Faculty of Engineering
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Eastern Mediterranean University Computer Engeneering Department (PhD, 2010)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Computer Engeneering Department (Master, 2003)
- Eastern Mediterranean University Computer Engeneering Department (Undergraduate, 2001)
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Risk Assesment for Occuptional Health and Safety in North Cyprus - 2023
- A Framework Analysis on the Effectiveness of Emergency Remote Learning - 2023
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Security Algorithm for Secure Cloud Environment - 2023
- 1. Ilodigwe Udoka Tochukwu and Fatma Tansu Hocanın, “Awareness of Students on the Usefulness of ICT Tools in Education: Case of EMU”, IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 96 – 106, 2017.
- 2. Fatma Tansu and Ersun İşçioğlu, “Use of Mobile Tablets in the Learning Environment: Perspective of the Computer Teacher Candidates”, Journal of Educational and Instructional Studies In The World, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 13 – 17, 2014.
Articles published in National journals
- The Challenges and Serviceability of Solar Power: Suggestion on Solving the Nigeria Energy Crisis - 2022
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- An investigation on primary school students’ dispositions towards programming with game-based learning - 2021
- Application of Quantitative Computer-Based Analysis for Student’s Learning Tendency on the Efficient Utilization of Mobile Phones during Lecture Hours - 2020
- 1. F. Tansu and M. Salamah, “An Efficient Vertical Handoff Decision for Microcellular and Macrocellular Interworking”, International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 1495 – 1513, 2009.
- DEMİRKIRAN, M.C., TANSU HOCANIN, F. An investigation on primary school students’ dispositions towards programming with game-based learning. Educ Inf Technol (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10430-5
Books and books chapters published internationally
- 1. F. Tansu and M. Salamah, “Vertical Handoff Decision Schemes for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: An Overview”, Recent Trends in Wireless Mobile & Networks, vol. 84, pp. 338-348, Springer, 2010.
- 2. F. Tansu, and M. Salamah, “A Fuzzy-Based Vertical Handoff Performance for Interworking between WLAN and GSM”, New Trends in Computer Networks, Imperial College Press, vol.1, pp. 309- 318, 2005.
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- 1. M. Salamah, and F. Tansu, “On the Vertical Handoff Decision for Wireless Overlay Networks”, International Symposium on Computer Networks, ISCN2006, pp. 111 – 115, 2006.
- 2. M. Salamah, and F. Tansu, “On the Vertical Handoff Performance for Interworking between Microcellular and Macrocellular Networks”, International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC2006, Computer Society Press, pp. 80 – 87, 2006.
- 3. M. Salamah, and F. Tansu, “On the Vertical Handoff Performance for Interworking between WLAN and GSM”, The 9th International Conference (CIC2004), pp. 414 – 418, October 2004.
- 4. M. Salamah, N. Khalil, and F. Tansu, “Buffering Requirements for Lossless Vertical Handoff in Wireless Overlay Networks”, The 57th Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2003), vol. 3, pp. 1984 – 1987, 2003.
Thesis Supervision
Master Thesis Supervised
- Implementing Blockchain Technology for a Food Supply Chain Management System - 2023
- Usage of Blockchain Technology for an online authentication of Educational documents - 2021
- An Android Application for Age and Gender Estimation using TensorFlow Lite - 2021
- Papa Oumar Ndyoe, “Students’ Perception Toward The Effect of Social Networking Site on Academic Performance: Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, EMU”, September 2018
- Mohammed Abubakr Ahmed Ahmed, “The Opinions of Computer Science Students and Instructors on Academic Social Network(ASN) Sites: Case of University of Sulaymaniyah”, January 2018
- Mustafa Can Demirkıran, “A Case Study on the Readiness of 5th Grade Primary School Students on Understanding the Concept of Programming Languages through Game-Based Learning”, August 2017
- Mohammad Mehdi Ranjbar, “The Attitudes of Students and Teachers Towards Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Use in Education: Case of Computer Engineering Department at Eastern Mediterranean University”, July 2016
- Mohsen Mortazavi, “Examining the Determinants of Iranian Students’ Use of Mobile Phones during Lecture Periods: Case of EMU”, July 2016
- Ekrem Soyşen, “Secondary School Teachers’ Attitudes Towards ICT and The Use of Internet: The Case of North Cyprus”, September 2016
- Matthew Olabode Agboola, “Teacher Attitudes towards Using ICT as an Educational Tool: The Case of Nigerian Secondary School Teachers in the City of Ibadan and Abuja”, February 2016
- Udoka Tochukwu Ilodigwe, “Perception of EMU IT Students’ On The Effectiveness of Use of ICT Tools In Education”, September 2015
- Talayeh Ghofrani, “Instructors’ Perception on The Use of Cloud-based Learning Systems in Higher Education: The Case of Iran Universities”, September 2015
- Azadeh Samani, “Heuristic Evaluation of Usability of The EMU Distance Education LMS”, September 2015
Research Areas
- Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
- Wireless Computer Networking
- Performance Evaluation
- Fuzzy Logic Applications