Fen- Edebiyat Fakültesi
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Diğer bilgiler
Öz geçmiş
Öğrenim Durumu
- Washington University in St. Louis PhD in Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis (Doktora, 2013)
- University of Missouri-Kansas City BSc in Biology (Major), Chemistry (Minor) (Lisans, 2006)
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
- CoronaVac, BNT162b2, ChAdOx1 COVID-19 aşılarından sonra SARS-CoV-2 anti-spike reseptör bağlanma alanı IgG antikor tepkisi ve tek bir rapel doz karşılaştırılması : ileriye dönük, boylamsal popülasyona dayalı bir çalışma - 2022
- COVID-19: Yeni SARS-CoV-2 varyantları Çağında, Virüs Patogenezi, Terapi Stratejileri ve Aşı Dizaynı Hakkında Yapısal Yaklaşımlar - 2021
- Allium willeanum Holmboe'nun metastatik meme kanseri hücreleri MCF-7 ve MDA-MB-231 üzerindeki antikanser aktiviteler - 2021
- COVID-19 Kapanma Sürecinde Kuzey Kıbrıs'ın Özgün Durumu - 2021
- Volkan, E., & Volkan, E. (2020). Under the COVID-19 lockdown: Rapid review about the unique case of North Cyprus. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(5), 539-541. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/tra0000809 - 2020
- O Isbilen, N Rizaner, E Volkan. Anti-proliferative and cytotoxic activities of Allium autumnale P. H. Davis (Amaryllidaceae) on human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2018; 18 (30), 1-13 - 2018
- Thieng Pham, Nadine S. Henderson, Gilles Phan, Ender Volkan, Scott Hultgren, Gabriel Waksman, David G. Thanassi, Anne H. Delcour, 'Electrophysiological Analysis of PapC Mutants Provides Insights into the Mechanism of Plug Displacement' (2014), Biophysical Journal. 01/2014; 106(2):557a. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.11.3098 - 2013
- Volkan, E, Kalas V, Pinkner JS, Dodson KW, Henderson NS, Pham T, Waksman G, Delcour AH, Thanassi DG, Hultgren SJ., (2013), 'Molecular Basis of Usher Pore Gating in Escherichia coli Pilus Biogenesis.' , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 110(51):20741-6. - 2013
- Volkan, E., Ford B, Pinkner, J., Dodson, K., Henderson, N., Thanassi, D., Waksman, G., Hultgren, S., (2012). "Domain activities of PapC usher reveal the mechanism of action of an Escherichia coli molecular machine." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109(24): 9563-9568. - 2012
- Ford, B., Verger, D., Dodson, K., Volkan, E., Kostakioti, M., Elam, J., Pinkner, J., Waksman, G., Hultgren, S., (2012). "The Structure of the PapD-PapGII Pilin Complex Reveals an Open and Flexible P5 Pocket." J Bacteriol 194(23): 6390-6397 - 2012
- Phan G, Remaut H, Wang T, Allen W, Pirker K, Lebedev A, Henderson N, Geibel S, Volkan E, Yan J, Kunze M, Pinkner J, Ford B, Kay C, Li H, Hultgren S, Thanassi D, Waksman G, (2011). 'Crystal structure of the FimD usher bound to its cognate FimC-FimH substrate." Nature 474(7349): 49-53 - 2011
Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
- Allium Species in the Fight Against Cancer, Isbilen, O; Volkan, E; Cancer Therapy, MedDocs Publishers, 2020, ISBN 978-81-936678-8-0 - 2020
- Volkan, E., Kalas,V.,Hultgren, S.,'Pili and Fimbriae of Gram-Negative Bacteria', Molecular Medical Microbiology, 2nd Edition, 147-162, Elsevier Science, Nov 26, 2014. - 2014
- Kalas,V.*, Volkan, E.*, Hultgren, S., 'Adhesive pili of the Chaperone-Usher Pathway' Escherichia coli, Pathotypes and Principles of Pathogenesis 2e, 361-387, Elsevier Science, Aug 5, 2013. - 2013
- Microbiological approaches to Treating Cancer E Volkan, O Isbilen Cancer Therapy, 1-7, Meddocs Publisher
Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
- Allium sativum L.'nin MCF-7 ve MDA-MB-231 Kaspaz-3 ve Kaspaz-9 Aktivitesine Bağlı Meme Kanseri Hücre Hatlarına Karşı Antikanser Aktiviteleri - 2020
- Djamgoz MBA, Akun E, Arslan B, Onbaşı R, İşbilen Ö, Kavaz D, Volkan E, Rizaner N. Cancer in North Cyprus: 2. Biomedical Research Activities.Cyprus J Med Sci 2017; 2: 13-18 - 2017
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- In vitro anticancer activity of Allium sativum L. against MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cell lines via caspase-3 and caspase-9 mediated pathway, WOCMAP 2019, Ovgu Isbilen , Ender Volkan - 2019
- Allium willeanum Holmboe exhibits in vitro antimetastatic, antiproliferative activities in a caspase-3 and caspase- 9 mediated manner on human breast cancer cell lines, WOCMAP 2019, Ovgu Isbilen , Ender Volkan - 2019
