Faculty of Engineering
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+90 392 671 11 11
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U.N. Sustaınable Development Goals
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Ali Vatankhah Barenji, and Majid Hashemipour Real-Time Building Information Modeling (BIM) Synchronization Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology and Cloud Computing System, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 10, 61-68. 2017.
- K Bijanrostami, RV Barenji, M Hashemipour Effect of Traverse and Rotational Speeds on the Tensile Behavior of the Underwater Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-12. 2017.
- Barenji, Ali Vatankhah, Reza Vatankhah Barenji, Danial Roudi, and Majid Hashemipour. "A dynamic multi-agent-based scheduling approach for SMEs." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2016): 1-15.
- Azizi, Aydin, Ali Vatankhah Barenji, Reza Vatankhah Barenji, and Majid Hashemipour. "Modeling Mechanical Properties of FSW Thick Pure Copper Plates and Optimizing It Utilizing Artificial Intelligence Techniques." International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications (2016).
- Azizi, Aydin, Ali Vatankhah Barenji, and Majid Hashmipour. "Optimizing radio frequency identification network planning through ring probabilistic logic neurons." Advances in Mechanical Engineering 8, no. 8 (2016).
- Azizi, Aydin, Ali Vatankhah Barenji, and Majid Hashmipour Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded thick pure copper plates, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,V.5, 86, 2016.
- Barenji, Ali Vatankhah, Reza Vatankhah Barenji, and Majid Hashemipour. "Flexible testing platform for employment of RFID-enabled multi-agent system on flexible assembly line." Advances in Engineering Software 91 (2016): 1-11.
- Hussein M. Ali, Asif Iqbal, Majid Hashemipour; Cut Quality and Strength Evaluation in Hole Making of GFRP Composite Using Laser Beam Cutting Technology; Lasers in Engineering, 31 (1-2) 71-95, 2015
- Khalatbari, H., A. Iqbal, Xiaofan Shi, Lin Gao, G. Hussain, and M. Hashemipour. "High-Speed Incremental Forming Process: A Trade-Off Between Formability and Time Efficiency." Materials and Manufacturing Processes 30, no. 11 (2015): 1354-1363.
- Reza Vatankhah Barenji, Majid Hashemipour & David A. Guerra-Zubiaga , A framework for modelling enterprise competencies: from theory to practice in enterprise architecture, Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol X, Page 1-20, 2014.
- Barenji, R. V., Barenji, A. V., Hashemipour, M. A Multi-agent RFID-Enabled Distributed Control System for a Flexible Manufacturing Shop, the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer, Vol. 71, Issue. 9-12, pp. 1773-1791, 2014.
- Barenji, R. V., Barenji, A. V., Hashemipour, M. A frameworks for structural modelling of an RFID-enabled intelligent distributed manufacturing control system, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering Vol. 25, Issue2, pp. 48-66, 2014.
- G. Hussain, K.A. Ghamdi, H. Khalatbari, A. Iqbal, M. Hashemipour, Forming parameters and forming defects in incremental forming: Part B. Materials and Manufacturing processes Vol. 29, Issue. 4, pp. 454-460, 2014.
- R. Abrishambaf, M. Hashemipour, Aliakbar Akbari 'Comparison of Wireless Sensor Network and Radio Frequency Identification for the process control of distributed Industrial system ', Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, pp 95-99, 2014.
- Hussein M. Ali, Asif Iqbal, Majid Hashemipour; Numerical Optimization of Hole Making in GFRP Composite using Abrasive Water Jet Machining Process; Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,1-11. 2014
- Hussein M. Ali, Asif Iqbal, Majid Hashemipour; Dimensional accuracy and strength comparison in hole making of GFRP composite using CO2 laser and abrasive water jet technologies, Indian Journal of Engineering & Material Science 21 (2), 189-199, 2014.
- Ghulam Hussain, Majid Hashemipour, Asif Iqbal, and Hosein Khalatbari, "Role of Tool Size in Suppressing Defects in SPIF Process," Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 746, pp. 167-172, August 2013.
- Hussein M. Ali, Asif Iqbal, Majid Hashemipour; Experimental Analysis of Hole Making in GFRP Composite Using Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Technology, Applied Mechanics and Materials 325, 1392-1398, 2013.
