Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği Yüksekokulu
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Öğrenim Durumu
- Eastern Mediterranean University -Tourism Management (Doktora, 2017)
- Lulea University of Technology -Tourism and Hospitality Management (Yüksek Lisans, 2011)
- Strathclyde University -Hotel and Hospitality Management (Lisans, 2008)
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Khaleel,M., Ilkhanizadeh, S., & Khrais,H.(2021).Impact of Healthcare Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty in Private Hospital in Jordan. The International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management. (Acceptance) - 2022
- Chehab, O., Bouzari M & Ilkhanizadeh, S. (2022) .Job Motivation Mediating the Effects of Standardization on Restaurant Frontline Employees’ Job Outcomes: Evidence from Lebanon, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism.DOI: 10.1080/1528008X.2022.2089944 - 2022
- Rashid, A.M. M., & Ilkhanizadeh, S. (2022).The Effect of Servant Leadership on Job Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Trust in Coworkers”. Frontiers in Communication-Culture and Communication.DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.928066 - 2022
- Ilkhanizadeh,S.(2021). Sustainable Tourism and the Role of Stakeholders in North Cyprus: A Literature Review. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes,13(4).DOI:10.1108/WHATT-02-2021-0034 - 2021
- Vatankhah,S.& Ilkhanizadeh,S.(2021). Understanding Airline Organizational Attractiveness Using Interpretive Structural Modelling. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), https://doi.org/10.30519/ahtr.833629 - 2021
- Ilkhanizadeh S., Golabi M., Hesami S., & Rjoub H.( 2020).The Potential Use of Drones for Tourism in Crises: A Facility Location Analysis Perspective. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 13(10), 246.DOI:10.3390/jrfm13100246 - 2020
- Karatepe, Osman M., Sarvnaz Baradarani, Hossein Ghasemi, Shiva Ilkhanizadeh, and Ali Raoofi (2014), 'The Effects of High-Performance Work Practices on Critical Performance Outcomes: Evidence from the Hotel Industry', European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 5(3), 46-67 - 2014
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Almagharabeh,B.K.A ., Ilkhanizadeh, S.(2022). A 3-way interaction effects of perceived over-qualification, participation in decision-making and mindfulness on nurse’s knowledge hoarding and hiding behaviors. Revista de Administração de Empresas.62(4) . DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020220308 - 2022
- Ozgit,H., Yücelen,C., Güden,N., & Ilkhanizadeh,S. (2022), Residents' Perceptions Towards Sustainability Of Cultural Resources: The Case Of Great Inn, Journal Of Tourism And Cultural Change. DOI: 10.1080/14766825.2022.2032116 - 2022
- Kamna,D.F., Ilkhanizade,S.(2022).Can High-Performance Work Practices Influence Employee Career Competencies? There Is A Need For Better Employee Outcomes In The Banking Industry.Plos One . 17(3). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264764 - 2022
- Saeed,R.A.& , Ilkhanizadeh,S.(2021). The Effects of Sustainable Social Media Marketing on The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Political Campaigns and Voter Intentions. Revista de psicología del deporte. ,30(1),129-143 - 2021
- Ilkhanizadeh, S., & Karatepe, O. M. (2018). Does trust in organization mediated the influence of servant leadership on satisfaction outcomes among flight attandents? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(10). - 2018
- Ilkhanizadeh, Shiva, and Osman M. Karatepe (2017), "An examination of the consequences of corporate social responsibility in the airline industry: Work engagement, career satisfaction, and voice behavior." Journal of Air Transport Management 59,8-17 - 2017
