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Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- 18. Neda.Shahrara, Tahir Celik, Amir H. Gandomi 'Risk Analysis of BOT Contracts using Soft Computing', Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Volume: 23 Issue: 2 Pages: 232-240 Published: 2017 - 2017
- 19. Neda.Shahrara, Tahir Celik, 'Gene Expression Programming Approach to Cost Estimatıon Formulation For Utility Projects', Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Pages: 85-95 Published: 2017 - 2017
- 17. Eren, O., Ilter, O., Marar, K., Celik, T., 'An Experimental Study on Thermal and Engineering Properties of Mortar and Plaster Produced with Pumice Aggregates' Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM International, Vol. 43, Issue 6, pp 1361-1371 (November 2015). - 2015
- 16. Rezai, A., Celik, T., & Baalousha, Y., 'Performance measurement in a quality management system' Scientia Iranica Journal, Transaction E 18(3), pp 742-752, 2011. - 2011
- 15. Baalousha, Y., Celik, T., & Rezai, A., 'An Integrated Web-Based Data Warehouse and Artificial Neural Networks System for Unit Price Analysis with Inflation Adjustment', Journal of Civil Engineering and Management' 2010. - 2010
- 14. Akçaoğlu, T., Tokyay, M., Çelik, T. 'Assessing the ITZ Micro cracking via Scanning Electron Microscope and Its Effect on the Failure Behavior of Concrete' Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 35, (2) 2005, pp. 358-363. - 2005
- 13. Akçaoğlu, T., Tokyay, M., Çelik, T.; 'Effect of Coarse Aggregate Size and Matrix Quality on ITZ and Failure Behaviour of Concrete Under Uniaxial Compression', Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 26 (6), 2004, pp. 633-638. - 2004
- 10. Momammed, A., and Celik, T., 'Knowledge Based Systems for Alternative Design, Cost Estimating and Scheduling', Knowledge Based Systems Journal, Vol. 15, 2002, pp 177-188. - 2002
- 12. Akcaoglu, T., Tokyay, M., and Celik, T., 'Effect of Coarse Aggregate Size on Interfacial Cracking Under Uniaxial Compression', Materials Letters, Vol. 57 (4), pp. 828-833, 2002. - 2002
- 8. Marar, K., Eren, O., and Celik T., 'Relationship between Impact Energy and Compression Toughness Energy of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete', Journal of Materials Letters, Vol. 47, Issues 4-5, 2001, pp 297-304. - 2001
- 9. Marar, K., Eren, O., and Celik T., 'Relationship between Flexural Toughness Energy and Impact Energy of HSFRC', Journal of Materials De Construction, Vol. 51, No: 262, 2001, pp 5-13. - 2001
- 11. Neap, S.H., and Celik, T., 'A Knowledge Based System for Determination of Marginal Value of Building Projects', Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 21(3): 119-129 (2001). - 2001
- 7. Eren, O., Marar, K., and Celik, T., 'Effects of Silica Fume and Steel Fibers on Some Mechanical Properties of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete', ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.27, No.6, November 1999, pp 380-387. - 1999
- 5. Mohammed, A., and Celik, T., 'An Integrated Knowledge Based System for Alternative Design and Materials Selection and Cost Estimating', Expert Systems With Applications, No.14, 1998, pp 329-339. - 1998
- 6. Neap, S.H., and Celik, T., 'A Knowledge Based System for Determination of Value of Constructed Facility', Expert Systems with Applications, No.15, 1998, pp 87-98. - 1998
- 4. Eren, O., and Celik, T., 'Effect of Silica Fume and Steel Fibers on Some Properties of High-Strength Concrete', Construction and Building Materials, Vol.11, No.5, 1997, pp 373-382. - 1997
- 3. Celik, T., and Marar, K., 'Effects of Crushed Stone Dust on Some Properties of Concrete', Journal of Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.26, No.7, 1996, pp 1121-1130. - 1996
- 2. Eren, O, Brooks, J.J, and Celik, T., 'Setting Times of Fly Ash and Slag Cement Concrete As Affected by Curing Temperatures', ASTM, Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, June 1995, pp 11-17. - 1995