- Reza Vatankhah, Majid Hashemipour, David A. Guerra-Zubiaga' Developing a competency assisted collaborative promotion modeling framework in higher education' Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences , Elsevier Vol. 107, Issue. 5, pp. 112-119 December 2013.
- O. Philips Agboola, M. Hashemipour, F. Egelioglu, U. Atikol, H. Hacisevki, "Assessing a decade old capstone senior projects through ABET accreditation program outcomes", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Science, Elsevier, No. 47, pp. 120-125, 2012.
- R. Abrishambaf, M, Hashemipour, M. Bal, 'Structural Modeling of Industrial Wireless Snesors and Actuators Networks for Mechatronic Systems', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer, 10.1007/s00170-012-4070-y, 2012.
- R. Abrishambaf, Suha N. Bayindir, M. Hashemipour, "Energy Analysis of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks for Industrial Applications ", Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Proceeding of Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Vol. 226, Issue. 5, pp. 678-684, May 2012.
- R. Abrishambaf, M. Bal, M. Hashemipour, "Distributed Control Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks Using IEC 61499 Function Blocks for Industrial Automation ", International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE), IACSIT Publications, Vol. 3, No. 5, 2011.
- Mousavi S.A.,Hashemipour M.,Sadeghi M.,Petrofsky J.S.,Prowse M.A., A fuzzy logic control system for the rotary dental instruments, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction B- Engineering; Mechanical and Materials Engineering,Vol 34, PP.539-551, 2010.
- H.F. Manesh, M. Hashemipour, D. Schaefer, 'Information requirements analysis for holonic manufacturing systems in a virtual environment'. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, 0268-3768.
- M. Bal and M. Hashemipour, "Implementation of holonic scheduling and control in flow line manufacturing systems: die casting case-study", 'Production Planning and Control,First published on: 16 August 2010, 1-16.
- H.F. Manesh and M. Hashemipour, 'Virtual-reality-based methodology for modelling and verifying shop floor control systems ', Proc. ImechE Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture, 2010, 224 (1251-1265).
- Salime Mehtap-Smadi, Majid Hashemipour, "In Pursuit of an International Education Destination: Reflections From a University in a Small Island State", Journal of Studies in International Educations, April 7, 2010.
- M. Hashemipour, Hamed F. Manesh, and M. Bal, 'A Modular Virtual Reality System for Engineering Laboratory Education', Journal of Computer Applicationss in Engineering Education,DOI: 10.1002/cae.20312, 2009.
- M. Bal and M. Hashemipour, 'Virtual factory approach for implementation of holonic control in industrial applications: a case study in die-casting industry', Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 25(3), 570,581, 2009.
- M. Arhami, F. Sarioglu, A. Kalkanli and M. Hashemipour, 'Microstructural characterization of squeeze-cast Al'8Fe'1.4V'8Si', Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 485, Issues 1-2, 25, Pages 218-223, 2008.
- Mert Bal, H. F. Manesh, and M. Hashemipour, 'Virtual reality-based information requirements analysis tool for CIM system implementation: a case study in die-casting industry', Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21(3), Page 231-244, 2008.
- Mert Bal, Majid Hashemipour, and S. Bayindir 'Development of a Web Based Materials Testing System' International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.24, No.4, 2005.
- Hashemipour M. Integration of Process Planning and Scheduling for Outsourcing in the Apparel Industry, 2004, Textile Research Journal, pp.9-18.
- Hashemipour, M. Erenay, O. and Kayaligil, S." Virtual reality in requirement analysis for CIM system development suitable for SMEs." INT.J. Prod. Res. 2002, vol 40, no 15 pp.1-16.
- Kayaligil, S, and Hashemipour M., 'Integration Needs and Consistency Evaluation for Requirement Analysis in CIM Development', International Journal of Computer Application in Technology, Volume 14, No. 1, 2001, pp 145-157.
- Hashemipour M., Deniz, D. Topuz,C "Computer- supported information requirement analysis tool based on novel methodology for analysing CIM information requirement". Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Journal,2000, (16) 211-214.
- Hashemipour M, Kayaligil S. Identifying integration types for requirement analysis in CIM development. Integrated Manuf Sys J, 1999; 10 (3-4):pp 170-178.
- Hashemipour M, Kayaligil S. Labor Shifting and Lot Sizing in Garment Manufacturing. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 1999, 10 (3):pp224-234.
