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Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- Mbelu, Okechukwu Ernest, et al. "Energy evaluation for a dynamic and reconfigurable TWDM‐PON on a novel network traffic adaptable pattern." International Journal of Communication Systems (2024): e5998. - 2024
- More about the '-' mixing angle in QCD sum rule, K. Zeynali and V. Bashiry 2017 EPL 119 21002 - 2017
- A. Abbasi, V. Bashiry, Measurement of radium-226 concentration and dose calculation of drinking water samples in Guilan province of Iran, IJRR, 2016 - 2016
- Bashiry, V. A. L. I. "Study of χc0 (1P)→ J/ψγ and χb0 (1P)→ Υ (1S) γ Decays via QCD Sum Rules." Advances in High Energy Physics 2014.1 (2014): 432903. - 2014
- Zeynali, K., V. Bashiry, and F. Zolfagharpour. "Form factors and decay rate of Bc* Dsl+ l-decays in the QCD sum rules." The European Physical Journal A 50.8 (2014): 127. - 2014
- Abbasi, A., and V. Bashiry. "Strong coupling constant of vector bottomonium to the pseudoscalar and vector B c mesons via QCD sum rules." The European Physical Journal A 49 (2013): 1-7. - 2014
- Zeynali, K., V. Bashiry, and F. Zolfagharpour. "Form factors and decay rate of $ B_c^\ast\rightarrow D_ {s}~ l^+ l^-$ decays in the QCD sum rules." arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.0526 (2014). - 2014
- Bashiry, V., and A. Abbasi. "Strong coupling constant of h_ b hb vector to the pseudoscalar and vector B_ c B c mesons in QCD sum rules." The European Physical Journal C 74 (2014): 1-6. - 2013
- Kaka, Ademola O., et al. "Modified Hilbert fractal geometry, multi‐service, miniaturized patch antenna for UWB wireless communication." COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering 31.6 (2012): 1835-1849. - 2012
- Bashiry, Vali, and Kazem Azizi. "Systematic analysis of the B s→ f 0 ℓ+ ℓ− in the universal extra dimension." Journal of High Energy Physics 2012.2 (2012): 1-16. - 2012
- Bashiry, V. "Mass and decay constant of the recently observed bound state hb (1 P)." Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84.7 (2011): 076008. - 2011
- Bashiry, Vali, Kazem Azizi, and Saleh Sultansoy. "Masses and decay constants of bound states containing fourth family quarks from QCD sum rules." Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84.3 (2011): 036006.11 - 2011
- Bashiry, Vali, Melahat Bayar, and Kazem Azizi. "A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON B→ K* ℓ+ ℓ-AND DECAYS IN THE SUPERSYMMETRIC MODELS." Modern Physics Letters A 26.12 (2011): 901-911. - 2011
- Daĝ, H., Kazem Azizi, and Vali Bashiry. "Investigation of P-wave scalar and S-wave pseudo-scalar charmonia semileptonic transitions to the Ds (D) meson in QCD." Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 37.7 (2010): 075005. - 2010
- Aliev, Takhmasib Mamed, Kazem Azizi, and Vali Bashiry. "On the mass and decay constant of K* 2 (1430) tensor meson." Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 37.2 (2010): 025001. - 2010
- Bashiry, V., N. Shirkhanghah, and K. Zeynali. "CP Violation in Λb→ Λℓ+ ℓ− Decay in the Four–Generation Standard Model." Chinese Physics Letters 27.4 (2010): 041201. - 2010
- Bashiry, Vali, and Kazem Azizi. "Forward-backward asymmetry, branching ratio and rate difference between electron and muon channels of B→ K 1 (K*) ℓ+ ℓ− transition in supersymmetric models." Journal of High Energy Physics 2010.1 (2010): 1-18. - 2010
- Bashiry, V., N. Shirkhanghah, and K. Zeynali. "CP violation, single lepton polarization asymmetry, and polarized CP asymmetry in B→ K* ℓ+ ℓ-decay in the four-generation standard model." Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80.1 (2009): 015016. - 2009
- Bashiry, V., and K. Zeynali. "Exclusive B {yields}{pi} l {sup+} l {sup-} and B {yields}{rho} l {sup+} l {sup-} decays in the universal extra dimension." Physical Review. D, Particles Fields 79.3 (2009). - 2009
- Bashiry, V. "Lepton polarization in B-> K {sub 1} l {sup+} l {sup-} decays." Journal of High Energy Physics 6 (2009). - 2009
- Bashiry, V., M. Bayar, and K. Azizi. "Double-lepton polarization asymmetries and polarized forward backward asymmetries in the rare b {yields} sl {sup+} l {sup-} decays in a single universal extra dimension scenario." Physical Review. D, Particles Fields 78.3 (2008). - 2008