- 1. Bayasi, Z., and Celik, T., 'Application of Silica Fume in Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete', Transportation Research Record, No 1382, Materials and Construction, 1993, pp 89-98. - 1993
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- 20. Erkul, M., Yitmen, I., & Çelik, T. (2016). Stakeholder Engagement in Mega Transport Infrastructure Projects. Procedia Engineering, 161, 704-710. - 2016
- 19. Neda Shahrara, Tahir Çelik, Amir H. Gandomi , 'Analyzing BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) Models in Utility Projects', The Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing to be held in Prague, Czech Republic 1-4 September 2015. - 2015
- 17. Mohamadi, Y., Celik T. 'Optimum insulation thicknesses for building walls in Mediterranean Region', 11. International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-25 October, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. - 2014
- 18. Mohamadi, Y., Mirnoori, S.V., Celik T. 'Building Shape Effect on Energy Consymption of Residential Units: Case Study of Famagusta', 11. International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-25 October, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. - 2014
- 15. C. Ahbab, T.Çelik. 'An Investigation on Delay, Cost Overrun, Quality, and Health and Safety Problems in Construction Projects', 10. International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 17-19 October, 2012, Ankara, Turkey. - 2012
- 16. M.N. Naim, G.E. Gürcanlı, T.Çelik, 'A survey on health and safety issues on construction sites in TRNC', 10. International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 17-19 October, 2012, Ankara, Turkey. - 2012
- 14. Tahir Çelik, Yousef Baalousha, Ahmet Alyousif, 'Developing a Quality Management System to acquire ISO 9000', 6th International Architecture and Engineering Symposium,- Creating the future', 25-26 November 2010, Lefke European University, Lefke. - 2010
- 11. Tahir Çelik, Faruk İbisevic, 'Investment App Investment Appraisal of a Small Hydro Power Plant: A Case Study for a Small Hydro Power Plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina', Fifth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-V),'Collaboration and Integration in Engineering, Management and Technology', May 20-22, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.143-149. - 2009
- 12. Tahir Çelik, Yousef Baalousha, Faruk İbisevic, 'Developing a forecasting model for the prediction of inflation rates for use in life cycle cost analysis', 26. International Conference, Managing IT in Construction, CIB W078, 1-3 October 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. - 2009
- 13. Tahir Çelik, Alireza Rezaei, 'Application of Microsoft Visual Studio.Net in Organizational Breakdown Structurer Development', Fifth International Conference of Soft Computing, Computing with Words, ICSCCW 2009, 2-4 September 2009, Famagusta, Cyprus. - 2009
- 10. Marar, K., and Celik, T., 'Prediction of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Flexural Strength from its Compressive Strength", 3rd FAE International Symposium, Creating the Future, Gemikonagi, Lefke, TRNC, 25-26 November,2004, pp. 191-194. - 2004
- 8. Akcaoglu, T., Tokyay, M., and Celik, T., 'Effecet of Coarse Aggregate Size and Water/Cement Ratio in Interface Fracture Under Uniaxial Compression', 6th International Conference on Concrete Technology in Developing Countries, 21-23 October, 2002, Amman, Jordan. - 2002
- 9. Marar, K., and Celik, T., 'The Influence of FRI on the Relationship Between Compressive and Tensile Strength of NSFRC and HSFRC', 6th International Conference on Concrete Technology in Developing Countries, 21-23 October, 2002, Amman, Jordan. - 2002
- 6. Eren, O., Marar, K., and Celik, T., 'Measuring Impact Resistance of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete', 2nd International Symposium on Cement and Concrete Technology in the 2000, 6-10 September, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey. - 2000
