage. 4(2) pp:811-827. - 2021
- Saifi, Yara; Hurol, Yonca (2018) “Peace `at Last Sight`: The Other Face of `Warchitecture.`” Buildings. 8(10). Article no:135. - 2018
- Farjami, G., Hurol, Y., (2017) “Time Concepts in relation to Collaboration between Architects and Structural Engineers- Exemplified by Particular Stair Designs in Iran.” Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civilengineering Construction and Arhchitecture (Called Rus - 2017
- Hurol, Y., Atakara, C., (2006) “Ethics Behind the Duality between Structure and Ornamentation.” ICON: The Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology. 12. pp.38-74. (History Index) - 2006
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Hurol, Y., (2022) Tectonic Affects in Contemporary Architecture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. - 2022
- Hurol, Y., (2016) The Tectonics of Structural Systems – An Architectural Approach. NY: Routledge - Taylor and Francis Branch. - 2016
- Hurol, Y., Farivarsadri, G., (2013) “Reading Trails and Inscriptions around an old Bus-house in Monarga, North Cyprus.” Building Walls and Making Borders: Social Imaginaries and the Challenge of Alterity. (Eds: M. Stephenson, L. Z. Aldershot), UK: Ashgate Publishing. - 2013
- Hurol, Y., Numan, İ., (2008) “Rethinking Islamic Anatolian Space.” in Mediations in Cultural Spaces- Structure, Sign, Body. (Ed: J. Wall). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp.15-29. - 2008
- Vebstro, D.U., Hurol, Y., Wilkinson, N., (Eds.) (2005). Methodologies of Housing Research. GB: The Urban International Press. - 2005
Books and books chapters published nationally
- Hurol, Y., (2010) “Mimari Tasarım Eğitiminde Öznelliğe dair bir Özeleştiri Denemesi” Yapılar Fora- Mustafa Pultar’a Armağan Kitabı. (Ed: G. Pultar, Y. Hürol’un yardımlarıyla) İstanbul: Tetragon İletişim Hizmetleri AŞ. pp.89-101. 3. - 2010
- Pultar, G., Hurol, Y., (Eds) (2010) Yapılar Fora- Mustafa Pultar’a Armağan Kitabı. İstanbul: Tetragon İletişim Hizmetleri AŞ. - 2010
- Hurol, Y., (2008) “Ekonomi - Tektonik İlişkisi, ve Mimari Sorumluluk Konularına Eleştirel bir Bakış.” Hasan Ünal Nalbantoğlu’na Armağan. (Eds: A.A. Avar, D. Sezer) İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları. pp.587-620. - 2008
- Bayraktar, N., Binbir, B., Candan, T.K., Hurol, Y., Şahin, O., Poursani, E.T., (Eds.). (2008) Çocuk ve Mimarlık- Toplumsal bir Eğitim Modeli. Ankara: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği. - 2008
- Vebstro, D.U., Hurol, Y., Wilkinson, N., (Eds.) (2005). “Foreword.” Methodologies of Housing Research. GB: The Urban International Press. pp.1-3. - 2005
- Hurol (Al), Y., (2004) Değişim ve Mimarlar Odası, Ankara: Mimarlar Odası Yayınları. - 2004
- Hurol Al, Y. (1998) “Method of Reading Spatial Indicators of Technological Disasters.” (Teknolojik Afet ve Mekan Üzerinden Okuma Yöntemi) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp. - 1998
- Hurol Al, Y., (1998) “Disaster and Shelter as Signals.” Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan.Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.32-39. - 1998
- Hurol Al, Y., (1998) “Poverty and Architecture – Contradiction Between the Lack of Professional Dominance and Existence of Knowledge Monopoly.” (Yoksulluk ve Mimarlık- Mesleki Hakimiyet Eksikliği ve Bilgi Tekeli Çelişkisi) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migra - 1998
- Hurol Al, Y., (1998) “Files of Critical Architecture and Van Project.” (Eleştirel Mimarlık Dosyaları ve Van Projesi) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.76-133. - 1998
- Hurol Al, Y., A.Arslan, (1998) “Work, Professions, Their Organizations, Power and Criticism.” (İş, Meslekler, Örgütlenmeleri, İktidar ve Eleştirellik) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, S.Özden, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Cham - 1998
- Hurol Al, Y. (1998) “On Security and Safety in Architecture.” (Güvenli Mimarlık Üzerine) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.134-145. - 1998
- Arslan, A., Y. Hurol Al. (1998) “Others Spaces in Van.” (Van’da Diğerlerinin Mekanları) Trans:Y.Hürol Al, S.Özden, D.Özkan. Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture. ed:Hürol Al,Y. Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. pp.146-171. - 1998
- Hurol Al, Y. (Ed.) (1998) Van File: Technological Disaster, Compulsory Migration, Poverty – Architecture, Ankara: UCEAT Chamber of Architects. - 1998
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Hurol, Y., Numan, İ., (2007) "Tectonics as a target in the Architectural Design Studio" Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Architectural Education, China Central Academy of Fine Arts and Delft University of Technology, China Architecture and Building Press. pp.406-411. - 2007
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Atakara, C., Hurol, Y., (2004) “The Idea of Festival in Construction Education in Architecture.” EAAE Conference. Athens. - 2004