- 21. V. Bashiry Indirect Search For The Fourth Generation Of Quarks And Leptons AIP Conf. Proc. 1006 2008 - 2008
- 22. K. Zeynali and V. Bashiry Exclusive B ' ' l l- Decay in the Standard Model with Fourth--Generation quarks Phys. Rev. D 78 2008 - 2008
- 23. K. Azizi, F. Falahati, V. Bashiry and S. M. Zebarjad Analysis of the Rare B_c ' D_{s,d}^{*} l l- Decays in QCD Phys. Rev. D 77 2008 - 2008
- 24. K. Azizi, R. Khosravi and V. Bashiry QCD sum rules analysis of the rare Bc 'X '\bar {' } decays Eur. Phys. J. C 56 2008 - 2008
- 26. V. Bashiry, S. M. Zebarjad, F. Falahati and K. Azizi The Effects of Fourth Generation on the double Lepton Polarization in B ' K l l- decay J. Phys. G 35 2008 - 2008
- 28. F. Zolfagharpour and V. Bashiry Double Lepton Polarization in 'b ' ' l l- Decay in the Standard Model with Fourth Generations Scenario Nucl. Phys. B 796 2008 - 2008
- 25. K. Azizi and V. Bashiry QCD sum rule analysis of the rare radiative B(c) ' D(s)* ' decay Phys. Rev. D 76 2007 - 2007
- 27. V. Bashiry and K. Zeynali Analysis of the B' ' l l- Decay in the Standard Model with Fourth Generation JHEP 0712 2007 - 2007
- 29. V. Bashiry and K. Azizi The effects of fourth generation in single lepton polarization on 'b ' ' l l- decay JHEP 0707 2007 - 2007
- 30. V. Bashiry CP-violation in b ' s l l- transition beyond the standard model J. Phys. G32 2006 - 2006
- 31. V. Bashiry B/c ' '' l ' decay and lepton polarization asymmetry Eur. Phys. J. C 47, 2006 - 2006
- 33. T. M. Aliev, V. Bashiry and M. Savci Exclusive B ' ' l l- decay and polarized lepton pair forward-backward asymmetries Phys. Rev. D 73 2006 - 2006
- 32. T. M. Aliev, V. Bashiry and M. Savci Double-lepton polarization asymmetries in the exclusive B ' ' l l- decay beyond the standard model Phys. Rev. D 72 2005 - 2005
- 34. T. M. Aliev, V. Bashiry and M. Savci Polarized forward-backward asymmetries of leptons in Bs' l l- gamma decay Eur. Phys. J. C 40 2005 - 2005
- 35. T. M. Aliev, V. Bashiry and M. Savci Double-lepton polarizations in B ' l l- ' decay Phys. Rev. D 71 2005 - 2005
- 37. T. M. Aliev, V. Bashiry and M. Savci Forward-backward asymmetries in 'b ' ' l l- decay beyond the standard model Nucl. Phys. B 709 2005 - 2005
- 38. V. Bashiry Lepton polarization asymmetry in B ' l l- decay beyond the standard model Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 2005 - 2005
- 36. T. M. Aliev, V. Bashiry and M. Savci Double-lepton polarization asymmetries in 'b ' ' l l- decay Eur. Phys. J. C 38 2004 - 2004
- 39. T. M. Aliev, V. Bashiry and M. Savci Polarized lepton pair forward-backward asymmetries in B ' K* l l- decay beyond the standard model JHEP 0405 2004 - 2004
- 40. T. M. Aliev, V. Bashiry and M. Savci Double-lepton polarization asymmetries in the B ' K l l- decay beyond the standard model Eur. Phys. J. C 35 2004 - 2004
- Measurement Of Radium-226 Concentration And Dose Calculation Of Drinking Water Samples In Guilan Province Of Iran
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- V. Bashiry, K. Azizi, S. Sultansoy, Properties of bound states containing fourth family quarks, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 347, 2012. - 2012
- A. Kaka, M. Toycan, V. Bashiry, S. Abbasoglu, Multi-band and miniaturized antenna design for ultra wide band applications with band rejection characteristic, 'Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2012 20th . - 2012
- A. Kaka, M. Toycan, V. Bashiry, H. Ademgil, A fractal geometry, multi-band, miniaturized monopole antenna design for UWB wireless applications,'Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), 2011 IEEE-APS Topical Conference, Torino, Italy ', 2011 - 2011
- A. Kaka, M. Toycan, V. Bashiry, H. Ademgil, Design of a low-loss and multi-band fractal-based antenna for ultra wide band communication, 'Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU), 2011 IEEE 19th Conference , Antalya, Turkey', 2011 - 2011
- V. Bashiry, Indirect Search For The Fourth Generation Of Quarks And Leptons AIP Conf. Proc. 1006, 2008 - 2008
- V. Bashiry, Exclusive and Inclusive Rare B Meson Decays with the Effects of Unparticles 'Proceeding of International workshop on new trends in sciens and technology, Ankara, Turkey, 2008' - 2008
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