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Öğrenim Durumu
- Kingston Üniversitesi, Londra Bilgisayar Bilimleri (Doktora, 2014)
- Kingston Üniversitesi, Londra Matematik (Lisans, 2010)
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Yarkıner, Z., Bahar, A., Sönmez, M., Kapan, E., Şahin, S., Köstekçi, E., & Erdeve, Ö. (2024). Incidence of medical device-related pressure injuries and identification of risk factors in the neonatal unit. Journal of Tissue Viability, 33(4), 916-922. - 2024
- Boynukalin, F. K., Tohma, Y. A., Yarkıner, Z., Gultomruk, M., Bozdag, G., Ozkavukcu, S., ... & Demir, B. (2024). Individualized luteal phase support in frozen-thawed embryo transfer after intramuscular progesterone administration might rectify live birth rate. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 15, 1412185 - 2024
- Raad, G., Tanios, J., Serdarogullari, M., Bazzi, M., Mourad, Y., Azoury, J., ... & Fakih, C. (2024). Mature oocyte dysmorphisms may be associated with progesterone levels, mitochondrial DNA content, and vitality in luteal granulosa cells. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 41(3), 795-813 - 2024
- Yarkiner, Z., Boynukalın, F. K., & Coban, Ö. (2024). Assessment of Repetitive Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) Cycles on Oocyte Donors: Impact on Oocyte Quality and Viable Embryo Yield. Reproductive Sciences, 31(9), 2615-2624. - 2024
- Achkar, M. E., Atieh, O., Ghadban, C., Awad, T., Ghadban, E., Grandjean, V., ... & Khalife, M. C. F. (2025). Preconceptional paternal obesity may increase the risk of congenital urogenital anomalies in offspring: A case–control study. Andrology, 13(1), 45-54. - 2024
- Boynukalin, F. K., Tohma, Y. A., Yarkıner, Z., Gultomruk, M., Bozdag, G., Ozkavukcu, S., ... & Demir, B. (2024). Individualized luteal phase support in frozen-thawed embryo transfer after intramuscular progesterone administration might rectify live birth rate. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 15, 1412185 - 2024
- Turgut, N. E., Boynukalin, F. K., Gultomruk, M., Yarkiner, Z., Abali, R., & Bahceci, M. (2024). From live birth to live birth: a strong correlation between the outcomes of first and second frozen-thawed euploid blastocyst transfers from sibling oocytes. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, - 2024
- Yarkıner, Z., Bahar, A., Sönmez, M., Kapan, E., Şahin, S., Köstekçi, E., & Erdeve, Ö. (2024). Incidence of medical device-related pressure injuries and identification of risk factors in the neonatal unit. Journal of Tissue Viability, 33(4), 916-922. - 2024
- Atieh, O., Azzi, N. M. J., Lteif, G. J., Atieh, N. A., Germanos, N. Y., Grandjean, V., ... & Raad, G. (2025). Paternal peri‐conceptional physical activity and the risk of congenital heart disease in offspring: A case–control study. Andrology, 13(1), 34-44. - 2024
- Achkar, M. E., Atieh, O., Ghadban, C., Awad, T., Ghadban, E., Grandjean, V., ... & Khalife, M. C. F. (2025). Preconceptional paternal obesity may increase the risk of congenital urogenital anomalies in offspring: A case–control study. Andrology, 13(1), 45-54. - 2024
- Boynukalin, F. K., Tohma, Y. A., Yarkiner, Z., Gultomruk, M., Findikli, N., Bahceci, M., & Demir, B. (2023). P-620 First step for personalized luteal support in frozen-thaw embryo transfer: Understanding the factors associated with serum progesterone concentrations on embryo transfer day. Human Repr - 2023
- Coban, O., Yarkiner, Z., Çal, T., Soykök, A., & Bankeroglu, H. (2023). P-160 Trophectoderm biopsy techniques with and without laser use and their contribution to PGT-A results in sibling embryos. Human Reproduction, 38(Supplement_1), dead093-523. - 2023
- Raad, G., Tanios, J., Yarkiner, Z., Bazzi, M., Mourad, Y., Azoury, J., ... & Fakih, C. (2023). P-142 Alterations in mitochondrial DNA levels in luteal granulosa cells may affect the morphology of mature oocytes and subsequently their fertilization potential: A retrospective multicenter study. Human - 2023
