Faculty of Communication
Telephone number
+90 392 671 11 11
Other information
- Moscow State University Television Journalism (Master, 1995)
- Moscow State University Journalism (Undergraduate, 1994)
Articles published in National journals
- Avtürk N., 2019, May, "The 'Other' Face of the Turkish Cypriot Press", Media Magazine, Cyprus Turkish Journalists Association, Issue:16, May 2019, Nicosia, North Cyprus. - 2019
- Tunca, E.A., Avtürk N., 2014. "Political Communication Campaigns of the Parties Participating in the 2013 TRNC Early General Election from the Perspective of Political Communication and Political Marketing", Communication and Diplomacy, National Peer Reviewed Journal, Year: 2, Issue: 3, July-December 2014, Ankara, Turkey. - 2014
Articles published in other peer reviewed international journals
- Tunca, E.A., Avtürk N., 2019, 'Political Communication Campaigns: The Communication Campaigns of CTP and UBP in April 2009 TRNC Early General Elections', PESA International Journal of Social Studies, July 2019, Vol:5, Issue:2, Journal homepage:http://dergipark.gov.tr/pesausad - 2019
- Tunca, E.A., Avtürk N., 2019, "Political Communication and Election Campaigns from the Communication Perspective", Journal of Human and Social Science Researches, Publication Date Season: October-November-December, 2019, http://www.itobiad.com/en/download/article-file/886555 - 2019
Papers presented in international conferences and printed as proceedings
- Avtürk N., 2018, March; "Foreigners and Xenophobia in the Turkish Cypriot Press", CIU-ILAD (The Communication Research Association - Turkey), The Role of Communication in a Transforming World, International Symposium, Nicosia, North Cyprus. - 2018
- Tunca, E.A., Avtürk N., 2014. "Political Communication Campaigns of the Parties Participating in the 2013 TRNC Early General Election from the Perspective of Political Communication and Political Marketing" Dicle University, International Symposium on Political Communication, Democracy and New Processes 21- 23 November 2013, Diyarbakır, Turkey. - 2013
Papers presented in National conferences and printed as proceedings
- Avtürk N., 2016, October; "Editorial Policies and Xenophobia in the Turkish Cypriot Press"; Media and Violence Symposium, European University of Lefke; Lefke, North Cyprus. - 2016
Research Areas
- News language analysis, discourse in news, xenophobia