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Shiva ilkhanizadeh, Maziar Haghani, and Ali Hassanzadeh Sharkanloilkhanizadeh, Maziar Haghani, and Ali Hassanzadeh Sharkanlo” A Comprehensive Review of the Literature on the Various Elements of Luxury”. Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents Tourism for a Better World (MTCON-2022) 24-27 March, 2022 (Online & in-person), Antalya/TURKEY - 2022
- Mahmood Globi, Lhassane Idoumghar, and Shiva Ilkhanizadeh.” Facility Location Problem in a Drone-Equipped Restaurant Chain.” Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents Tourism for a Better World (MTCON-2022) 24-27 March, 2022 (Online & in-person), Antalya/TURKEY - 2022
- Shiva Ilkhanizadeh, Omar M. Chehab and Mona Bouzari, “Assessing the Impacts of Standardization in Quick Service Restaurants: Evidence from Front-Line Employees in Beirut, Lebanon”. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance, EXTENDED WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES (ICOAEF VII), 20-21 August 2020, Bandirma-Balıkesir, Turkey. - 2020
- Adnan Mahmood M.Rashid, Shiva Ilkhanizadeh, ” The Impact of Servant Leadership on Service Recovery Performance, and Innovative Work Behavior among Bank Employees”. International Eurasia Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends-VII, December 6-9, 2020, Baku, Azerbaijan. - 2020
- Shiva Ilkhanizadeh ,Omar M. Chehab and Mona Bouzari “Assessing The Impacts Of Standardization In Quick Service Restaurants: Evidence From Front-Line Employees In Beirut, Lebanon “ International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & EXTENDED WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES (ICOAEF VII) 20-21 August 2020 , Bandirma- Balıkesir (Turkey) - 2020
- Kaitano, Nomatter; Ilkhanizadeh, Shiva,” The Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance in Organizations: A Case of Six Northern Cyprus Restaurants”. ICOAEF’19, V. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & EXTENDED WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES, 8-10 April 2019, Kyrenia, Cyprus. - 2019
- Shiva Ilkhanizadeh, Zanete Garanti, Tayo Onijigin and Uzoma Ogbolime, ”Impact of Organization and Destination Identification on Service Quality and Creative Performance of Local and Foreign Employees”. International Mobility, Migratıon and Wellbeing Conference & Workshop Program, 11-14 December, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey. - 2019
- Shiva Ilkhanizadeh, Zanete Garanti, Tayo Onijigin and Uzoma Ogbolime”Impact of Organization and Destination Identification on Service Quality and Creative Performance of Local and Foreign Employees”. International Mobility, Migratıon and Wellbeing Conference & Workshop Program 11-14 December, 2019, Istanbul,Turkey. - 2019
- Ilkhanizadeh,Shiva, and Osman M. Karatepe (2017), 'The Effect Of Servant Leadership On Flight Attendants Satisfaction Outcomes: The Mediating Role Of Trust. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM), 7thAnnual Conference, July 10 -15, Famagusta,Cyprus - 2017
- Bouzari,Mona, Safavi, Homayoun Pasha , and Ilkhanizadeh,Shiva (2014a). 'Does Work Engagement Mediate the Effect of Dispositional Competitiveness on Job Outcomes? A Study in the hotel Industry in Iran', the 5th international conference on Advances in Tourism Economics. May15-16, Lisbon, Portugal. - 2014
- Bouzari,Mona, Safavi, Homayoun Pasha , and Ilkhanizadeh, Shiva (2014b). 'The Antecedent Factors Promoting Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviour', the 5th international conference on Advances in Tourism Economics. May15-16, Lisbon, Portugal. - 2014
- lkhanizadeh,Shiva (2013), 'Tourism and Hospitality Students' Experience of Sexual Harassment During Summer Training '. International Conference on Service Management, Managing Service Across Continents. 6thAnnual Conference, June 24 -25, Cyprus, Keyrenia. - 2013
- Kaitano, Nomatter; Ilkhanizadeh, Shiva ,” The Impact Of Rewards On Employee Performance In Organizations: A Case Of Six Northern Cyprus Restaurants” ICOAEF’19, V. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & EXTENDED WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES, April 8-10, Kyrenia , Cyprus.