- Serdarogullari, M., Raad, G., Yarkiner, Z., Halksever, N., Bazzi, M., Cakmak, T., ... & Liperis, G. (2023). P-131 Predicting Embryo Utilisation Rate on Day 5 using an Artificial Neural Network: A Multicentre Retrospective Study. Human Reproduction, 38(Supplement_1), dead093-495. - 2023
- Raad, G., Fakih, F., Bazzi, M., Massaad, V., Nasrallah, E., Yarkiner, Z., ... & Fakih, C. (2023). Lactobacillus plantarum secretions may exert a cryoprotective effect on human sperm motility: A prospective in vitro study. Andrology, 11(7), 1437-1450. - 2023
- Coban, O., Serdarogullari, M., Pervaiz, R., Soykok, A., Yarkiner, Z., & Bankeroglu, H. (2023). Effect of paternal age on assisted reproductive outcomes in ICSI donor cycles. Andrology, 11(3), 515-522. - 2023
- Boynukalin, F. K., Abali, R., Gultomruk, M., Demir, B., Yarkiner, Z., Karlikaya, G., ... & de Ziegler, D. (2023). Subcutaneous progesterone administration provides a similar ongoing pregnancy rate compared with intramuscular progesterone administration in hormone replacement therapy frozen embryo tr - 2023
- Bahar, A., Atalay, B., & Yarkiner, Z. (2023). Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of Diabetic Foot Self-Care Questionnaire of the University of Malaga (DFSQUMA). The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, 15347346231209205. - 2023
- Serdarogullari, M., Raad, G., Yarkiner, Z., Bazzi, M., Mourad, Y., Alpturk, S., ... & Liperis, G. (2023). Identifying predictors of Day 5 blastocyst utilization rate using an artificial neural network. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 47(6), 103399. - 2023
- Turgut, N. E., Boynukalin, F. K., Gultomruk, M., Yarkiner, Z., Abali, R., & Bahceci, M. (2023). The number of prior pregnancy losses does not impact euploidy rates in young patients with idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 308(5), 1567-1575. - 2023
- El Ahdab, J., Kallab, K., Yarkiner, Z., Helwe, S., Mattar, H., & Raad, G. (2023). Exploring behavioral systems of the reinforcement sensitivity theory in people with epilepsy: A cross-sectional study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 147, 109394. - 2023
- Özdamar, Ö., Boynukalin, F. K., Gültomruk, M., Yarkiner, Z., Findikli, N., & Bahceci, M. (2023). Impact of trophoectoderm biopsy for preimplantation genetic testing on serum β-hCG levels, time of delivery and birthweight following frozen embryo transfer cycles. Gynecological Endocrinology, 39(1), 22 - 2023
- Raad, G., Serdarogullari, M., Bazzi, M., Massaad, V., Nasrallah, E., Yarkiner, Z., ... & Fakih, C. (2022). Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum secretions on human semen cryopreservation: a prospective auto-controlled in vitro study. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 45, e12-e13. - 2022
- Coban, O., Serdarogullari, M., Yarkiner, Z., & Bankeroglu, H. (2022). Investigation of the deterministic value of presence of visible spindle on fertilization and blastocytes utilization potential in frozen/thawed oocyte cycle. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 45, e11. - 2022
- Raad, G., Serdarogullari, M., Yarkiner, Z., Bazzi, M., Mourad, Y., Fakih, F., & Fakih, C. (2022, July). Multivariate analysis identifies oxidative stress levels and acrosome status of motile spermatozoa as independent predictors of motile sperm hyaluronan binding ability. In HUMAN REPRODUCTION (Vol. - 2022
- Abali, R., Boynukalin, F. K., Gultomruk, M., Yarkiner, Z., & Bahceci, M. (2021, July). Correlation between the first euploid frozen-thawed blastocyst embryo transfer (FBT) and the subsequent euploid FBT outcome originating from the same cohort of oocytes. In HUMAN REPRODUCTION (Vol. 36, pp. 204-205) - 2021
- Boynukalin, F. K., Abali, R., Gultomruk, M., Demir, B., Yarkiner, Z., Karlikaya, G., & Bahceci, M. (2021, July). Does subcutaneous progesterone (SC-P) administration eliminate the necessity of serum progesterone level monitoring in frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles?. In HUMAN REPRODUCTION (Vol. 36 - 2021
- Abali, R., Boynukalin, F. K., Gultomruk, M., Yarkiner, Z., & Bahceci, M. (2021, July). Correlation between the first euploid frozen-thawed blastocyst embryo transfer (FBT) and the subsequent euploid FBT outcome originating from the same cohort of oocytes. In HUMAN REPRODUCTION (Vol. 36, pp. 204-205) - 2021