- 7. Eren, O., Celik, T., and Marar, K., 'Comparison of Concrete Compressive Strength Determined by Schmidt Hammer Test, Ultrasonic Pundit and Crushing Value', 25th Anniversary Conference on Our World in Concrete and Structures, 22-24 August, 2000, Singapore. - 2000
- 5. Celik, T., Doven, A.G., Marar, K., and Eren, O., 'The Effect of Calcined Clay on Some Properties of Concrete When Used for Partial Replacement of Cement', 5th International Conference on Concrete Technology for Developing Countries, 17-19 November, 1999, New Delhi, India. - 1999
- 4. Mohammed, A., and Celik, T., 'Knowledge Based System for Generation of Productivity Adjusted Schedule', Construction 21, The Third International Congress on Construction, 21-22 May, 1998, Singapore. - 1998
- 3. Mohammed, A., Birgonul, M.T., and Celik, T., 'Effects of Inflation and Payment delay on Contractors Profit Margin Under Unit Price Contracting System and Compensation Methods', 13th International Cost Engineering Congress, 9-12 October, 1994, London, UK. - 1994
- 1. Celik, T., and Eren, O., 'Selimiye Mosque in Nicosia', IASS International Symposium, 24-28 May, 1993, Istanbul, Turkey. - 1993
- 2. Bayasi, Z., and Celik, T., 'Fiber Reinforced Concrete', International Symposium on Innovative World of Concrete, August 30- September 3, 1993, Bangalore, India. - 1993
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- 44. Kemal Tözer, Tahir Çelik, G. Emre Gürcanlı, 'Kuzey Kıbrıs İnşaat Sektöründe Vasıfsız İşçilerin Yaşadığı İş Kazalarının Sınıflandırılması', . Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 3 ' 5 Kasım 2016, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, Eskişehir. - 2016
- 45. Osman İlter, Tahir Çelik, 'İnşaat Safhasındaki Değişiklik Nedenlerinin İrdelenmesi', Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 3 ' 5 Kasım 2016, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, Eskişehir. - 2016
- 42. Çelik, T., İlter, O, 'İnşaat Projelerinde Ana Yüklenici ile Alt Yükleniciler Arasındaki İş Anlaşmaları ve Neden Oldukları Problemler' Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi (PYYK 2214), 6-8 Kasım 2014,Antalya Türkiye. - 2014
- 43. Çelik, T., Tözer. K.D., 'KKTC'de İş Kazalarının Genel Analizi ve İnşaat Sektöründe Durum: Çalışanların Eğitim ve Kültür Seviyelerinin İş Kazalarına olan Etkileri' Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi (PYYK 2014), 6-8 Kasım 2014, Antalya Türkiye. - 2014
- 41. T.Çelik, K, D. Tözer, O. İlter, O. Köseoğlu, 'İş Güvenliği ve İşçi Sağlığında Eğitim Çalışması', 2. Proje Yapım Kongresi, 13-16 Eylül, 2012, İzmir, Türkiye. - 2012
- 40. M. Naim, E.G. Gürcanlı, T. Çelik, 'Comparison of Health and Safety issues of TRNC with Turkey and EU', 3. İşçi Sağlığı ve İş Güvenliği Sempozyumu, 21-23, Ekim, 2011, Çanakkale, Türkiye. - 2011
- 39. Tolga Çelik, Tahir Çelik, 'KKTC'de Müteahhit Firmalarının analizi ve İnşaat Sektöründe Enformasyon İletişim Teknolojilerinin Kullanımı', 1. Proje ve Yapım Yönetimi Kongresi, 29 Eylül ' 1 Ekim, 2010, ODTÜ, Ankara. - 2010
- 38. T. Çelik, Ö. Eren, C. Altunay, T. Hatay, O. Kılıç, 'Pomzanın Konut İnşaatında Önemi', II. Konut Kurultayı, 08-09 Mart 2006, Lefkoşa, KKTC, s. 270-276. - 2006
- 36. Altunay C., Hatay T., Eren, Ö., Çelik, T., ve Marar, K., 'Farklı Taşocaklarından Alınan Numunelerin Performans Değerlendirmesi', Birinci Taşocakları Kongresi, 12-14 Ocak 2005, Lefkoşa, KKTC, s.149-156. - 2005
- 37. T. Çelik, 'Cost of Rehabilitation of the Turkish Cypriots Based on the Annan Plan' The Wolfson Cyprus Group Conference, 'Sustainable Economic Development in Cyprus: Towards Economic Convergence and Reunification: The Case of the Northern Part of Cyprus', May 2005 Nicosia, Cyprus. - 2005
- 24. Okaygun, M., Gokcekus, H., and Celik, T., 'Use of Waste Sludge to Produce a Light Weight Aggregate', Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region, 12-15 April, 2002, Nicosia, North Cyprus. - 2002
- 25. Celik, T., Arditi, D., and Abbasi, M.F., 'Labor Practices in the U.S. Construction Industry', 5.th International Congress ' Advances in Civil Engineering, September, 25-27, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey. - 2002
