Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- CIU Archiecture (PhD, 2021)
- CIU Architecture (Master, 2012)
- CIU Architecture (Undergraduate, 2010)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Kiessel, M., Kurt, S., Mesda, Y., 2016, The Abandoned Khan of Louroujina, Cyprus: - 2016
- A Case Study of a Vanishing Building Type, Adalya Publishing
Books and books chapters published internationally
- Mesda, Y., Aydınlı, C. Ç., 2016, Tarihi Kiliseleri ile Alaniçi Köyü, Kıbrıs, ISBN: 978-1-365-41467-1. LULU Publishing. - 2016
- Mesda, Y., Aydınlı, C. Ç., 2016, Tarihi Kiliseleri ile Alaniçi Köyü, Kıbrıs, ISBN: 978-1-365-41467-1. LULU Publishing. - 2016
- Mesda, Y., 2012, February: Transformation of the Lusignan Houses in the Ottoman Period in the Walled Cities of Nicosia and Famagusta in Northern Cyprus, ISBN-13: 978-3848426645, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany. - 2012
- Mesda, Y., 2011, November: Tarihsel Dönemlerden Modern Döneme Geçiş: Ümit ' Suna Süleyman Onan Evi. Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighborhoods of the Modern Movement, Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları VII., December 16 ' 18, 2011 Mersin University, Mersin-Türkiye. - 2011
Other Publications
- SERGİ: 2016: Historical Church Building in Alaniçi (Piyi Peristerona) Village Restoration Project Exhibition, 5-9 December, 2016 - 2016
- Mesda, Y., 2013, October: Analytical Study of the Cable-Truss Systems on the Glass Certain Walls with Vertical Uses, Cilt 5, Sayı 10, s. 819-826, ISSN: 1947-3931, Publish Journals of Engineering, Scientific Research Publishing, http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=37222. - 2013
- Mesda, Y., Yücel, D. B., 2013, September: Re-Interpretation of the Traditional Turkish House: Observation on Houses in Nicosia-North Cyprus, Poster Presentation, Memory and Culture VIIth International Cultural Studies Conference Ankara, 05.09.2013-07.09.2013, Bilkent University, Ankara- Türkiye. - 2013
- Mesda, Y., 2012, November: Heat Transfer Coefficient Analysis for the old House in the Walled City of Nicosia in Cyprus, Poster Presentation, Cilt 1, s. 499-505, ICONARCH I Architecture and Technology International Congress Konya, 15.11.2012-17.11.2012, Damla Ofset A.Ş, Karatay-Konya, ISBN:978-605-86483-9, Selçuk University, Konya-Türkiye. - 2012
- Mesda, Y., 2012, October: Reflection of Daily Life in the House Typology: Historical Houses of the Old Nicosia, Poster Presentation, Vol. 2, pp. 343, House&Form, From a Theoretical Perspective ARCHTEO '12 Theory Architecture Conference İstanbul, 31.10-3.11.2012, DAKAM Publishing, ISBN: 978-605-4514-04-5, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, İstanbul-Türkiye. - 2012
- Mesda, Y., Prof. Dr. Işık. B., 2012, July: Thermal Analysis of the Mix Preb & Earthen Building in Dilekkaya, North Cyprus, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 47-54, ISSN: 2221-4283, Publish Journals of Engineering, Computing, Sciences & Technology, Asian Transaction Publishing, http://www.asian-transactions.org/ATSTVol02Issue03.htm. - 2012
- Mesda, Y., 2012: Heat Transfer Coefficient Analysis of the Chamber of Cyprus Turkish Architects Office Building on Zahra Street in The Walled City of Nicosia in Cyprus, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 47-54, ISSN: 2168-5088, Journal of Architecture Research, Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA, http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.arch.20120204.03.html. - 2012
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Kurt, S., Mesda, Y., 2014 November: Documentation of Architectural and Cultural Heritage of Louroujina Village: The International Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage EUROMED 2014, 3-8 November 2014, Limassol-Cyprus. - 2014
- Kurt, S., Mesda, Y., 2014, July: Social Identity and the Changes in the Use of Village Square in Louroujina after 1974 Conflict: The Inaugural European Conference on Cultural Studies, 24-27 July 2014, Brighton-London. - 2014
- Kurt, S., Kiessel, M., Mesda, Y., 2013, October: Developing a Local Development Strategy:Preservation and Revitalization of Louroujina village in Cyprus, 5th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 06.10.2013-11.10.2013. - 2013
- Kurt, S., Bay, I., Mesda, Y., Shagbaor, T.T., Işık, B., 2013, September: Repairing Maintaining Damaged in Louroujina Village/Cyprus: A Case Study for Old Khan, New Generation Earthen Architecture: Learning from Heritage, kerpiç'13 Conference İstanbul, 11.09.2013-15.09.2013, Cilt 1, s. 475-485, ISBN: 978-605-4303-24-3, G.M. Matbaacılık ve Tic. A.Ş., Bağcılar-İstanbul, İstanbul Aydın University, İstanbul-Türkiye. - 2013
- Kurt, S., Kiessel, M., Mesda, Y., Shagbaor, T.T., 2013, September: Vernacular Architecture in Louroujina/Cyprus: Typology of Houses, New Generation Earthen Architecture: Learning from Heritage, kerpiç'13 Conference İstanbul, 11.09.2013-15.09.2013, Cilt 1, s. 131-140, ISBN: 978-605-4303-24-3, G.M. Matbaacılık ve Tic. A.Ş., Bağcılar-İstanbul, İstanbul Aydın University, İstanbul-Türkiye. - 2013
- Mesda, Y., 2011: An Analytical Approach to the House Design in the Walled City of Nicosia in Cyprus, Design Principles and Practices International Journal, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 389-429, ISSN: 1833-1874, Common Ground Publishing, USA, http://ijg.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.154/prod.755. - 2011
- The Geometry of Motion 2, Worksop, 2019
- The Geometry of Motion 1, Worksop, 2018
- 2016: Text Space 3, Recreating Imaged Space in Shakespeare's Works, Workshop
- 2015: Text Space 2, Recreating Sylvia Plath's Infelicitous Space, Workshop
- TUBITAK 1001 Project, Developing a local development strategy within the framework of preservation and revitalization of Akıncılar village
- 2015: Workshop in Aphentrika Documentation & Recording of Archaological Remains by Techniques of Drawing, Scanning and Photography
- 2012: The Famagusta Walled City Conservation Summer Research Project, Workshop
Research Areas
- conservation and restoration
- design
- history of architecture
- contemporary architecture