- Boynukalin, F. K., Abali, R., Gultomruk, M., Demir, B., Yarkiner, Z., Karlikaya, G., & Bahceci, M. (2021, July). Does subcutaneous progesterone (SC-P) administration eliminate the necessity of serum progesterone level monitoring in frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles?. In HUMAN REPRODUCTION (Vol. 36 - 2021
- Boynukalin, F. K., Abalı, R., Gultomruk, M., Yarkiner, Z., Mutlu, A., & Bahceci, M. (2021). Which factors affect the likelihood of miscarriage after single euploid blastocyst transfer?. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 42(6), 1187-1195. - 2021
- Boynukalin, F. K., Gultomruk, M., Turgut, N. E., Rubio, C., Rodrigo, L., Yarkiner, Z., ... & Bahceci, M. (2021). The impact of patient, embryo, and translocation characteristics on the ploidy status of young couples undergoing preimplantation genetic testing for structural rearrangements (PGT-SR) by - 2021
- Turgut, E. N., Ecemis, S., Boynukalin, K. F., Gultomruk, M., Yarkiner, Z., Findikli, N., & Bahceci, M. (2021). Being on the side of old findings: progesterone elevation on the day of oocyte maturation induction does not affect embryological parameters throughout the blastocyst culture period. Archiv - 2021
- Karlikaya, G., Boynukalın, K., Yarkıner, Z., Karakış, L. S., & Bahçeci, M. (2021). OVULASYON TETİKLEME GÜNÜ YÜKSEK PROGESTERON DEĞERİNİN, GELİŞEN EMBRİYO ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ; KROMOZOMAL PERSPEKTİF. Jinekoloji-Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi, 18(3), 965-972. - 2021
- Boynukalin, F. K., Yarkiner, Z., Gultomruk, M., Turgut, N. E., Ecemis, S., Findikli, N., & Bahceci, M. (2021). Elevation of progesterone on the trigger day exerts no carryover effect on live birth in freeze-all cycles. Gynecological Endocrinology, 37(4), 367-371. - 2020
- Karlıkaya, G., Boynukalin, F. K., Gultomruk, M., Kavrut, M., Abalı, R., Demir, B., ... & Bahceci, M. (2021). Euploidy rates of embryos in young patients with good and low prognosis according to the POSEIDON criteria. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 42(4), 733-741. - 2020
- Serdarogullari, M., Coban, O., Yarkiner, Z., Yilmaz, S. G., Akdeniz, T., & Isbir, T. (2021). 5-Alfa reductase type 2 (SRD5A2) gene rs523349 polymorphism is not associated with non-obstructive azoospermia in Turkish patients. Zygote, 29(2), 118-121. - 2020
- Turgut, E. N., Boynukalın, F. K., Gültomruk, M., Yarkıner, Z., & Bahçeci, M. (2020). Comparison of intramuscular versus subcutaneous aqueous progesterone for luteal phase support in artificially prepared frozen embryo transfer cycles. Turk J Obstet Gynecol, 17(4), 240-246. - 2020
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Tohma, Y. A., Boynukalin, K., Gultomruk, M., Akkaya, C. M., Yarkiner, Z., Bahceci, M., & Bozdag, G. (2024). P-278 The impact of previous pituitary suppression protocols on IVF outcomes in patients with endometriosis undergoing freeze-all approach. Human Reproduction, 39(Supplement_1), deae108-646. - 2024
- Boynukalin, F. K., Tohma, Y. A., Gultomruk, M., Yarkıner, Z., Bahceci, M., & Gurkan, B. (2024). O-316 Clinical application of PGT-A for recurrent pregnancy loss, what effects live birth after single euploid blastocyst transfer?. Human Reproduction, 39(Supplement_1), deae108-373. - 2024
Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Tözer, K. D., Gürcanlı, G. E., & Yarkıner, Z. (2022). Analysis of workday losses due to falls from scaffoldings in the construction industry. Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation, 5(1), 15-27. - 2022
- Yarkiner, Z., & Rabbani, M. (2020, September). Adaption of E-learning during the covid-19 pandemic: An international analysis of health students’ perspective. In Proceedings of the International Online Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (pp. 1-10). - 2021
- Bilimsel Yayın Ödülü (2024)
Çalışma Alanları
- Matematik, İstatistik, Tıbbi İstatistik, Biyoistatistik
İdari Görevler
- Vice Dean (2019-2021)
- Faculty Coordinator (2021-2024)