- 18. Eren, O., and Celik, T., 'Abrasion Resistance Machine for High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete', Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th Technical Congress, 1-3 November, 2000 Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 2000
- 19. Mohammed, A., and Celik, T., 'Construction Productivity Factors and Foreman Delay Surveys at Eastern Mediterranean University Campus Building Constructions', Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th Technical Congress, 1-3 November, 2000 Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 2000
- 20. Celik, T., Doven, A.G., Marar, K, and Eren, O., 'Yanmis Killerin Mineral Katki Olarak Ikamesinin Bazi Ozel Beton Ozelliklerine Olan Etkisi' Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th Technical Congress, 1-3 November, 2000 Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 2000
- 21. Marar, K., Ramyar, K., Eren, O, and Celik, T., 'Influence of Aggregate Grading, Fineness Modulus and Maximum Aggregate Size on the Compressive Strength of High Strength Concrete', Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th Technical Congress, 1-3 November, 2000 Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 2000
- 22. Marar, K., and Celik, T., 'Flexural Toughness Energy and Impact Energy of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete', Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th Technical Congress, 1-3 November, 2000 Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 2000
- 23. Celik, T., and Neap, H.S., 'How to Get Value for Invested Money in Construction?', Advances in Civil Engineering, 4th Technical Congress, 1-3 November, 2000 Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 2000
- 16. Dikbas, A., and Celik, T., 'Yapim Yonetim Sistemlerinin Kurgulandirilmasi; Bir Ornek: DAU Insaat Yapim Yonetim Sistemleri', Insaat Muhendisliginde Gelismeler, 3. Teknik Kongre, 15-16 Eylul, 1997, Ankara, Turkey. - 1997
- 17. Celik, T., and Eren, O., 'Cengelli Celik Liflerin Yuksek Mukavemetli Betona Etkisi', Insaat Muhendisliginde Gelismeler, 3. Teknik Kongre, 15-16 Eylul, 1997, Ankara, Turkey. - 1997
- 14. Celik, T., 'Applying an Expert System on Concrete Activities to Improve Concrete Quality', Concrete Technology in Developing Countries, 4th International Conference, 7-8 November, 1996, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 1996
- 15. Cark, A.I., Sumer, M., and Celik T., 'The Effects of Curing Temperature on Compressive Strength and Water Permeability of Concrete', Concrete Technology in Developing Countries, 4th International Conference, 7-8 November, 1996, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 1996
- 10. Celik, T., and Neap, H.S., 'Insaat Yonetiminde mal Sahibinin Onemi', Insaat Muhendisliginde Gelismeler, 2. Teknik Kongre, 18-20 Eylul, 1995, Istanbul, Turkey. - 1995
- 11. Celik, T., and Eren, O., 'Beton Mukavemet Degerlerinin Cekic ve Pundit Degerleri ile Karsilastirilmasi', Insaat Muhendisliginde Gelismeler, 2. Teknik Kongre, 18-20 Eylul, 1995, Istanbul, Turkey. - 1995
- 12. Ramyar, K., Celik, T., and Marar, K., 'Tas Tozunun Beton Ozelliklerine Olan Etkileri', Endustriyel Atiklarin Insaat sektorunde Kullanilmasi, 29-30 Kasim, 1995, Ankara, Turkey. - 1995
- 13. Celik, T., 'Kanalizasyon Kati Atiklarindan Uretilen Hafif Agregalar', ', Endustriyel Atiklarin Insaat sektorunde Kullanilmasi, 29-30 Kasim, 1995, Ankara, Turkey. - 1995
- 8. Eren, O., Celik, T., 'Uçucu Kül Betonlarının Kür Sıcaklığına Bağlı Olarak Değişen Donma Zamanları', Çukurova Üniversitesi, Mühendislik-Mimarlık Sempozyumu, 4-7 Nisan, 1994, Adana, Turkey. - 1994
- 9. Celik, T., and Eren, O., 'Degisik Ulkelerde Hazir Beton Kalite Kontrol Sistemleri', 3. Ulusal Beton Kongresi, 19-21 Ekim, 1994, Istanbul, Turkey. - 1994
- 5. Celik, T., 'Uzman Sistemler', Türkiye İnşaat Muhendisliği XI. Teknik Kongresi, 8-11 October, 1993, Istanbul, Turkey. - 1993