- Hashemipour M, Anlagan O, Kayaligil S. A computer-supported methodology for requirements modelling in CIM for small and medium size enterprise: demonstration in the apparel industry. Int. J. of Comp Integrated Manuf, 1997;10(1-4):199-
- Hashemipour M, Abyaneh, M. The effect of the concentration of Boric Acid on the Kinetics of Electrocrystallisation of Nikel. Trans., IMF, 1993, Vol 72. 23-26.
- Hashemipour M. Tool life and wear mechanisms for ceramic on steel. Production Engineering, June 1988, pp. 33-34.
Thesis Supervision
Doctorate Thesis Supervised
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar friction Stir Welding of AA6061-T6 and AA7075-T6 under water cooling condition, 2017.
- Introducing A Novel Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Algorithm to Optimize Industrial Applications of Modern Manufacturing, 2016. This thesis proposed a hybrid artificial intelligence for industrial network based on Ring Probabilistic Logic Neural Networks.
- A Novel Multi-Agent Based Agile Manufacturing Planning and Control System, 2016. This dissertation proposed a novel agile and adaptive manufacturing control and scheduling system to face the current requirements imposed to the manufacturing enterprises.
- Competency Modelling Framework to support intra-enterprise information and knowledge management, 2014. This thesis proposes an architecture for the structure modelling of an intelligent distributed control system for a manufacturing facility, by utilizing RFID technology.
- A Novel Methodology for Development of Distributed Industrial Wireless and Actuator Network in Reconfigurable Mechatronic Devices, 2012. In this thesis a 2-Dimensional methodology for structural modeling of industrial wireless sensor and actuator network is proposed. It is based on IEC 61499 standard developed for Industrial-Process measurement and control systems.
- Fuzzy logic control of the Ni-Ti Rotary instruments for different root canals during Endo application, phd thesis, 2010. The aim of this study is to show how fatigue life of Ni-Ti rotary instrument will increase by intelligent control of rotary instrument related to mechanical behavior of canals.
- Development of Virtual Reality-Based Information Requirements Analysis Methodology for Holonic Manufacturing Systems, phd thesis 2010, This thesis proposes a methodology for the Holonic Manufacturing Systems Requirement Analysis based on software engineering principles in order to assist the system designer at each stage of development and to provide the high-level control HMS specifications from the problem requirements.
- Design and development of a virtual reality-based simulation system for agile manufacturing, phd thesis, 2008, This thesis investigates the several methods, developed for improved agility in the manufacturing industry, for designing an agile manufacturing system and emphasizes the role of the virtual reality (VR) technology in the implementation of these methods into the manufacturing practice
- Microstructural characterization of squeeze-cast Al'8Fe'1.4V'8Si, phd thesis, 2008, This thesis investigates the effect of vanadium on the composition and morphology of intermetallics formed during the squeeze casting of Mg-modified Al'8Fe'1.4V'8Si alloy in both monolithic form and as-reinforced with 7.58, 10.52 and 15.68 wt.% SiC particles (SiCp). Co-Supervisor
- Virtual Reality in Requirement Analysis for CIM system Development Suitable for SMEs, phd thesis, 2004, Thesis presents a new methodology, based on Virtual Reality, for representing a manufacturing system in order to help with the requirement analysis in Computer Integrated manufacturing System development, suitable for small and medium size enterprises.
- 1. Development of virtual reality-based flexible manufacturing shop floor design environments, Project funded by Ministry of Education T.R.N.C./Turkey, 2006, Ref. Code: MEKB-06-06, Grant:
- 2. Virtual reality based CIM systems laboratory training software: VCIMLAB, Project funded by EMU Technology development center -T.R.N.C./ Turkey, 2004, Grant:
- 3. A) A Computer-Aided Multi-Purpose Materials Testing System, Project funded by EMU Technology development center -T.R.N.C/Turkey, 2002, Grant:
- 4. B) Control software development for computer integrated manufacturing. Project funded by EMU Technology development center TEKNOPARK-T.R.N.C./ Turkey, 2004.
- 5. Intelligent Control of Ni-Ti Rotary Instruments for Different Root Canals During Endo Application, Type A project, Granted by Eastern Mediterranean University, 2008, Grant:.