- Atakara, C., Hurol, Y., (2004) “Possible Uses of Smart Materials in the Development of Suspended Glass Systems with Prestressed Cable Truss.” 4th International Postgraduate Research Conference. University of Salford. April 1st 2nd. pp.311-318. - 2004
Articles published in National journals
- Hurol, Y., (2001) “Özden Selenge’nin Romanlarında Arzu Mekanizmasının Evrenselliği.” Kadın-Woman 2000. 2(1). pp.67-91. (in Avery Index) - 2001
Thesis Supervision
Doctorate Thesis Supervised
- Ermiyagil, Seyit (2021) Evaluation of Ethical Concerns at Architectural Drawings in North Cyprus. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Eastern Mediterranean University. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2021
- Farjami, Ghazal (2015) Latest Attempts in Iranian Architecture towards the Authenticity: A Model of Modern Tectonics in relation to Lihtness. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Eastern Mediterranean University. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2015
- Şahali, Öznem (2015) A Model on New Streotomics of the Contemporary Masonry Buildings. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Eastern Mediterranean University. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2015
- Saifi, Yara, (2012) On Political Conflict and Architecture: Evaluation of the Architectural Context of Jerusalem’s Conflict. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Eastern Mediterranean University. July 2012. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2012
- Atakara, Cemil, (2010) Determining Factors of Complexity in Structures. Unpublished PhD Thesis. Eastern Mediterranean University. October 2010. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2010
Master Thesis Supervised
- Kamiar Yazdani (2016) A Substantive Perspective towards the Problem of Technology: In Search of Consequent Meaning in Architecture. EMU. Master of Architecture. August 2016. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2016
- Mahsa Sadat Fard Moosavi, (2013) Effect of Interior Changes on Earthquake Resistance of Buildings – Case: Reinforced Concrete Frame System. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture. July 2013. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2013
- Ghazaleh Toutounchi Ghadim (2013) Geometry, Form and Structure Relationship in Blob, Liquid and Formless Architecture. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture. January 2013. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2013
- Damla Mısırlısoy, (2011) Analysis of the Structure and Design Relationship between Contemporary Extensions and Remodeled Masonry Buildings. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture. June 2011. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. (as co-superviso - 2011
- Öznem Şahali, (2009) The Issues of Ontology and Scenography in Tectonics of Buildings with Frame Systems in Architecture. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture. June 2009. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. (as co-supervisor) 7. - 2009
- Saeedeh Karbalaei Zeinali, (2009) An Investigation of the Effect of Furnishing on the Hapticity of Architectural Space. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture. August 2009. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. (as co-supervisor) - 2009
- Yara Saifi, (2006) A Study of Power and Modern Architectural Aesthetics: The Case of the French Hill District; East Jerusalem. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture. June 2006. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2006
- Fatma Terlik, (2004) The Use of Steel and Glass in the Design of Railway Stations. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU, Master of Architecture, August 2004. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2004
- Saeedeh Karbalaei Zeinali, (2009) An Investigation of the Effect of Furnishing on the Hapticity of Architectural Space. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU. Master of Architecture. August 2009. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. (as co-supervisor) - 2003
- Erdaş Kuruç, (2003) The Effects of CAD on Architectural Developments in Presentation and Space Conception, Eastern Mediterranean University EMU, Master of Architecture, August 2003. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2003
- Cemil Atakara, (2002) Spatial Characteristics of Suspended Glass Systems with Prestressed Cable Truss, Master of Architecture. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU, June 2002. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. - 2002
- Nevter Zafer, (2001) An Analytical Study on Shopping Center Development. Eastern Mediterranean University EMU, Master of Architecture. February 2001. Gazimağusa, North Cyprus. (as co-supervisor) - 2001
Research Areas
- Tectonics in architecture, structural systems, academic research methods, ethics in architecture, research integrity