- 6. Marar, K., Eren, O., and Celik, T., 'Effects of Dust in Aggregates on Some Properties of Concrete', Advances in Civil Engineering, 25-27 October, 1993, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 1993
- 7. Tuna, M., Neap, H.S., and Celik, T., 'Implementation of Building Projects', Advances in Civil Engineering, 25-27 October, 1993, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. - 1993
- 4. Celik, T., 'Yüksek Dayanımlı Beton', 2. Ulusal Beton Kongresi, 27-30 May, 1991, Istanbul, Turkey. - 1991
- 2. Celik, T., 'KKTC'de Beton Kalitesi', Iyi Beton, 26-28 September, 1990, Nicosia, North Cyprus. - 1990
- 1. Celik, T., Thorpe, T., and McCaffer, R., 'Betonun Bakım ve Korunması Üzerine Geliştirilen bir Bilgisayar Programı', 1. Ulusal Beton Kongresi, 24-26 May, 1989, Istanbul, Turkey. - 1989
- 3. Celik, T., Marar, K., and Ekdal, M., 'KKTC'de Beton Agregaları', Iyi Beton, 26-28 September, Nicosia, North Cyprus.
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- 5. Ali Pourbozorgi, Tahir Çelik, 'Pipeline, CNG top Cyprus Gas Export Options', Oil and Gas Journal, Volume 112.11, pp 98-101, 03.11.2014. - 2014
- 4. Neap, H.S., and Celik, T., 'Value of A Product: A Definition', International Journal of Value-Based Management, No.12, 1999, pp 181-191. - 1999
- 3. Celik, T., and Bayasi, Z., 'Peformance of Clay-Blended Sludge Aggregate', Concrete International, Design and Construction, ACI, Vol.17, No.1, January 1995, pp 63-65. - 1995
- 2. Celik, T., Thorpe, T., and McCaffer, R., 'Desarollo de un Sistema Experto', Construccion y Technologia, Vol. 2, No. 20, 1990, pp 17-22. - 1990
- 1. Celik, T., Thorpe, T., and McCaffer, R., 'Development of an Expert System to Provide Advice on Concrete Production Procedures', Concrete International, ACI, August, 1989, pp 37-41. - 1989
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Amir H. Gandomi
Yönetilen Tezler
Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
- 34. 'Importance of Briefing Stage in Building Design Management', by Çeler Yurtsever, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2016. - 2016
- 31. 'Construction Project Cost Overrun and Time Delay: An Evaluation of Extent and Influential Factors', by Mahlet A. Heilemariam, Civil Engineering Department, Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 32. 'Importance of Lifecyce Cost Calculation in Construction Projects: Case Study o Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Nigeria', by Amina Baby Abubakar, Civil Engineering Department, Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 33. 'Investigating The Effects And Causes of Project Delay In The Construction Industry In Nigeria', by Oladela O. Micheal, Civil Engineering Department, Cyprus International University, 2015. - 2015
- 27. 'Health and Safety Management on Construction Sites' by Abdullah Raad Mohammed. Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2014. - 2014
- 28. 'Life Cycle Cost- Benefit Analysis of On-Shore LNG Projects versus CNG Projects For Small Reserves of Natural Gas A Case Study of Cyprus' by Ali Pourbozorgi. Engineering Business Management, University of Warwick, Warwick Manufacturing Group, 2014. - 2014
- 29. 'Application of Building Information Modeling in Bill of Quantity Calculations' by Aliye Dalcı. Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2014. - 2014
- 30. 'Improving Thermal Comfort in Building and Reducing the Indoor Air Temperature Fluctuation in Cyprus by Utilizing the Phase Change Materials', by Saeed Kamali. Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2014. - 2014
- 24. 'Integration between building information modeling ( BIM ) and energy performance modeling to analyze the effects of building shape and orientation on energy consumption', by Seyed Vahid Mirnoori, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2013. - 2013
- 25. 'Investigation of regulatory Risk Implications through cost benefit analysis: A water supply network case in Poland', by Rouhsen Tahere, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2013. - 2013