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Chehab, O., Ilkhanizadeh, S., & Bouzari M.(2021). Impacts of Job Standardisation on Restaurant Frontline Employees: Mediating Effect of Emotional Labour. Sustainability, 13, 1525.DOI: 10.3390/su13031525 - 2021
- Shiva Ilkhanizadeh , Uzoma Ogbolime,” Employee perception of corporate social responsibility in ecotourism Destinations”. Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents (MTCON’21),April 1-3,2021, Virtual. - 2021
- Javid Elyeh, Ilkhanizadeh Shiva (2014),' Social Resources Integration and Educational Tourists' Adaptation the Case Study Of Iranian Student in Eastern Mediterranean University' International Journal of Business Applications, 1(1), 76-86 - 2014
Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
- Garanti, Z., Nabil, M., & Ilkhanizadeh, S., (2019) Modern Consumer Behavior: The effect of electronic word-of- mouth on consumer purchasing behavior. Lambert Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken, Germany. - 2019
- Garanti, Z., Nabil, M., & Ilkhanizadeh, S., (2019) Modern Consumer Behavior: The effect of electronic word-of- mouth on consumer purchasing behavior. Lambert Academic Publishing. Saarbrucken, Germany. - 2019
- Ilkhanizadeh, S., Garanti, Z., & Kissi, P. S. (2018). The impact of branding on visitor's satisfaction and loyalty in Iran. In Correia, A., Kozak, M. & Rodrigues, A. I. (Eds.) Experiencing Persian Heritage, Perspective and Challenges (Vol. 10, pp.223-241). Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice, Emerald. - 2018
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- Raman Abayomi Oseni (2022) “The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty In Lagoon Hotel And Suite During Covid-19.” School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Cyprus International University. - 2022
- Charles Tochukwu Nwanya “Service Quality Management In The Hospitality Industry (Case Study Indypool Hotel, Lagos Nigeria)”. School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Cyprus International University. - 2022
- Iveren Carmella, Bulya (2021),”The relationship between social media advertising constructs and purchase intention” School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Cyprus International University. - 2021
- Nyengi, Igani (2021),” The impact of leadership styles on employees’ performance in the hotel industry in Nigeri” School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Cyprus International University. - 2021
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- Ogbonna, Josephine Amarachi. (2021) “The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employees’ Performance, Empowerment and Job Satisfaction in Nigerian Hotel Industry”. School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Cyprus International University. - 2021
- Majekodunmi, Olamide Ayoola. (2021) “Evaluation of Organizational Response of Nigerian Hotels to Covid-19: Roles of Human Capital and Emotional Intelligence.” School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Cyprus International University. - 2021
- Olatunji Sunday, Fasanya (2020), “Marka İmajı, Marka Farkındalığı ve Marka Elçisinin Ikogusi'de Yeniden Ziyaret Niyetine Etkisi” Lefkosa, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti, Turizm ve Otelcilik Yüksekokulu, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi. - 2020
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Yönetilen Doktora Tezleri
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- Rizgar Saeed (2022),”Mental Psychology of voters: Social Media Marketing ,Corporate Social Responsibility and Political Campaigns Perspectives” Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science, Cyprus International University. (Ph.D.) - 2022
- Okpara, Charles Ehukwuemeka. (2021)”Occupational Stress and Turnover Intention among Nigerian Hotel Employees: The Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction in the Heat of Covid 19”. Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science, Cyprus International University - 2021
- Omar M. Chehab (2021), “ Impacts of Job Standardisation on Restaurant Frontline Employees: Mediating Effect of Emotional Labour ” Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science, Cyprus International University.(Ph.D.) - 2021
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Çalışma Alanları
- pazarlama ve yönetim, İnsan kaynakları, Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Otelcilik, Turizm ve Uluslararası pazarlama, Liderlik, Örgütsel Davranış
İdari Görevler
- Lisans öğrencilerine danışman
- Turizm Kulübü Danışmanı
- Sertifikasyon ve Akreditasyon programları için idari
- Doktora ve Yüksek Lisans öğrencilerine tez danışmanı
- Lisans ve yüksek lisans düzeyinde öğretim (Master ve Ph.D.)
- Okul Ders ve Kayıt Koordinatörü
- Müfredat komitesi üyesi