Faculty of Engineering
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+90 392 671 11 11
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Articles published in National journals
- İşçan, A. (2021). Empirical and theoretical analysis of a modified isochronal test in a caspian region gas reservoir . International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal , 5 (3) , 379-386 . DOI: 10.35860/iarej.880198 - 2021
Articles published in peer reviewed international journals (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- KÖK M.V. and İŞCAN A.G.: “Catalytic Effects of Metallic Additives on the Crude Oil Combustion” Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2001, Vol. 64 , pp. 1311-1318.(SCI).
- KÖK M.V.,İŞCAN A.G, Ülker B.:”Effects of Axial Stress on Reservoir Rocks” ,Energy Sources, 2002, Vol. 24, pp.915-920. (SCI).
- ISCAN,A.G.,and CIVAN,F.:“ Correlation of Criteria For Perforation and Pore Plugging By Particles ,” Journal of Porous Media, v.9 i.6. pp.541-558, 2006(SCI).
- ISCAN,A.G., CIVAN,F., KOK,M.V..: ”Alteration of Permeability by Drilling Fluid Invasion and Flow Reversal ” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v.58,i.12, pp.227-244, 2007. (SCI).
- OZBAYOGLU,E., GUNES, C., Esat C. APAK, E.,KOK,M.V and ISCAN, A.G.: “Empirical Correlations for Estimating Filtrate Volume of Water Based Drilling Fluids” Petroleum Science and Technology, V.23 , March 2005, 423-436 (Science Citation Index Expanded, (SCI-Exp.).
- ISCAN, A.G., KÖK,M.V.,BAGCI, A.S.: “Estimation of Permeability and Rock Mechanical Properties of Limestone Reservoir Rocks Under Stress Conditions by Strain Gauge”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v.53 i.1-2,pp.1324,2006 (SCI).
- İSCAN, A.G., KÖK,M.V.,BAGCI, A.S.:” Kinetic Analysis of Central Anatolia Oil Shale by Combustion Cell Experiments”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,v.88, no.3, pp. 653-656,2007 (SCI).
- KÖK,M.V., İSCAN, A.G..:” Oil shale kinetics by differential methods”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v.88,no.3,pp.657-661,2007. (SCI).
- İSCAN, A.G., KOK, M.V. “Effects of Polymers and CMC Concentration on Rheological and Fluid Loss Parameters of Water-Based Drilling Fluids” Energy Sources Part-A, DOI : 10.1080/00908310600713966 V.29, ISSUE 10,2007,PP.939-949.(SCI).
- İSCAN, A.G., KÖK,M.V. “Effects of Walnut Shells on the Rheological Properties of Water-Based Drilling Fluids” Energy Sources Part-A, DOI: 10.1080/00908310600713982 , V.29, ISSUE:11,2007,PP.1061-1088.(SCI).
- İSCAN, A.G., KÖK,M.V.,BAGCI, A.S. “Permeability Reduction Due to Formation Damage by Drilling Fluids” Energy Sources Part-A 10.1080/ 0090831060071 3958, V.29, ISSUE:9, 2007 PP.851-859. (SCI).
- ISCAN,A.G., KÖK,M.V .,and ,CIVAN,F.: ” Investigation of Porosity and Permeability of Sandstones by X-Ray Analysis, Dynamic Circulation, and Numerical Simulation”, Energy Sources Part-A, V.31 issue5 ,pp.387-395, 2009 (SCI).
- KÖK,M.V., İSCAN, A.G..:” Effect of Carboxy Methyl Cellulose and Determination of Pore Throat Criteria for Water-based Drilling Fluids Energy Sources Part-A, V.31 issue5 ,pp.396-405, 2009 (SCI).
- Mustafa Verşan Kök and A.Gürkan İşcan, “Estimation of Filter Cake Thickness for Water-based Drilling Fluids. " Energy Sources Part-A, V.32, (2010), p.400-406.(SCI).
- Porosity and permeability determinations in sandstone and limestone rocks using thin section analysis approach. Iscan, A.G.,Kok, M.V. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2009, 31(7), pp. 568-575
- İŞCAN A.G.: “Water saturation calculation using fractional flow and production logging data in a Caspian region sandstone petroleum reservoir” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ,2021, Vol.200 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108355. (SCI).
Research Areas
- Reservoir modeling, volumetric calculation, field development, petrophysics, Saturation height function, PVT, Log Evaluation, Production Nodal Analysis, Artificial Lift Systems, Petrel, Eclipse