- 26. 'Effects of Cyprus Pozzolans on Concrete Properties', by Reza Nastaranpoor. Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2013. - 2013
- 21. 'Cost and Time Impacts of Reworks in Building a Reinforced Concrete Structure', by Sina Meshksar, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2012. - 2012
- 22. 'Computerized Life Cycle Cost Analysis', by Haefa Hamed, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2012. - 2012
- 23. 'BIM and Building Performance Modeling Integration in Minimizing the Annual Energy Demand of Typical Cypriot Dwellings', Yashar Mohamadi, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2012. - 2012
- 20. 'An Investigation on Time and Cost Overrun in Construction Projects', by Changiz Ahbab, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2011. - 2011
- 17. 'Cash flow diagramming in Line of Balance planning technique by using Mat Lab', by Alireza Bajgiran Tabakh, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2010. - 2010
- 18. 'An Expert System on Mobilization Activities of a Construction Site', by Hormoz Motameni, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2010. - 2010
- 19. 'Use of Pumice in Mortar and Rendering for Lightweight Building Blocks', by Osman İlter, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2010. - 2010
- 15. 'Feasibility Study of an Urban Toll Road: A Case Study', by Ahmad Haseeb Payab, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2009. - 2009
- 16. 'Investment appraisal of a Hydropower Plant constructed on the basis of a BOT Contract', by Faruk İbisevic, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2009. - 2009
- 14. 'Life cycle costing for external envelope of buildings', by Moin Naim, Civil Engineering Department, Near East University, 2006. - 2006
- 12. 'Optimization of Duration and Cost in Construction Planning', by Adnan A. Ido, Civil Engineering Department, Near East University, 2004. - 2004
- 13. 'Developing a Quality Management Process Approach to ISO 9000', by Yousef Baalousha, Civil Engineering Department, Near East University, 2004. - 2004
- 11. 'A Database Application on Analysis and Updating Unit Prices', by Mehmet Ali Egemen, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2000. - 2000
- 10. 'Effects of Using Higher Strength Steel on the Overall Cost of Reinforced Concrete Buildings', by Mustafa Tunar, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1999. (Co-supervisor). - 1999
- 9. 'An Investigation on the Effects of Calcined Clay on Some Properties of Concrete', by Mehmet Ali Kusoglu, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1997. - 1997
- 5. 'Life Cycle Costing for a Housing Project', by Gholamali Ajarlo, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1996. - 1996
- 6. 'Temperature Effects on High Strength Silica Fume Concrete', by Ahmet Ilkgun Cark, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1996. - 1996
- 7. 'A Study on Construction Safety Programs', by Baris Emin, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1996. - 1996
- 8. 'An Investigation on the Effects of Steel Fibers on Mechanical Protertiers of High Strength Concrete', by Muhammed Saadettin Abusalih, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1996. - 1996
- 2. 'Design and Selection of Formwork System by Using a Knowledge Based Expert System', by Mustafa Tuna, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1995. - 1995
- 3. 'Application of an Expert System on Construction Specifications', by Mehmet Erkul, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1995. - 1995
- 4. 'An Expert System Application on Unit Price Analysis for Building Construction', by Ibrahim Yitmen, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1995. - 1995
- 1. 'Effects of Crushed Stone Dust on Some Properties of Concrete', by Khalid Marar, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1994. - 1994
- 35. 'Quality Control in Nigerian Construction Industry', by Yakubu Goerge Warkaka, Civil Engineering Department, Cyprus International University (research is going on).
