İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi

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Ofis CU238
Diğer bilgiler

Öz geçmiş

Öğrenim Durumu
  • Eastern Mediterranean University Tourism Faculty (Doktora, 2017)
  • Eastern Mediterranean University Tourism Faculty (Yüksek Lisans, 2012)
  • Delhi University Department of Germanic & Romance Studies (Lisans, 2010)

Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)

  • Fading Focus: Addressing the association between Challenge Stressors, Role Blurring, Insomnia, Fatigue, and Workplace cognitive failure. Evaluation & the Health Professions.47(3), 304–318. - 2024
  • Çevre bilincinin sonuçları. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management - 2022
  • The impacts of high-quality relationships on employee outcomes; evidence from restaurant staff in India - International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management - 2022
  • İş rotasyonunun çirkin tarafı, International Journal of Hospitality Management. - 2021
  • How Can Leaders Enhance Employees’ Psychological Capital? Testing the Mediation Effect of Person-Group and Person-Supervisor Fit. Tourism Management Perspectives. - 2020
  • The association of psychological capital, career adaptability and career competency among hotel frontline employees. Tourism Management Perspectives. - 2019
  • High-performance work practices and hotel customer-contact employee outcomes: the mediating role of career adaptability, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. - 2018
  • Does Work Engagement Mediate the Effects of Challenge Stressors on Job Outcomes? Evidence from the Hotel Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. - 2014

Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

  • Restaurants under COVID-19 knife - 2023
  • Impact Of Strategic Management Practices on Organizational Performance: Empirical Studies of Selected Firms in Libya, Advances in Decision Sciences - 2022
  • Unravelling the fuzzy predictors of stress at workplace, International Journal of Organizational Analysis - 2021
  • Hizmetkâr liderlik ve geç kalma tutumu arasındaki ilişki; kariyer uyumu ve işe yerleştirilmişliğin arabuluculuk etkisi. European Journal of Tourism Research - 2021
  • The impact of ethical leadership on counterproductivity among cabin crews. European Journal of Tourism Research. - 2020
  • The effect of job insecurity on employees’ job outcomes: the mediating role of job embeddedness, Journal of Management Development. - 2019

Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler

  • The Impacts of High-Quality Relationships, Evidence from Hotel Frontline Employees in Iran, 8th International Congress on Innovative Scientific Approaches November 23-24, 2022 Samsun, Turkiye - 2022
  • The association between job insecurity, work-related depression, and anger; mediation effect of solitary oriented behavior. Asia Pacific International Modern Sciences Congress, 12- 13 December 2020 Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines, College Of Subic Montessori - Subic Bay - 2021
  • The side effects of employee commitment, evidence from restaurant staff in India. - 2021
  • How to decrease mental health problems among service employees? evidence from the airline industry. Online International Conference on Applied Economy and Finance Extended with Social Science (e-ICOAEF VII), August 21-22th. - 2020
  • How to decrease mental health problems among service employees? evidence from the airline industry. Online International Conference on Applied Economy and Finance Extended with Social Science (e-ICOAEF VII), August 21-22th. - 2020
  • COVID-19, a game changer in tourism sector. EUROASIA Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends-VII, Baku Eurasian University, December 6-7-8. - 2020
  • Instagram: a Platform for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises for Cost Reduction. V. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & EXTENDED WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES (ICOAEF’19), April 9-11th, Kyrenia. North Cyprus. - 2019
  • Impact of personality on career development for generation Y chefs. V. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & EXTENDED WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES (ICOAEF’19), April 9-11th, Kyrenia. North Cyprus. - 2019
  • The Importance of Employees’ Psychological Capital and Career Competency in Hospitality Setting. V. International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & EXTENDED WITH SOCIAL SCIENCES (ICOAEF’19), April 9-11th, Kyrenia. North Cyprus. - 2019
  • Students’ academic mobility and gastronomic behavior in North Cyprus. International Mobility, Migration and Wellbeing Conference & Workshop (RENTRE-II), December 11-13th, Istanbul, Turkey. - 2019
  • Job insecurity, job embeddedness and their effects on hotel employees’ service recovery performance and quitting intentions. 7th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) conference, July 10-15th, Famagusta. North Cyprus. - 2017

Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

  • Uçuş Görevlileri Arasında Engelleme Stresleri, Kariyer Yaylası, İşle İlgili Depresyon ve Duygusal Tükenme, İşletme Araştirmalari Dergisi - 2021

Yazılan ulusal kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler

  • Uçuş Görevlileri Arasında Sosyal Dolaşmanın Nedeni ve Sonuçları - 2021
  • Ben yalnız bir kurdum; Ekip çalışması nasıl tehlikeye atılabilir - 2021
  • İş Özetleri: İş Teorisi Basitleştirildi - 2016
  • Vaka Çalışması Araştırma Yöntemleri - 2015
Yönetilen Tezler

Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri

  • Hannah Kuruwah - Effect of Organizational trust, ICT usage capacity, and Employee loyalty on Knowledge Sharing Behaviour - 2023
  • Negin Parsia - Impact of Social Media on Branding And Brand Reputation - 2023
  • Mojgan Zaeim - The Impact of Social Media on Restaurant Promotional Strategies - 2023
  • Adam Salihu Salihu - The Effect of Work Pressure on Absenteeism, Lateness, and Turnover Intentions: The Mediation Effect of Organizational Support - 2023
  • Mahad Yusuf Ali - Factors Affecting Utilization of Quality Care Services and Health Organization System in Mogadishu Somalia - 2023
  • Sophie-Ann Ingonabo Diete-Spiff - Yeşil Pazarlamada Reklamcılık ve Nijerya'da Tüketici Davranışını Nasıl Etkiler - 2022
  • Olatunbosun Ajibola Anwo - Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Awareness, Brand Knowledge and Brand Image: A Case of Nigeria Organizations - 2022
  • Emmanuel Ibikunle Atoyebi - Effect of Advertising on Purchasing Behavior - 2022
  • Erfan Sadri - Impact of Trust in Influencers and Influencer Reputation on Branding and Brand Reputation - 2022
  • Behnam Shafieyan - The Mediation Effect of Optimism in The Relationship Between Supervisor Support and Creative Performance in Restaurants and Cafés in North Cyprus - 2022
  • Lydia Maimunat Matthew Amedu - The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Visiting Intention for Landmarks in Nigeria - 2022
  • Cynthia Chiamaka Amarahobu - The Impact of Pharmacy Service and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty - 2022
  • Segun Anthony Olu - The Use of Celebrity Endorsement as a Marketing Tool: A Case Study of The Endorsement Partnership Between Kobe Bryant, Lionel Messi, Didier Drogba and Turkish Airlines - 2022
  • Sulaimon Kolawole Ogunsanya - A Study of Customer Value and Customer Loyalty in North Cyprus Supermarket Industry - 2022
  • Meisam Mahmoudian - İlişki Yönetimi Yetenekleri ve Pazarlama İnovasyonu Yoluyla Rekabet Gücünün Müşteri Değeri Yaratma Üzerindeki Etkisi (Örnek olay: Mahram Manufacturing Group) - 2021
  • Nuruddeen Muktar Abdullahi - Ödül ve Takdirin İş Tatmini ve Motivasyon Üzerindeki Etkisi - 2021
  • Amaka Milicent Paul - Marka Farkındalığı ve Dürtüsel Satın Alma Davranışı: Uluslararası Meşrubat Markalarının Örnek Olay İncelemesi - 2021
  • Abubakar Lawan Mustapha - Kariyer uyumu konusunda iş tanımı, kişi-uygunluğu ve süpervizör uyumu arasındaki ilişki: otel ve turizm sektörü vaka çalışması - 2021
  • Elie Ndombe Mukaya - İlişkisel pazarlamanın e-ticaret alanında ağızdan ağıza pazarlama üzerindeki etkisi - 2021
  • Amin Parkavousi - Çevrimiçi uygulamalara yönelik tüketici davranışının incelenmesi; Snapp vakası - 2021
  • Haya Basim - Online elektronik pazarlamanın hizmet kalitesi, güvenlik, müşteri memnuniyeti ve bağlılık üzerindeki etkisi Abu Dabi ticaret bankasına katılıyor - 2021
  • Hilary Ikhuoria Iyoha - Satış promosyonu, algılanan satıcı itibarı ve müşteri sadakati arasındaki ilişki - 2021
  • Clement Amadın Osaghae - Örgütsel bağlılığın belirleyicileri olarak duygusal zeka ve duygusal emek - 2021
  • Annie Rose Armande Dipita Mpondo - Akıllı telefonların tüketici satın alma kararında marka adının etkisi - 2021
  • Imane Moussaid - Organizasyon Uygun Hizmetler Satıyor Ambidexterity: Organizasyon Vatandaşlık Davranışının Etkisi (OCB) “Türkiye'deki Otel Hizmetleri Örnekleri” - 2021
  • Edirne Obatarhe - Check-in Uygulamalarının Bilinçsiz Pazarlamaya Faydası - 2021
  • Abida Abida - Pakistan otelcilik sektöründe e-pazarlama stratejilerinin araştırılması - 2020
  • Jones Ozemoya Aigbugwili - İş güvenliğinin çalışanların psikolojik sermayesi üzerindeki etkisi - 2020
  • Lafi Aljabbarin - Learn (ef) akademisine katılan çevrimiçi elektronik pazarlamanın müşteri memnuniyeti ve sadakati üzerindeki etkisi - 2020
Çalışma Alanları
  • Internal Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Human Resources Management, Leadership, Employees Psychological Wellbeing, Career Development. Organizational Behavior