Faculty of Engineering
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Structural & Earthquake Engineering Yapı (PhD, 2020)
- Structural Engineering Yapı (Master, 2010)
- Civil engineering-buildings Computer Programming (Undergraduate, 2006)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R. (2023) "Optimum Values of Mechanical Properties for Lead Core Rubber Bearing (LCRB) Under Variable Pulse-Like Ground Motions", International Journal of Steel Structures - 2023
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Genes, M. C. (2021), "Effectiveness of FVD-BIS for protecting a base-isolated high-rise building against resonance", Earthquakes and Structures, Volume 21, Number 4, pages 351-370 - 2021
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Aghabalaie Khordachi, M. (2020) "Assessing the Three-Dimensional Seismic Behavior of the Multi Degree of Freedom (MDOF) Structure with LCRB and LRB Control Systems", Asian J Civ Eng 21, 871–884. - 2020
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Genes, M. C. (2019) “Probabilistic Behavior Assessment of Base-Isolated Buildings and Base Isolation Systems Subjected to Various Earthquakes with Different Components”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering vol. 44 (10): pp 8265–8288 - 2019
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Mehdi Nezhad, R., Sadeghi Balkanlou, V., & Agabalaie Khordachi, M. (2015) “Seismic Behavior of Steel Structure with Buckling-Restrained Braces (BRB)”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering , 10 (1), 1-17 - 2015
- Assessing the Probability of Failure of the Low-Rise and the High-Rise Base-Isolated Buildings Considering the Mechanical Properties of the LCRB and Different Components of the Pulse-Like Ground Motions (under review)
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Genes, M. C. (2021) "Probabilistic Behavior of The High-Rise Base-Isolated Building Using Lead-Core Rubber Bearing", 6th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology 13-15 October – GTU – Gebze, Kocaeli / Turkey - 2021
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Genes, M. C. (2019) “Evaluate the seismic behavior of the base-isolated buildings subjected to different type of ground motions with different components”, 8th International Conferences of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE) - 2019
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Genes, M. C. (2019) “Assessing the damage limitation of the multiple base isolated buildings based on eurocode”, Third International Congress on Contemporary Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development - 2019
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Genes, M. C. (2019) “Resonance assessment of a base-isolated building using Lead Core Rubber Bearing (LCRB)”, 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Regeneration - 2019
- Derogar, S., Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Ince, C., Yardimci, N. (2014) “Behavior and design of cold-formed shear wall frames with and without fiber cement sheathing panels” 11th international congress on advances in civil engineering (ACE2014) - 2014
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Lotfollahi Yaghin, M. A., Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Mehdi nezhad R., Sadeghi Balkanlou, V. (2014) “The Investigation of Permanent Displacement in Structures with Buckling-Resistant Braces under Impact Loading in Two Joint Bracing Systems of BF and Dual”, Journal of Civil Engineering Research, vol.4(2) - 2014
- Lotfollahi Yaghin, M. A., Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R.,, Rahmani, A., Sadeghi Balkanlou, V. (2014) “Investigating the behavior of composite floors (steel beams and concrete slabs) under mans rhythmical movement”, Journal of Civil Engineering Research ,Vol 4(2) - 2014
- Bakloo, A.H., Lotfollahi Yaghin, M. A, Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Sadeghi Balkanlou, V. (2014) “Study the Behavior of DST Short Composite Columns with Prismatic Sections and the Variable under Axial - Bending and Twisting Force”, Advances In Civil And Environmental Engineering, Volume 02(3), 128-148 (ISC) - 2014
- Sadeghi Balkanlou, V., Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Bakloo, A.H., Bagheri Azar, B. (2014) “Study the Behavior of Different Composite Short Columns (DST) with Prismatic Sections under Bending Load”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 90, International Journal of Civil, Architectural, Structural and Construction Engineering, 8(6), 153 – 161 - 2014
- Pourbaba, M. , Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R.,, Zarei, B., Bagheri Azar, B. (2013) “Behavior of Zipper Braced Frame (ZBF) compared with other Concentrically Braced Frame (CBF)”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology - 2013
- Sadeghi Balkanlou, V., Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Bagheri Azar, B., Behravesh, A. (2013) “Evaluating Effects of Viscous Dampers on optimizing Seismic Behavior of Structures”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology - 2013
- Lotfollahi Yaghin, M. A, Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Bagheri Azar, B., Sadeghi Balkanlou, V. (2013) “Vibration control of Multi Degree Of Freedom structure under earthquake excitation with TMD control and active control force using fuzzy logic method …”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) - 2013
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Zarei, B., Bagheri Azar, B. (2013) “Evaluating the Seismic Performance of High-Rise Steel Structures with Moment-Resistance Frames”, International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research, Vol. 2, 3, pp. 266-272 - 2013
- Sabetahd R., Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. S. (2012) “Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete shear thin walls under various axial load ratios”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index, International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, vol. 6, 12, pp. 72-82 - 2012
- Bagheri Azar, B., Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., (2012) “Study the effect of using different kind of bracing system in tall steel structures”, American Journal of Scientific Research indexed by Thomson Reuters master journal list; Issue 53 (2012), pp. 24-34 - 2012
- Bagerzadeh Karimi, M. R., Bagerzadeh Karimi M. M. (2011) “Vibration Control of MDOF Structure under Earthquake Excitation using Passive Control and Active Control”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 56, vol 5(8), 299 – 304 - 2011
- Optimization of mechanical properties of Lead Core Rubber Bearing (LCRB)
- 100% Postgraduate scholarship - Eastern Mediterranean University (2017)
- Successful scholarship (from Türkiye Bursları) (2016)
Research Areas
- Research Area: Structural & Earthquake Engineering
- Research Interests: AI-application in structural health monitoring / assessment, Twin-digital Technology; Structural Dynamics; Structural Mechanic; Seismically Isolated Buildings; Earthquake Engineering; Shake Table Testing; Full-scale Vibration Testing; MATLAB Programming; seismic control systems
Administrative Duties
- Earthquake research committee (2022-ONGOING)