Yönetilen Doktora Tezleri
- 8. 'Construction Sustainability', by Neda Shahrara, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2015. - 2015
- 7. 'Data Warehouse application in Quality Management', by Alireza Rezai, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2011. - 2011
- 6. 'Application a Data Warehouse in analysis and adjustment of unit prices', by Yousef Baalousha, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2010. - 2010
- 5. 'Effect of Coarse Aggregate Size on Interfacial Cracking Under Uniaxial Compression', by Tulin Akcaoglu, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2001. (Co-supervisor). - 2001
- 4. 'Effects of Steel Fibers on Some Properties of Normal and High Strength Concrete', by Khalid Marar, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 2000. - 2000
- 2. 'Integration of Expert Systems with Value Management in Construction for Selection of External Envelope of Buildings', by Halil S. Neap, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1999. - 1999
- 3. 'Various Properties of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete', by Ozgur Eren, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1999. - 1999
- 1. 'An Integrated Knowledge Based System for Alternative Design, Cost Estimation and Productivity Analysis', by Abdulrezak Mohammed, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1998. - 1998
- 9. 'Impacts of Health and Safety Aspect on Briefing and Design Stage of Construction Projects', by Kemal Dirgen Tözer (research is going on).
- 10. 'Reducing Variations in Construction by using BIM', by Osman İlter, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University (Research is going on).
- 11. 'A Factor Analysis on Health and Safety Management Practices' by Moin Naim, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University (Research is going on).
- 12. 'Energy Efficient Buildings', by Yashar Mohammadi, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University (Research is going on).
- 13. 'Improving Safety Performance on Construction Sites by using BIM: A Case Study in Libya, by Abdussalam A. A. Elkakshofi, Civil Engineering Department, Cyprus International University (research is going on).
- 14. 'Potential Use of Seawage Sludge in the Production of Light Weight Aggregate in North Cyprus', by Osama Ayash, Civil Engineering Department, Cyprus International University (research is going on).
- Fiber Donatılı Uçucukül Çimento Hamurunun İnşaat Mühendisliği Uygulama Alanlarında Kullanım Olanakları, Proje No: 1991027 (İNTAG-650), TÜBİTAK Raporu, Haziran 2003. Proje Yürütücüsü: Ata Gürhan Döven. Projede yer alan kişiler: Prof Dr. Mehmet Tümay, Prof Dr. Tahir Çelik, Doç Dr. Emin Güçbilmez, İnş. Y.Müh Ayşe Pekrioğlu, İnş. Y.Müh. Ertuğ Aydın, İnş. Y.Müh. Eriş Uygar ve İnş. Y.Müh. Cem Eray Atak.
- The cost of re-settling the Turkish Cypriots in a solution based on the Annan plan, by Prof. Dr. Tahir Çelik, November 2003.
- Gayrimenkul Envanter projesi 2005: DAÜ, YDÜ ve GAÜ'nin katkıları ile Prof. Dr. Tahir Çelik'in koordinatörlüğünde KKTC'de bulunan tüm tapu kayıtlarının bilgisayar ortamına aktarılması.
- 1971-1978 : Ministry of Education of Republic of Turkey for B.Sc. study in Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- 1984-1985 : British Council Scholarship for M. Sc. study in UK.
- 1987-1989 : British Council Scholarship for Ph.D. study in UK.
- 1992-1992 : Fulbright Cyprus American Scholarship Program (CASP), scholarship for three months to join a research in San Diego State University, USA.
İdari Görevler
- Assistant Chairman, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern
- Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus. (1992 - 1993)
- Chairman, Civil Engineering Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus. (1993 - 1994)
- Consultant for technical affairs to Rector's Office, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus. (1994 - 1995)
- Vice Rector (Technical Affairs and Campus Development), Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus. (1995 - 2000)
- Director, School of Tourism and Hotel Management,
- Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus. (2001 - 2006)
- Vice Rector (Academic Affairs), Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus. (2006 - 2006)
- Founding President: Higher Education Planning, Evaluation,
- Accreditation and Coordination Council (YÖDAK). (2006 - 2007)
- Acting Rector: Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus. (2007 - 2008)
- Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Cyprus International University. (2013 --)