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+90 392 671 11 11
Diğer bilgiler
Öz geçmiş
Öğrenim Durumu
- Izmir University of Economics Applied Mathematic and Statistics (Doktora, 2017)
- Ege University Statistics (Lisans, 2012)
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Iscioglu, Funda. and Erem Halilsoy, Aysegul. "A Simulation-Based Reliability Evaluation of (r,s)-out-of-n Multi-State Solar Panel Systems". IX. Kadın Matematikçiler Derneği Çalıştayı, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2024. - 2024
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Erem Halilsoy, Aysegul, and Iscioglu, Funda. "Reliability analysis of (r, s)-out-of-n multi-state systems using copulas." Engineering Computations (2024). - 2024
- Mahmood, Tahir, and Erem, Aysegul . "A bivariate exponentially weighted moving average control chart based on exceedance statistics." Computers & Industrial Engineering 175 (2023): 108910. - 2023
- Erem, Aysegul, and Mahmood,Tahir . "A bivariate CUSUM control chart based on exceedance statistics." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 39(4) (2023): 1172-1191. - 2023
- Erem, Ayşegül, and Ismihan Bayramoglu. "A consistent statistical test based on bivariate random samples." Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 52(1) (2023): 209-228. - 2023
- Erem, Aysegul, et al. "Further theories on application of new generalized probability density function and its applications." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 38(5) (2022): 2405-2419. - 2022
- Erem, Aysegul. "An exceedance model based on bivariate order statistics." Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics 70(2) (2021): 785-795. - 2021
- Erem, Aysegul. "Bivariate two sample test based on exceedance statistics." Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 49(9) (2020): 2389-2401. - 2020
- Iscioglu, Funda, and Aysegul Erem. "Reliability analysis of a multi-state system with identical units having two dependent components." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability 235(2) (2021): 241-252. - 2020
- Erem, Aysegul, and Ismihan Bayramoglu. "Bivariate general random threshold models and exceedance statistics." TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 11(2) (2020): 189-203. - 2020
- Dastan, Ilker, Aysegul Erem, and Volkan Cetinkaya. "Awareness, treatment, control of hypertension, and associated factors: results from a Turkish national study." Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 40(1) (2018): 90-98. - 2018
- Erem, Aysegul, and Ismihan Bayramoglu. "Exact and asymptotic distributions of exceedance statistics for bivariate random sequences." Statistics & Probability Letters 125 (2017): 181-188. - 2017
- Daştan, İlker, Erem, Aysegul and Çetinkaya,Volkan. "Urban and rural differences in hypertension risk factors in Turkey." Anatolian Journal of Cardiology/Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi 18(1) (2017). - 2017
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Invited Speaker-Erem, Aysegul. "Applications of exceedance statistics in quality control charts". 8th International Conference on Advances in Statistics (ICAS) 2022, Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 16-18 May 2022. - 2022
- Erem, Aysegul. " A Random Threshold Model Based on Bivariate Order Statistics". ICAS E-Conference International Conference on Advances in Statistics, 15-17 October 2021. - 2021
- Erem, Aysegul, and Bayramoglu, Ismihan." A Statistical Consistent Test Based on Bivariate Random Thresholds". ICAS E-Conference International Conference on Advances in Statistics, 16-17 October 2020. - 2020
- Erem, Aysegul, and Iscioglu, Funda. "Reliability Evaluation of A Three-State System of N Elements Having Two Dependent Components with Non-Homogeneous Transition Rates".11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019) 3 - 7 June 2019, Hong Kong SAR. - 2019
- Erem, A. "Two Sample Test Based on Bivariate Order Statistics". Recent Advances in Probability & Statistics 'An Internatıonal Conference in Honor of Ismihan Bayramoglu (Bairamov) for His 60th Birthday' , 24-25 June 2019, Istanbul. - 2019
- Erem, Aysegul. "Testing for equality of two copulas based on exceedance statistics". 4. International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress, 28-30 April 2018, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey. - 2018
- İşçioğlu, Funda, and Erem, Aysegul. "Reliability Analysis of a Multi-state System with Identical Units Having Two Dependent Components". International Statistics Days Conference,03-07 October 2018, Bodrum, Turkey. - 2018
- Erem, Aysegul, and Bayramoglu, Ismihan. "Some bivariate random threshold models based on order statistics and concomitants". 3. International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress, 24-26 May 2017, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey. - 2017
- Erem, Aysegul, and Bayramoglu Ismihan. "Asymptotic distributions of exceedance statistics in bivariate random threshold models". 12. International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data, 25-28.05.2016, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece. - 2016
- Erem, Aysegul, and Arslan, Guvenc" Application of ranked set sampling on correlation coefficient (R) normality tests". 11. International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data, 02-06.2014, Bedlewo, Poland. - 2014
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Diker, Sevda, et al. "Association between cerebral microbleeds and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with ischemic stroke." The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery 58.1 (2022): 43. - 2022
- Erem, Aysegul, and Arslan, Guvenc. "Application of Ranked Set Sampling to Normality Tests." Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics 2(1) (2015): 05-12. - 2015
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Yılmaz, D.U., Korhan, E. A., Yönt, G.H., Dikmen Y., Düzgün, G., and Erem, A. "Effect of Subcutaneous Injection Applied to Two Different Areas on Formation of Pain and Ecchymoses". İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University Faculty of Health Science Journal, 1(3), (2016): 15-20. - 2016
- Yılmaz, D. U., Korhan, E. A., Baysan B., Tan, E., Erem, A., Çelik, S., Çelik, G.O. "The effect of music therapy on sedation levels and vital signs of patients under mechanical ventilator support: A pilot study". İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University Faculty of Health Science Journal, 1(3), (2016): 21-27. - 2016
Çalışma Alanları
- Olasilik Teorisi Sira Istatistikleri Guvenilirlik Teorisi
- Uygulamalı İstatistik
İdari Görevler
- Uluslararasi Kibris Universitesi, Müfredat Komitesi, Temel ve Insani Bilimler Bolumu Yedek Uye (2021-DEVAM EDİYOR)
- Uluslararasi Kibris Universitesi Kalite Kurulu, Fen-Edebiyat Fakultesi Temsilciligi (2022-DEVAM EDİYOR)