Assoc. Prof. Dr. İME AKANYETİ
Faculty of Engineering
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
U.N. Sustaınable Development Goals
- Edinburgh University Environmental Engineering (PhD, 2013)
- Wageningen University Environmental Sciences (Master, 2007)
- Marmara University Environmental Engineering (Undergraduate, 2005)
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Gidado, S.M. and Akanyeti, I. (2020), Comparison of Remazol Brilliant Blue Reactive Adsorption on Pristine and Calcined ZnAl, MgAl and ZnMgAl Layered Double Hydroxides, Water Air and Soil Pollution, 231(4), 1-18. - 2020
- Isah, A. Akanyeti, I and Oladipo A.A (2020) Methanation of CO2 over zeolite–promoted Ni/Al2O3 nanocatalyst under atmospheric pressure. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 130 (1), 217-228. - 2020
- Akanyeti, I; Kazimoglu, C.; Kanyemba T (2020) Perceived versus objective knowledge towards a sustainable solid waste management in Northern Nicosia. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-020-01078-3 - 2020
- Akanyeti İ, Damdelen Ö, Anvarov A. Geo-polymerization technique for brick production from coal ash and cigarette butts. Journal of Materials Research and Technology doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.09.026 (Accepted:5 September 2020) - 2020
- Akanyeti, I; Kraft, A and Ferrari, MC (2017) “Hybrid polystyrene nanoparticle-ultrafiltration system for hormone removal from water”, Journal of Water Process Engineering 17, 102-109 - 2017
- Akanyeti, I and Ferrari, M.C. (2016), “Hybrid sorbent-ultrafiltration systems for fluoride removal from water”, Separation Science and Technology, 51 (2), 348-358. - 2016
- Schäfer, A.I., I. Akanyeti, and A.J.C. Semião (2011), Micropollutant sorption to membrane polymers: A review of mechanisms for estrogens. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 164 (1-2): p. 100-117. - 2011
- Akanyeti, I.; Temmink, H.; Remy, M.; Zwijnenburg, A. (2010) Feasibility of bioflocculation in a high-loaded membrane bioreactor for improved energy recovery from sewage, Water Science & Technology, 61 (6), 1433-1439. - 2010
Articles published in National journals
- Akanyeti, I, Kazımoğlu Ç, (2019). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Katı Atık Kirliliği ve Yönetimi Konusundaki Farkındalıkları ve Davranışlarına Eğitimin Etkileri. Folklor/Edebiyat , 25 (97) , 128-145 . DOI: 10.22559/folklor.932 - 2019
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Mertoğlu B., Çallı B., Akanyeti İ., Tufan D., Güler N., İnanç B. (2005) 'Havalandırmalı Katı Atık Depo Sahasındaki Mikrobiyal Çeşitliliğin Moleküler Teknikler ile İncelenmesi'. 6. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, 24-26 Kasım, İstanbul. - 2005
Thesis Supervision
Doctorate Thesis Supervised
- “Mitigation Of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide By Heterogeneous Catalytic CO2 Hydrogenation At Atmospheric Pressure”, by Abdullahi Isah, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University (2020). - 2020
- “Adsorptiom of Textile Dyes from Wastewater using Layered Double Hydroxides”, by Suleiman Mohammed Gidado, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University (2020). - 2020
Master Thesis Supervised
- “Competitive Adsorption of Humic Acid and Malachite Green on Powdered Activated Carbon” by Surajo Umar Magori, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2019. - 2019
- “Comparison of Methylene Blude Adsorption on Nigerian and Turkish Bentonites” by Sadiq Garba Abubakar, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2019. - 2019
- “Sorption of Phenol on Magnetic Cobalt Nanoparticles” by Immaculee Mayang, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2019. - 2019
- “The Analysis of Rice Production, Consumption and Metal Contents of Rice Available in Erbil City Markets”, by Runj Mazher, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2018. - 2018
- “An assessment of public awareness and participation in sustainable waste management in Nicosia, North Cyprus” by Talent Kanyemba, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2018 - 2018
- “Removal of Dyes from Water by Sorption on Co-Al and Co-Fe Layered Double Hydroxides” by Jamilu Abdullahi, Environmental Engineering Department, Cyprus International University, 2017. - 2017
- “Aerobic Composting of Food Waste in Cyprus International University”, by Suleiman Mohammed Gidado, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2016. - 2016
- “Feasibility Study for Medical Hazardous Waste in Nicosia”, by Oluwayemi seun Oke, Environmental Engineering Department, Cyprus International University, 2016. - 2016
- “Effect of aeration rate on composting of sewage sludge from waste water treatment plant in Lefkosa TRNC”, by Azad Khalid, Environmental Engineering Department, Cyprus International University, 2016. - 2016
- “Sorption of Cd and Pb from Aqueous Solution on Ceratonia Siliqua Pod (Carob)”, by Princley Oriomojor, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2016 - 2016
- “The State of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soil and Water in North Cyprus”(Non-thesis), by Bamidele Michael Samdenson, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- “Determination of the Parameters Responsible for Corrosion in Reverse Osmosis (RO) Distribution Systems” (Non-thesis), by Oluwatosin Augustine Akinyemi, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- “Environmental Impact Assessment of Paddy Rice Production in Nigeria, Using Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Method”, by Kabiru Ya’u Abdullahi, Environmental Science Department, Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- Researcher position in Ghanaian Water Treatment Project Project Name: 'Removal of trace contaminants from Ghanaian surface and ground waters'. Bu arastirma saha gezisi Leverhulme Royal Society Africa Award ile para kaynagi saglanan uc yillik bir projenin bir bolumunu olusturmaktadir. Proje devam etmektedir.
- Researcher position at D 4.1.2 SWITCH project Project Name: '018530 - SWITCH Sustainable Water Management in the City of the Future' D 4.1.2 SWITCH project: http://www.switchurbanwater.eu/outputs/pdfs/W4-1_GEN_RPT_D4.1.2_Inventory_most_important_pharmaceutical_compounds.pdf
Research Areas
- Water Treatment with Membrane Filtration
- Water Treatment with Adsorption