- Antimicrobial and Biofilm Inhibitory Activities of Allium orientale Boiss on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, WOCMAP 2019, Ovgu Isbilen , Ender Volkan - 2019
- Pham T., Henderson N., Phan G., Volkan E., Hultgren S., Waksman, G., Thanassi, D., Delcour A., Electrophysiological Analysis of PapC Mutants Provides Insights into the Mechanism of Plug Displacement, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2014. - 2014
- Volkan E., et al., Novel activities of isolated domains revel the mechanisms of action of PapC Usher. ASM General Meeting, Convention Center, San Francisco, CA, 2012. - 2012
- Volkan E., et al., Usher pore gating and Uropathogenic E. Coli Pilus Biogenesis. ASM General Meeting, Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, 2011. - 2011
- Volkan, E., et al. PapD Revisited: An investigation of conserved surfaces of the periplasmic chaperone of P pili in Uropathogenic E. coli leads to observed molecular mimicry with the C terminal domain of the usher PapC. ASM General Meeting, Convention Center, San Diego, CA, 2010. - 2010
- Volkan, E., et al. PapD Revisited: An investigation of conserved surfaces of the periplasmic chaperone of P pili in Uropathogenic E. coli leads to observed molecular mimicry with the C terminal domain of the usher PapC. Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference, Saint Louis, MO, USA, 2010. - 2010
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
- Samarkina, A., van Eyssen, S., Volkan, E, 'Differential Anticancer Effects of Scytosiphon Lomentaria and Zostera Marina on Human Breast Cancer Adenocarcinoma MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 Cell Lines', International Muldtidisciplinary Symposium on Drug Research and Development (IMSDRD), 2015, Eskişehir, Turkey - 2015
- Samarkina, A., van Eyssen, S., Volkan, E., 'Toxicity, Adhesion and Invasion of Highly and Lowly Metastatic Human Breast Cancer Cells by Uropathogenic Escherichia coli UTI-89 Strain', International Muldtidisciplinary Symposium on Drug Research and Development (IMSDRD), 2015, Eskişehir, Turkey - 2015
- Volkan, E., Hultgren, S., 'Chaperone-Usher Pilus Assembly Mechanisms and Antivirulence Therapeutics', Fourth International Meeting on Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014. - 2014
- Zeden,M.S., Hultgren, S. Volkan, E.,, 'Pros and Cons of Pilus: A target for Antivirulence Therapeutics and and Unlikely Player in the Fight Against Cancer', Fourth International Meeting on Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014. - 2014
- Zeden,M.S.,. Volkan, E.,, 'Specific Killing of Highly Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells by Type 1 Piliated Escherichia coli', Fourth International Meeting on Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014. - 2014
- Zeden,M.S., Hultgren, S. Volkan, E.,, 'Pros and Cons of Pilus: A target for Antivirulence Therapeutics and and Unlikely Player in the Fight Against Cancer', 17th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium (IPTS), Antalya, Turkey, 2014 - 2014
Diğer yayınlar
- Volkan, E., 'Lejyoner Hastalığına Dikkat', Halkın Sesi Gazetes, 20 Mayıs 2015 - 2015
Yönetilen Tezler
Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
- Alternative Therapies and Antivirulence Factors for Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections- Gizem Behlül, 2016 - 2016
- Legionella and Microbial Contamination Awareness In Cyprus: Importance of Legionella in Pharmaceutical Approaches, Complications, Treatment and Prevention Methods - Açelya Coşar, 2016 - 2016
- Antimicrobial and Biofilm Inhibitory Activities of Allium orientale Boiss on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
- The antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activity of Ficus carica L extract on pathogenic bacteria.
Yönetilen Doktora Tezleri
- Anti-proliferative and cytotoxic activities of Allium autumnale P. H. Davis (Amaryllidaceae) on human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231.
- Chaperone Usher Pili içeren Gram-negatif bakterilerin MDA-MB-231 yüksek metastazlı meme kanseri hücreleri ile etkileşimi.
- Akdenizden izole edilen alg türlerinin MDA-MB-231 yüksek metastazlı meme kanseri hücreleri ile etkileşimi.
- Pilüslü ve Pilüssüz Üropatojenik E. coli ile MDA-MB-231 yüksek metastazlı meme kanseri hücrelerinin etkileşimi.
- KKTC kullanım sularında Legionella spp. bakterilerin tetkiki ve kontrolu.
- Anti-proliferative and cytotoxic activities of Allium autumnale P. H. Davis (Amaryllidaceae) on human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231.